
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns are used to avoid repetitiousness in writing and speech. Know more about the concept here.

Pronouns are one of the most important aspects of the English language, and yet they are often one of the most difficult to learn. In this article, we will discuss what pronouns are, how to use them correctly, and some common mistakes that people make with pronouns. We will also provide a few examples to help you better understand how to use pronouns in sentences.

What is a Pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns are used to avoid repetitiousness in writing and speech. Pronouns play a significant role in the English language. They are used to referring to people or things without having to use their full names. Pronouns are also used to make sentences sound more natural. For example, instead of saying “The cat drank the milk”, we can say “He drank it”. This makes the sentence shorter and easier to understand. Pronouns are words like he, she, it, them, their, and theirs.

Examples of Pronouns:

I – used as the subject of a sentence.

Example – I am going to the store.

Me – Used as the object of a sentence.

Example – He hit me with a ball.

My – Used to show possession.

Example – That is my book.

Mine – Used to show possession.

Example – This is mine. You can have that one.

Types of Pronouns

There are several types of pronouns, including personal, reflexive, possessive, relative, interrogative, and demonstrative. Each type has its own unique set of usage rules.

  • Personal pronouns are used to represent people or things. The most common personal pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, and they. These pronouns are used in both the subject and object positions. For example: “I am writing a paper,” and “He is my friend.”
  • Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object are the same. The most common reflexive pronouns are me, yourself, himself, herself, itself, and themselves. For example: “She hurt herself.”
  • Possessive pronouns are used to show ownership. The most common possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs. For example: “That book is mine.”
  • Relative pronouns are used to join two clauses together. The most common relative pronouns are who, whom, which, and that. For example: “The student who wrote the paper is in the library.”
  • Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions. The most common interrogative pronouns are who, whom, what, which, and whose. For example: “Whose paper is this?”
  • Demonstrative pronouns are used to point out people or things. The most common demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these, and those. For example: “This is my paper.”

Sample Questions Of Pronouns for CLAT Exams

Pronouns are an important part of speech, and they can be very confusing for students. Here are a few sample questions of pronouns for CLAT exams.

  1. Find the words that are pronouns in each sentence. 
  1. My son dropped his bottle on the ground.

   My son dropped his bottle on the ground.

  1. The guys ate all of their pizzas.

    The guys ate all of their pizzas.

  1. Pick the Suitable pronoun for each sentence and choose “a” or “b” from the listed options.
  1. Neither Karan nor _______ knew why the store was closed.
  2. I
  3. me
  4. My brother and _______ went to the park.
  5. I
  6. us
  7. My nephew was crying and needed _______ diaper change.
  8. their
  9. his


To make the best of your CLAT exam, you must understand how pronouns are used in the language. These are words used in place od nouns to avoid repetition. When selecting a pronoun, you need to make sure that it agrees with its antecedent in number (singular or plural) and gender (male or female). For example, the pronoun “he” can only refer to a male antecedent, and the pronoun “them” can only refer to a plural antecedent. By following the rules and understanding their contextual needs, one can easily use pronouns in spoken or written English correctly. 


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CLAT Examination Preparation.

Q: What is a pronoun?

A: A pronoun is a word that represents a noun (a person, place, or thing). Pronouns are used in place of the nouns t...Read full

Q: How many pronouns are there?

A: There are many pronouns, but the most common ones are he, she, it, they, them, and us.

Q: What are the different types of pronouns?

A: The different types of pronouns include personal pronouns (he, she), reflexive pronouns (himself, herself), relat...Read full

Q: What is the difference between a pronoun and an antecedent?

A: An antecedent is a noun that a pronoun refers to. For example, in the sentence “John is taller than he,” the ...Read full

Q: How do I choose the right pronoun?

A: When selecting a pronoun, you need to make sure that it agrees with its antecedent in number (singular or plural)...Read full