
Interjection is the main concept on which the overall article is written. Properly knowing all aspects of interjection is very important. The topic will be further discussed through properly analyzing interjection definition and interjection examples.

In the English language, an interjection is a part of speech. Interjections are commonly utilized in informal language. They are not seen to be used in the case of formal speech or writing. Primarily the main function of interjection is to convey sudden outbursts of emotions or feelings. Through utilizing interjections, a wide range of emotions can be conveyed such as disgust, joy, excitement, or surprise. 

Interjection definition 

Interjection is a part  of speech that reveals different emotions of the speaker. Often it is seen that an interjection is punctuated with a point of exclamation. However, in grammar interjection definition is given as a phrase or word that is used for expressing emotions. It interjects or interrupts the normal writing flow. Normally, an interjection is punctuated with a point of exclamation. Any word, word, or phrase can be used in the form of an interjection. However, it should be mentioned that some interjections are more common than others. Mostly, interjections are only one word. However, sometimes they are seen to be phrases as well. Some frequently used interjections include 

  • Good grief!
  • Wait!
  • Ah-ha!
  • Oh!
  • No!

Different types of interjections

Interjections are of several types. Various words can be utilized as interjections. In simple words, interjections are the reaction of the speaker to certain situations. Adjectives can sometimes be used as interjections. 

  • Adjectives are specifically used in the form of an interjection when the speaker is responding to a particular situation. Similar to any other adjective, an adjective which is an interjection is the reaction of the speaker to express a noun. Examples include:
  1. Nice!
  2. Awesome!
  3. Great!
  4. Terrific!
  5. Fabulous!
  • Noun phrases and nouns themselves are sometimes used as interjections. Nouns are particularly used as an interjection to react to a situation Interjection examples of nouns as an interjection include
  1. Goodbye!
  2. Score!
  3. Hello!
  4. Holy Cow!
  5. Congratulations!
  • Sounds can sometimes be used as interjections. Different interjection examples where sound has been used as an interjection  include 
  1. Ugh!
  2. Eek!
  3. Phew!
  4. Shoot!
  5. Whoa!
  • Lastly, short clauses can also be used in the form of interjections. Different short clauses that can be used in the form of interjection include 
  1. Way to go!
  2. That’s terrible!
  3. How awful!
  4. You bet!
  5. Oh, the humanity!

Interjection Examples and a listing of interjections

In the following section, a listing of interjections examples along with the meaning of the interjections will be illustrated together with a sentence example. Similar to the list of examples provided above, some well-known examples will be provided in the following which has not been mentioned earlier.

  • Alas – This expresses concern, pity, or grief.

Alas, my relationship with my wife is not how it used to be.

  • Ah – Expression of surprise, realization, or pleasure.

Ah, I didn’t remember that John is absent.

  • Eh – Mostly used for asking something explained or repeated to elicit agreement.

Eh? What did you say? Did I hear you right?

  • Dear – Used mostly for expressing sympathy, dismay, or surprise. 

Oh, dear! How beautiful. 

  • Hello – Mostly used for greeting.

Hello, John! How have you been?

  • Er – Commonly used to express hesitation.

Er, I don’t think you have this right. 

Method of Punctuating interjection 

There are some well-known methods through which interjections can be punctuated These have been outlined in the following.

Forceful interjection: Forceful interjections are generally punctuated with commas or exclamation points. These include several words such as shoot, duh, wow, etc.

Mild interjections: Mild interjections are often seen to be punctuated with the help of commas. Mild interjections include words such as er, well, uh, and um. 

Other interjections: Some interjections are often found to be punctuated with question marks. Most common interjections that are punctuated with question marks include seriously; oh, really, and huh.


The concept of interjections is very important in English to express the feeling and emotions of an individual. It is a part of speech that interjects or interrupts the flow of the language. One should kow about the variants of interjections and their uses to avoid any mistake while using them in speech or written documents.


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When is the use of interjections suitable?

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Ans. Some interjections that are punctuated with exclamation marks include shoot, duh, and wow....Read full