The first call for fundamental rights came as the Swaraj Bill in 1895. It was written down because of the people continuously calling for self-government and due to exposure of Indian patriotism. The first draft constitution, the second draft constitution, the third draft constitution passed in Feb 1948, Oct 1948, Nov 1949 consisted of the amended fundamental rights made by the Drafting Committee.

The fundamental rights were amended in the constitution because they were seen as an important part of the enhancement of the personality of an individual and to protect human honor. The constitution guarantees the people to give them the freedom of right, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, etc. which in total are there in fundamental rights. The fundamental rights help us not only in keeping safety but also in avoidance of gross contravention of human rights.

Their focus is on providing every citizen the same facilities and access not knowing what their background is. Amended fundamental rights safeguard us from individuals from any state action but some of the rights are applied against individuals. For example- The constitution abolished untouchability. When there is a national emergency then it harms these rights, when this happens then all the rights become null. Then the legislature should come up and create laws that go opposite to the rights in article 19.


  The procedure for the amendment of fundamental rights in the constitution is given below:

  • A bill that is to be amended should be established in either Lok Sabha or Rajya sabha.
  • Then it must proceed by each house with a maximum of the total strength of that house and by a group of not less than 2/3rd of the members there and voting.
  • Then the bill is sent to the President for his signature and approval 
  • Then the constitution was amended.


There are 6 different types of fundamental rights amended in the constitution:


Right to equality is a definition in itself. Given under article 14, the right to equality means that every individual living within the borders of India has equal rights compared to everyone. They should be treated the same without any discrimination, partiality, racism, etc. 


The right to freedom is written in articles 19 to 22, with an eye of providing individual rights but it also includes some restrictions that are applied by the state. This includes various types of freedoms like freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of movement, etc.


This is laid down in articles 23 to 24. This includes rights against 2 types of exploitation, Firstly The Prohibition of Human Trafficking and Forced Labour which includes rich people, money lenders, landlords forced people to labor, and also provides safety against the sale of men & women, and children, prostitution, etc. Secondly, the Prohibition of Child Labour states that children under the age of 14 should not be hired for risky jobs in factories and mines.


This is laid down in articles 25 to 28. This provides religious freedom to every citizen in India. It stated that every person has the right to protect and practice their religion and they should promote their religion peacefully not by creating any riot or public gathering.


This is stated in article 21. The right to life is the right to live and not to be killed by any other individual or any other law. No one has the right to take anyone’s life and to give personal freedom to all people. It also gives assurance of human life with full honor.


The cultural and educational right which is stated in articles 29 and 30 is the right to protect the cultural, linguistic, and religious minorities by permitting them to keep their heritage and defending them against discrimination.


Fundamental rights held so much importance as the constitution also keeps an eye that no goes against it and breaks the laws. If there has been a violation in the rights then the person will be given the fixing by the judiciary. It provides security of the liberties and freedom of the person against any interference by the state. They serve as a shield protecting individuals’ freedom, minimising the power of the governing body. It also permits to amend it, as the citizens like. They can serve as a defending body during a time of difficulty and help us to be a great citizen and thus this is the reason rights are the main thing a citizen demands and should get.


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