Common Spelling Mistakes

This article is written on the topic of common spelling mistakes. Spelling mistakes can easily occur while writing passages or writing answers in the English language. This will be further discussed through the discussion of spelling check and misspelling.

Spelling mistakes can often occur when the writer is specifically using homophones. A misspelling or spelling mistake can occur at any time while writing. Misspelling mostly occurs when there is an unavailability of time to proofread the entire document. Further, it can also occur due to the absence of knowledge about the correct spelling. In addition to these, it can also occur due to confusion concerning usage.  


While discussing common spelling mistakes, the concept of homophones is important. Homophones can be defined as those words that often sound like some other words, however, their spelling is different. They are considered as one of the main reasons behind spelling mistakes. An appropriate way for remembering the proper spelling is to consider their usage within sentences. There has been properly illustrated in the following examples. 

Examples of homophones 

Example 1: threw, through

I was driving through a city. (“Through” means physically going from one particular side to another)

He threw a ball at me. (Here “threw” refers to the past tense of “throw”)

Example 2: They’re, their, there

They’re running. (here “they’re” is short for “they are”)

They’re running on their lawn. (“Their” is a particular pronoun)

We have not reached there. (“There” is a particular place)

Example 3: two, too, to

Bring home two broccolis. (“Two is a number)

John is walking to the park too. (“Too here refers to also)

I am walking to the park. (“To” here stands for an article)

Other reasons for misspelling

Sometimes a mistake in spelling can occur due to reasons other than homophones. Several words are often spelt incorrectly and so before submitting a document proper spelling check is important. Spelling check helps in making the document more grammatically correct and helps in improving the value of the document. In the following section, some commonly misspelt words have been provided in the following.

  • Words that are commonly misspelt from A-B: Within the total of 26 alphabets, the letters starting with the first two alphabets have quite a few words that are rather hard to spell. The different words starting with ‘A’ and ‘B’ that is rather hard to spell include acceptable, accidentally, acquire, accommodate, acquit, amateur, believe, and bell-weather.
  • Words that are commonly misspelt from C-D: Challenging words don’t stop with the first two letters. Several words are starting with C and D that are rather hard to spell. Commonly misspelt words starting with C and D include calendar, cemetery, changeable, column, collectable, conscience, daiquiri, definitely discipline, dumbbell, and drunkenness. 
  • Words that are commonly misspelled from E-H: As we explore the words starting with different alphabets, more of the hard words we will find. In addition to ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ there are several hard words that start with ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’ and ‘H’. These include embarrass, equipment, exceed, exhilarate, existence, experience, fiery, foreign, grateful, gauge guarantee, height, harass, humorous, hierarchy, etc. 

Importance of spelling check 

A spelling check is important due to several reasons. These have been outlined in the following.

  • Communication: Proper spelling allows us to communicate in a better way. Correct spelling also helps in communicating one’s thoughts and messages properly on a piece of paper. 
  • Future: Knowing and writing the correct spelling will also help one in the future. Many jobs, universities, as well as other businesses, rely entirely on proper spelling to make sure that jobs, resumes, or other written documents are completed properly.
  • Comprehension: Correct spelling helps in avoiding different types of confusion. It is of utmost importance that the words that are being spelt are spelt correctly so that the person who is reading the written document understands everything correctly. Through this different tasks can be understood and completed accordingly.
  • Distraction: If someone is reading a particular message having poor spelling then it takes his attention away from that particular writing. Hence, it becomes distracting and hard to comprehend.


Writing correct spelling as well as checking to spell is an important aspect of English writing. Misspelling should be minimized to communicate and comprehend appropriately. This does not only improve one’s writing skills but also enriches one’s vocabulary.


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