Keywords in the Preamble

The Preamble lays forth the document's core purposes. In this article, we will learn about the keywords in the preamble.

In the preamble of the Indian Constitution, a list of the keywords in the preamble of Indian constitution include republic, justice, liberty, equality, secular, socialist, sovereign, democratic, and fraternity, that describe the state’s character and aspirations. To clarify the ambiguous language of the Indian Constitution and provide guidance in its legal interpretation, the Preamble has mentioned the core purposes of the document. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is often referred to as the “Heart” of the document. Over here, we will discuss all the keywords of the preamble.

Keywords in the Preamble


  • In the context of both internal and external affairs, the word ‘Sovereign’ means that individuals have sole authority to make decisions.
  • Foreign governments cannot force their will on India.
  • It shows that India is an independent country, not dependent on another.


  • Socialism is something in which all community members have equal access to the many facets of the generation of resources, distribution, and commerce.
  • In a democracy, this kind of ownership is possible.
  • Socialism can also be demonstrated through a cooperative system in which each member of the society owns a share of the shared resources.
  • It has some advantages and disadvantages as well.


  • Among the list of the keywords in the preamble of Indian constitution, all of which embody the positive concept of secularism, according to which all of India’s religions (regardless of their strength) enjoy the same status and support from the government.


  • A democratic polity is predicated on popular sovereignty, which states that the people have absolute control over their government.
  • To ensure that the executive is held accountable for its policies and actions, India’s constitution established a parliamentary democracy with a representative executive branch.
  • Democracy in India manifests itself through universal adult voting, regular elections, the rule of law, the judiciary being independent, and no discrimination on certain grounds.
  • “Democracy” is defined in the preamble of indian constitution by the term “democratic.


  • Both monarchy and republic are forms of a democratic democracy.
  • A monarchy has a hereditary head of state (often the king or queen), which implies that he or she is elected by succession, as in the United Kingdom.
  • In contrast, in a republic, such as the United States, the head of state is always elected for a specific period of time, whether directly or indirectly.
  • Since India has an elected president, the term “republic” is used in our Preamble. For a set term of five years, he is chosen through a different channel.


  • There is a list of the keywords in the preamble of indian constitution, that includes Justice as well.
  • Justice is more than just a legal concept. The phrase ‘political’ is preceded by social and ‘economic,’ which is significant.
  • Social justice demands an end to discrimination based on one’s race, ethnicity, gender, or religion.
  • All citizens should have equal access to public employment opportunities to achieve this goal.
  • The government must work to ensure that the people’s interests as a whole are served.
  • When it comes to social justice, the Preamble’s vision of a welfare state is expressed in the Directive Principles.


  • Democracy is strongly linked to the principle of liberty, which necessitates that all citizens in a community have access to a set of basic rights.
  • The Preamble of the Indian Constitution defines a list of the keywords in the preamble of Indian constitution and it includes Liberty as well. These fundamental rights are for freedom of thought, expression, religion, faith, and worship. 
  • There are some constraints on this freedom, guaranteed in the chapter on Fundamental Rights, because democracy can’t function without a proper balance between liberty and licence.


  • Without equal distribution among all members of society, rights have no real significance.
  • The establishment of social and economic equality is necessary to ensure that these rights can be enjoyed by all.
  • Governments are barred from discriminating against citizens purely based on caste, race, sex, or religion by the Fundamental Rights.
  • Everyone has access to public spaces, honorifics have been abolished, and untouchability has been eradicated.


  • For example, the country’s residents feel a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood with each other, as well as an attachment to the nation.
  • Human dignity and national unity and integrity are two of the fraternity’s goals, as stated in the Preamble.
  • The Preamble of the Constitution has been amended by the 42nd Amendment to include the word “integrity” (1976).


The Preamble of the Indian Constitution defines the character of the state. The list of the keywords in the preamble of Indian constitution includes, secular, socialist, sovereign, democratic, fraternity, republic, justice, liberty, equality. India’s Preamble states that the government should strive for the common good of all its citizens to ensure social and economic justice for all. The Directive Principles’ concept of a welfare state is an embodiment of instructions for attaining the social justice envisioned in the PREAMBLE. The 42nd Constitutional Amendment adds ‘integrity’ to the Preamble (1976).


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