United Nations Organisation

The United Nations Organisation is an international organisation that aims to establish international peace and security, along with developing relations among nations.

United Nations Organisation is the largest international organisation that was founded in 1945. The United Nations works for a great agenda to maintain peace and international security and several purposes such as developing cordial relationships between different nations. The United Nations Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly are two of the most important organs out of all six organs of the United Nations Organisation. The United Nations has made enormous contributions in promoting cooperation between various states and countries.

In this article, you’ll learn about the responsibilities of the United Nations Organisation and how the United Nations plays a pivotal part regarding global peace and development.

Table Of Contents

  1. History Of The United Nations Organisation
  2. Bodies Of The United Nations Organisation
    • United Nations General Assembly
    • United Nations Security Council
    • United Nations Secretariat
    • United Nations Economic and Social Council
    • United Nations International Court of Justice
    • United Nations Trusteeship Council
  3. FAQs
  4. Conclusion

History Of The United Nations Organisation

The United Nations Organisation was founded by 51 countries combining after the Second World War to achieve a common mission of spreading peace and harmony throughout the globe.

The United Nations was founded on 24 October 1945 in the United States. The United Kingdom, the United States, and the Soviet Union were the big-three leaders that determined the functionalities and structure of this organisation.

The Dumbarton Oaks Conference, held at Dumbarton Oaks, a Washington, D.C. estate, from August 21 to October 7, 1944, was the first important step toward the foundation of the United Nations. It was a meeting of the diplomatic experts of the big-three powers, which were later joined by China.

Bodies Of The United Nations Organisation

The United Nations has five major organs: the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Economic and Social Council. The sixth organ i.e. the Trusteeship Council has been suspended since 1994, though it has played a significant role in the decolonisation.

United Nations General Assembly

The General Assembly deals with financial, supervisory, and policymaking in the United Nations. It is formed by all 193 representatives members of the UN who organise a meet-up together every year during September.

The prime purpose is to share ideas and address issues like security and peace, social and economic development, protection of human rights, etc.

It also approves the financial assessments and the budget of the United Nations. Some decisions require two-thirds of the majority like the admission of any new member states; whereas some decisions like a codification of international law, require only the majority.

United Nations Security Council

The United Nations Security Council ensures the maintenance of international peace and security. It has fifteen members, five of whom are permanent (the Russian Federation, France, China, the U.S., and the U.K.).

The General Assembly elects the other ten members for a two-year contract. Acts of aggression and other dangers to peace are investigated by the Security Council. It tries to resolve disagreements by peaceful means wherever feasible, but it also has the authority to impose sanctions and approve the use of force.

The Security Council can only decide if it gets nine votes in which five votes from permanent members are mandatory.

United Nations Secretariat

The United Nations Secretariat gathers and analyzes data by researching a wide range of social and economical matters. The Secretariat is also responsible for offering interpretation services, translating important documents into an official language, and maintaining the facilities enjoyed by other UN bodies.

The Secretary-General is appointed by the General Assembly for a 5-year renewable contract. The Secretary-General is responsible for managing international conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

United Nations Economic and Social Council

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (  abbreviated as ECOSOC) is formed by 54 member nations who the General Assembly elects with a three-year contract to serve.

The Economic and Social Council, abbreviated as ECOSOC, serves as a focal point for addressing global economic, social, and environmental issues and creating policy proposals to solve them. It oversees over 70% of the UN’s human and financial resources, as well as those of the UN’s 15 specialised agencies.

United Nations International Court of Justice

The United Nations International Court Of Justice (also known as World Court) is the prime judiciary organ that renders advisory opinions on interstate disputes and world legal matters.

The Court has 15 judges who are elected for nine-year periods by both the General Assembly and the Security Council.

United Nations Trusteeship Council

The United Nations Trusteeship Council is one of the UN’s six main organs, designed to ensure that the residents of 11 trust territories are managed in the best possible way for international peace and development.

This council got suspended after Palau, the final trust territory, attained its independence in 1994.


The United Nations Organisation is best known for conflict prevention, and humanitarian help across the globe; they are impacting in many different ways as well. The United Nations Security Council is responsible for environmental protection, countering terrorism, disaster relief, democracy, and many more. The United Nations General Assembly is responsible for handling fundamental issues like sustainable development, governance, social and economic advancements, international health, etc. The United Nations has made significant contributions to international peace and security, as well as encouraging international collaboration and prosperity.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CLAT Examination Preparation.

What are the 5 main purposes of the UN?

Ans. Maintaining international peace and security, protecting human rights, delivering humanitarian aid, supp...Read full

How many countries are included in the UNO?

Ans . 193 countries

What can the United Nations Security Council not do?

Ans . The United Nations Security Council cannot be asked to do ...Read full

What is the most important part of the UN?

Ans . The United Nations General Assembly is the most important part of the UN.