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Essential Notes on Superconductors

Superconductors are elements having a negligible electrical resistance that does not allow any magnetic field to pass through them.

Superconductors are materials with no electrical resistance, and they do not allow the magnetic field to pass through them. Superconductors can function effectively only at very cold temperatures. An example of a superconductor is an electric current that ceases to persist indefinitely. The electric resistance in these materials is not present, and the magnetic attributes are expelled from these materials. 

There are two types of superconductors: Type I and Type II. The type I conductors consist of the basic elements of conductivity, right from the electric wires to computer chips. The type II superconductors have metallic compounds like lead or copper. The primary difference between these conductors is that a magnetic field can penetrate the type II superconductor, whereas it cannot penetrate the type I superconductor. 

Overview of superconductors

Superconductors are substances that conduct electricity at no resistance and can transport electrons freely from atom to atom. And this transition occurs only when the substances are below a “critical” temperature. This has been classified into two properties; where the first one states that this material does not offer any resistance to the passage of electricity. At zero resistance, there is no dissipation of energy, and the current is circulated inside. The second property is such that no external magnetic force would be able to penetrate the superconducting material, but it would remain at its surface. This expulsive field phenomenon is also known as the Meissner effect. 

Working Process of Superconductors 

The working processes of the superconductors are well-defined. The superconductors’ basic principle is that when there is a decrease in the temperature of a metal, the electrons present in the metal form bonds known as the Cooper pairs. These electrons can never provide any electrical resistance when they are bonded in a way that allows electricity to flow smoothly through the metal. This process can work effectively only at low temperatures. If the metal gets warm or heated up, the electrons gain a commendable source of energy that is enough to break the bonds of such cooper pairs and offer resistance. 

Applications of Superconductors 

Superconductors can be used and applied in many places that require power generation. Their basic input is such that these conductors transmit power for long distances. Superconductors are used in generators, electronic motors, the transmission of power, transformation of particles, computation of atoms, particle accelerators, and various other medical purposes like operating MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanners, NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), etc. Generally, these are used to separate magnetic and non-magnetic materials as well. Some other technological applications are that these superconductors are used in maglev trains, beam steering, and focusing the magnets that have been used in the particle accelerators. These are primarily used in low-loss power cables as well. Selective receivers for stations based on mobile phone, microwave filters, particle detectors having high sensitivity, including transition edge sensor, the bolometer, tunnel junction detector, detector of kinetic inductance, nano-wire single-photon detector railgun, coilgun, etc. 

Superconductors generally have a perfect diamagnetic property. The flow of heavy current destroys the properties of superconductivity. These superconductors are not very prevalent in most everyday electronics. The major force that drives the superconductors converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. Also, there are no resistive losses that form part of the superconductors or the result of their usage. 

Latest Development in Superconductivity 

One of the latest developments in superconductivity is room temperature superconductivity. This discovery involved the layering of two-dimensional materials, namely, molybdenum carbide and molybdenum sulfide. It was found that while layering both of these materials at a metastable phase, the superconductivity occurs at 6 Kelvin, which is a 50% increase. There have been other materials that were superconductive at a temperature as high as 150 Kelvin. It was a phenomenal development that has portended a new method to increase the superconductivity of such materials at higher temperatures. The calculation concepts used in quantum mechanics like the density functional theory have helped advance material synthesis, modelling characterization, etc. These concepts have advanced the discovery of new materials with unique properties. 


Many efforts have been made to find out how and why superconductors work. The most compelling and interesting fact about superconductivity is that the electrical resistivity of such materials falls to zero as soon as the temperature is transitioned in that material. When the normal temperature decreases or becomes very cold, the resistance becomes zero. There are a lot of theories that suggest that superconductivity should be suppressed because of the thermal and quantum fluctuations that also include other proximity effects and scattering that might disturb the movement of the cooper pairs that further break superconductivity. The possibility of the occurrence of superconductivity at an atomic scale has not been recognized for a long time now. Superconductors’ meaning and their concepts can be referred to for a better understanding. 


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