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Amplitude Frequency Period Sound

In this article, we will learn about, sound, amplitude frequency period sound, how to find the amplitude frequency and period, how amplitude and frequency affect sound and more.

We sometimes appreciate sound when we hear it every day, but we sometimes also get irritated. We’ll learn about several sound terminologies here. The greatest displacement or distance which moves from an equilibrium position on a body which vibrates or waves is referred to as amplitude in physics. The bright path is around half the length of the main trail. As a result, the amplitude of a pendulum oscillating from one side to the other is half the distance the bob travels. Waves are generated by a vibrating source.


A sound is a type of energy associated with the sense of hearing. We know that energy cannot be created or destroyed because of the concept of energy conservation. Hence, when we clap our hands, mechanical energy is changed into sound energy, resulting in a sound.

Production Of Sound

The vibration of items causes sound to be created. Vibration is the fast movement of an object from one side to the other. Different things can produce vibrations by striking, plucking, scraping, rubbing, shaking, or blowing them. When we talk, our vocal – chord vibrates, which produces sound, plucking guitar strings also produces sound, and flapping mosquito wings produces a buzzing sound. When a stretched rubber band is plucked, it produces vibrations, which may be seen in musical instruments such as a table.

Amplitude frequency period Sound

Amplitude of Sound

The amplitude of vibration is defined as the largest displacement of an object when it vibrates from its central position. The maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position determines the amplitude of a longitudinal wave, such as a sound wave. It’s necessary to keep in mind that the amplitude of a wave decreases over time, because the energy of wave is being lost, and the wave is considered to be damped.

Frequency of Sound

Number of oscillations of a particle per unit of time is referred to as frequency. As a sound wave travels through the medium, its density fluctuates from maximum to minimum, then back to maximum, forming a complete oscillation. Thus, counting the number of compressions or rarefactions which pass a place per unit can be used to calculate the frequency of a sound wave. Hz stands for hertz, which is the SI unit of frequency.

Frequency is represented by .

Time Period of Sound

The time it takes for one oscillation in a medium to complete is termed as the time period. In simple terms, the time which is taken by two consecutive rarefactions or compressions to cross a fixed location is the time period of a sound wave. It is denoted by the letter T, and its SI unit is the second (s).

A sound wave’s frequency and duration are related as follows:



T = time period

ν= frequency

How to Find the Amplitude Frequency and Period

Amplitude of Sound

Equation of a sine wave is given as

y=A sin ωt


A = amplitude of wave

t = time period

ω= angular frequency of wave

Time Period of Sound

The time period of a sound wave is given as

time period = 1frequency


Frequency of Sound

The frequency of a sound wave is given as

frequency = 1/time period


How Amplitude and Frequency Affect Sound

The amplitude of the sound is directly proportional to its loudness. The loudness of sound increases as the amplitude of a sound wave increases. The sound will be weak if the amplitude is minimal.

In a sound wave, frequency refers to the rate at which the sound vibrates as it travels through the air. Frequency determines whether a sound is heard as high or low pitched. Pitch is another term for frequency in sound. The frequency of the vibrating source of sound is determined in terms of cycles per second.

Loudness or Softness of Sound

The amplitude of a sound wave is proportional to its loudness or softness. A soft sound is connected with a sound wave of lower amplitude or energy that can only travel a short distance, whereas a loud sound is the opposite. Sound waves expand out from the source, and as they move away from the source, their amplitude and loudness decrease.


A sound is a type of energy associated with the sense of hearing.

The vibration of items causes sound to be created.

The amplitude of vibration is defined as the largest displacement of an object when it vibrates from its central position.

Equation of a sine wave is given as

y=A sin ωt

Number of oscillations of a particle per unit of time is referred to as frequency.

The frequency of a sound wave is given as

frequency = 1/time period


The time it takes for one oscillation in a medium to complete is termed as the time period.

The time period of a sound wave is given as

time period = 1/frequency



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