Prepositional Phrases

Prepositional Phrases are the phrases which consist of a preposition along with a phrase of noun or adjective. Prepositional Phrase example; I am surprised at your reaction.

What is a Prepositional Phrase?

A Prepositional Phrase is defined as a set of words which consist of a preposition like to, at etc. and a noun or an adjective or pronoun or an article. It describes the thing or person with the help of a sentence. It also works as modifiers which will describe verbs, clauses and nouns. Prepositional Phrases example; 

  • She vanished behind the green baize door.
  • She felt over the moon.
  • He put it on the chair.
  • Tom agreed with me on that point.


Preposition is a word like after, at, to, of, in with and likewise which precedes a noun or pronoun or adjective or clause to show the relation in which the person or thing denoted by the Noun stands to something else. For example;

  • He came with his mother.
  • The pen is on the table.

List of prepositions

The prepositions are in, on, at, to, about, for, from, against, into, beside, besides, within, through, upon, among, of, between, onto, across, beneath, above, with and many more.

Common Prepositional Phrases

Some Prepositional Phrases are at, to, before, of, behind, about, with, in, from, around, over, for, after, through, under, below, by, towards, among, out and many more.

Prepositional Phrases Examples

The examples of Prepositional Phrases are as follows;

    • She did not agree to my proposal.
    • He acted upon my advice.
    • He is addicted to drinking and smoking.
    • She appealed against the judgment.
    • She was ashamed of her conduct.
    • I am not afraid of death.
    • John is very fond of reading novels.
    • He was very kind to us all.
    • He has only one servant to attend upon him.
    • I prefer riding to walking.
    • Be careful about your health.
    • You must take care of your health.
    • The teacher was angry with me for my misconduct.
    • He died of cancer.
    • He is proud of his money.
    • Aleena begged for mercy from the king.
    • He headed out for Delhi early in the morning.
    • Have you heard of the dancing parrot?
    • The little boy hid behind his father.
    • Please hide chocolates away so that children don’t finish it up.
    • The teacher was displeased with students.
    • The cat sat on the floor.
    • Geeta was born of poor parents.
    • She takes delight in dancing.
    • I was then busy with my work.
    • She is ill with fever.
    • The people were alarmed at this news.
    • Be jealous in a good cause.
    • The boy jumped for joy.
    • He quarreled with me over this point.
    • He has no pity for poor laborers.
    • He prevented me from going there.
    • He separated from his family.
    • I am obliged to you for your kindness.
    • I shall be there before 7 o’ clock.
    • He begins college from tomorrow.
    • Do not lean against the door.
    • Are you acquainted with him?
    • A thief broke into his house.
    • Abstain from evil and do good.
    • She will return within a week.
    • They stand beside him.
    • Besides helping me, he protects me from danger.
    • She came at daybreak.
    • The tree was cut by the man with an ax.
    • He came after a week.
    • I shall be glad of your friendship.
    • They have respect for their elders.
    • Peter is sitting in between his friends.
    • He fell asleep during the day.
    • The five brothers quarreled among themselves.

Types of Prepositional Phrases

There are two types of prepositional phrases and they are as follows;

1.Adjectival Phrases:

When a noun (or pronoun) is modified by a phrase then it is termed as adjectival phrases. It helps in specifying the thing or a person. For example; The girl with the small man is his daughter.


2.Adverbial Phrases:

When a verb is modified by an adverb then it is termed as adverbial phrases. It helps in explaining where, when, what, how and why happened. For example; She went to the city to meet her uncle.


The combination of a preposition and it’s complement i.e. noun, adverb, adjective or pronoun is known as a prepositional phrase. Prepositional Phrases Examples; 

  • Leena refused to listen to anyone complain against her daughter.
  • She is negligent in her work.
  • Her bedroom opens into a balcony.
  • He paid off all his loans after 20 long years.
  • A pen was presented to her.
  • I have great regard for our elders.
  • Tie back your hair to look good.
  • I am vexed at her silence.
  • I wrote back to her as soon as possible.
  • She wrote out her objections to the plan.

Frequently asked questions

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Q1. What is a prepositional phrase?

Ans1. A Prepositional Phrase is defined as a set of words which consist of a preposition like to, at etc. and...Read full

Q2. Explain types of prepositional phrases with examples.

Ans2. There are two types of prepositional phrases and they are as follows; ...Read full

Q3. Give 5 examples of prepositional phrases.

Ans3. Examples are; The boy jumpe...Read full

Q4. Fill in the blanks;

The children gathered _____ the juggler in the park. ...Read full