Constitution of India Bill,1895

This article will highlight the concept of Constitution of India Bill,1895 along with significance and difference

Constitution of India Bill,1895 is one of the most important and significant documents, which has great significance for the nation. It talks about some important parameters to be maintained by a country as well as provides guidance to construct such a country.

Hence reading this article will help you get an idea about what the Constitution of India Bill, 1895 implies on various fronts.

What is the Constitution of India Bill, 1885? 

Definition of Constitution of India bill, 1895:

This was the first official attempt to make a study about the need for a constitution for the Indian people. The Constitution of India is the most important and significant document which guides the functioning of a country in terms of its politics and economics or management.

Thus this bill provided a clear mechanism to construct such an entity that could be self-reliant and that has necessary parameters to run smoothly in front of other countries. Reason behind drafting this document:

There are many reasons for drafting this bill, Some important ones are :

1) To establish rule of law and order in the country which was the need at that time.

2) To provide the proper guidance and direction to the citizens of this country

3) To provide a systematic mechanism to build a suitable constitution that can be followed by countries who are aspiring to be developed.

Significance and Difference: 


The significance of drafting this bill was in making the citizens self-reliant, this will enhance their standard of living as well as their social and political status among other countries. The main difference is that, India was one of the first ones to draft her own constitution for her people which is the reason why it has attracted much attention as compared to other countries which followed later on.


When compared to other countries, India has been the only one able to draft her own constitution. The difference is that, the concept of ”constitution” in the Indian constitution is much broader which includes a lot more than those provided in other countries. This difference has played a key role as far as political development of India goes.

Why is the Constitution of India Bill,1895 also known as Swaraj Bill?

The reason behind calling this bill as “Swaraj Bill” is that, it talks about the need to establish elected parliament and a proper system of democracy in order for this country to be self-reliant. This would also enable the country to be self-governing. Thus the concept of Sovereignty was projected as a very necessary thing for India as a whole as well as every state within it. And, what is more important than sovereignty is self-governance. This was one of the main reasons behind drafting this bill. The main objective behind drafting this bill was to empower people by making them accountable in terms of paying taxes and electing their representatives who will represent them in the parliament.

Some Key Features of Swaraj Bill:

1) Special Mentions: It mentions the need to make provisions regarding the special rights and privileges of certain sections of the society. This includes the needs and concerns of the minorities, backward class and tribals.

2) Provisioning for Separate electorate: In order to make sure that every section (minorities,backward class and tribals) gets their due representation in parliament or legislative chambers, provision shall be made for a separate electorate for these sections.

3) No Central Government Allowed: Making any centralized authority illegal in India is one of the main features of this bill. It says that any legislation or government which will not be accountable to the people shall be illegal. This will ensure that there is nothing which can abuse the rights of a section at the cost of all others.

4) Protecting Freedom of Expression: This feature talks about protecting the freedom of expression and freedom to choose leaders in politics. It also ensures protection against extremist and anti-social groups and groups which are misusing other’s rights.

5) Democratic System: The main objective behind making this bill is to create a democratic system where every person or group who gives vote gets their due representation.


Although the bill was not passed by the government, it is one of the most important documents which had been drafted in order to pave the way for making India a self-reliant country. It has laid down some very significant and necessary parameters which every aspiring country has to consider while drafting their constitution. The bill talks about setting up a democratic system with an elected parliament and a centralized authority. It also provides protection against extremist groups who use other’s rights at their own cost. This will help protect India from all kinds of unwanted actions and protect citizen’s rights in terms of the law.


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