Weekly headliners on social issues

Weekly headliners on social issues. Learn more about News headlines this week, Headlines this week, news updates, last week's headlines, National and international news updates.

The news serves as the only way to spread information and create awareness among the people all around the world nationally and internationally. News headlines this week are about the top trending news updates that happened within a particular time limit. In this blog, we will discuss in detail the Headlines this week, news updates, and last week headlines. The news headlines this week can be classified into three types based on the place of occurrence. They are:

  • International news
  • National news
  • Regional news

International News:

The international news headlines this week is as follows:

  • Airstrike on Ukraine’s military base:

The News headline this week, dated March 13th speaks about the airstrike that Russians launched on Ukraine’s military base. Russia fired eight missiles towards the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security, according to early statistics. The Ukrainian military base Yavoriv, located in the west of the country, was targeted and is regarded as the war’s westernmost strike. According to the governor of Ukraine’s Lviv region, 57 others were injured and nine people were killed in an air attack.

  • Indonesia, the Philippines experienced Earthquake:

The headline this week reported on March 14th revolves around the earthquake sensed by people in Indonesia and the Philippines. Underwater earthquakes that were fierce and flimsy hit western parts of  Indonesia and the Philippine region on Monday. This has not resulted in the release of tsunami warnings and no damage was reported. Indonesia and the Philippines are located on the Pacific’s “Ring of Fire,” which is prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. The US Geological Survey reported a magnitude-6.7 earthquake occurred in Indonesia and a magnitude-6.4 earthquake shook parts of the Philippines.

  • Lockdown in China:

The News headline this week reported on March 14th speaks about the lockdown that was imposed on the city of Shenzhen. Shenzhen, generally known as a tech powerhouse, is home to the China headquarters and a vital manufacturing unit of the country. The lockdown was imposed on that city as the number of viral cases increased to roughly 3,400 across the country. For at least a week, China has put the residents of Shenzhen on lockdown, which accounted for about 17.5 million in the south. The city’s increase in illnesses is assumed to be linked to an uncontrolled outbreak in Hong Kong as the place is being reported with increased cases in recent years.

National News:

The national news headlines this week is as follows:

  • Covid-19 cases in India:

The headline this week, dated March 12th was a shocking revelation that India reported 3,614 Covid-19 cases. The daily positive rate was found to be 0.44% on average. According to data from the Health Ministry, India had 89 deaths along with 3,614 cases on Saturday. Since February 28, the number of cases has been below 10,000. On Friday, there were 4,194 daily infections and 255 deaths. The daily incidence in Maharashtra were 324 with the daily death recorded to be two and in Kerala, the daily incidence is found to be 1,088 and daily fatalities were recorded to be one. About 30 deaths are reported in the southern state.

  • Russian – Ukraine war to affect Indian finance.

This last week’s headline reported on March 11 provides a piece of information on the words of Kristalina Georgieva, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). She has appreciated India on the way it manages its finances but also warns about the impact that India is going to face as the result of the Russian – Ukraine war. India is increasingly reliant on energy imports, and the rise in global energy costs would hurt the country’s economy. This has an impact on Indian households’ purchasing power. Gita Gopinath, First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, added that the war has imposed hard times on many countries around the world which also includes India.

  • Delay in the shifting Indians students from Sumy:

This last week’s headline reported on March 8 speaks about the hard times faced by Indian students in the Sumy city of Ukraine. At the Sumy State Medical University, about 800 students from all over India are studying medicine. On Monday, the 12th day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, The buses were brought into the campus to evacuate the students to their place. But, unfortunately, the officials of the university later informed the students that buses will leave the campus. This shattered the expectations of the students there. Students were heartbroken as they were waiting in the freezing cold for about 3 hours to catch hold of the bus. But the students say that they still have the hope to return to their motherland as soon as possible.

Regional News:

The regional news headlines this week cover the news among various areas, districts and capitals of a particular state or a region this week. It revolves around local news happening in a region. It deliberately varies from different states, countries and continents.


The above article provides a brief piece of information about the News headlines this week, Headlines this week, news updates, last week’s headlines, National and international news updates. The trending topics of the week both nationally and internationally revolve around the Russia – Ukraine war, Covid-19, Student evacuation, Earthquake occurrence. Many social issues other than this can also be found from the past week. 


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