Life skills

In this article, you will understand what life skills are, why they are important, what are some essential ones and some activities to improve these skills, and much more.

The modern world is rife with competition, as one must outperform one’s peers to succeed. However, you must have seen some people who are smarter than others and achieve success quicker than others. The main reason for their intelligence is some of the skills they possess, which assists them in obtaining the position. These are known as life skills because they allow you to remain calm in any situation and assist in achieving your goals. These life skills can be psychological, cognitive, and behavioural, and acquiring them is critical in today’s world. So, in this article, we will discuss some of the life skills and activities that can be used to improve them. 

Life Skills

Life skills are considered behavioural, cognitive, or interpersonal abilities that enable individuals to succeed in various areas of life and get an attractive personality. In simple words, these skills, especially psychological skills, which includes thinking and behavioural processes, are the abilities that enable a person to deal effectively with the challenges of life, without any worry. So, let’s discuss them in more detail. 

Types of Life Skills

Life skills are generally divided into three parts:

Thinking Skills

With these life skills, one can think of many innovative and creative solutions to a problem in a short span of time.

Social Skills

Social skill is also one of the essential life skills that help you get a better social life. These skills include effective communication and making new friends easily.

Emotional Skills

These skills help you in dealing with emotions effectively with calmness. These skills also help you in accepting failures and moving forward in life. 

List of Life Skills

Life skills differ from person to person because each person has a unique life with distinct problems requiring smart solutions. However, some life skills are universal and must-haves for everyone. 

Critical Thinking

The first skill in a list of life skills is creative thinking. Nowadays, critical thinking is regarded as one of the most important life skills that everyone should possess. It is defined as a type of reflective thinking whose focus is on decision making. It could entail organising facts, analysing ideas, and weighing arguments. It enables you to make the most of your life.

Decision Making

We face many problems in our daily lives that require us to make decisions. And decision making is crucial in this case. It can be defined as identifying and selecting the best available option or discovering any other alternative. Our decision-making process is influenced by our values, beliefs, goals, and so on. Hence, we can say that acquiring decision-making skills is imperative for a person.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is one of the essential life skills that one must acquire. As competition grows in all fields, effective communication skills become increasingly important. This skill assists us in achieving our goal by simply communicating effectively.

Coping with stress, problem-solving skills, self-awareness, accepting yourself, especially for the younger generation, and time management, are some other important skills.

Life Skills Activities

There are a variety of life skills activities that can be used to teach life skills. Some of the activities for developing these skills are discussed further below. All you need to do is practise and give yourself time to improve your life skills.


Meditation, particularly loving-kindness meditation, is an important activity that everyone should engage in. It is a type of meditation in which you imagine sending love to yourself and others. In addition, it develops important relationship skills and stress management skills in a person.

Prepare a Gratitude Journal

People are becoming more stressed and depressed due to their negative thinking. To improve your positive thinking skills, keep a journal with lists and stories about the things you’re grateful for. This is a great way to improve your emotional coping skills, self-confidence, and self-love.

Reading books

Reading books is one of the interesting life skill activities. As you know, books can be a person’s best friend, and reading life skills books such as confidence-building books, communication skills books, decision making books, etc., can help you achieve these skills easily. 


Life skills are essential life sets that everyone should have to succeed. These abilities enable you to outperform others and allow you to remain calm in any situation. Furthermore, having these skills automatically makes a person healthy and stress-free, allowing them to achieve their goals without stress. In today’s competitive world, life skills are essential components of our lives, and everyone should strive for them. However, as we have discussed, there are several activities that you can engage in to acquire those skills, and you should work on them daily to achieve the best results.