CBSE Class 12 » CBSE Class 12 Study Materials » Physics » Ampere’s Circuital Law

Ampere’s Circuital Law

According to Ampere circuital law formula, "the line integral of the magnetic field around a closed-loop equals the total of currents going through the loop."

Ampere’s circuital law is a foundational concept in the field of electromagnetism. The device’s magnetic field and current are connected thanks to the law. It was named after the physicist who discovered this phenomenon, Andre Marie Ampere.

A number of experiments were carried out by Ampere to gain a better understanding of the forces acting on current-carrying wires. Ampere’s law can only be understood if students are able to comprehend both the magnetic and electrical fields.

Ampere’s Circuital Law

Ampere’s circuital law is a foundational concept in the field of electromagnetism. The device’s magnetic field and current are connected thanks to the law. It was named after the physicist who discovered this phenomenon, Andre Marie Ampere.

A number of experiments were carried out by Ampere to gain a better understanding of the forces acting on current-carrying wires. Ampere’s law can only be understood if students are able to comprehend both the magnetic and electrical fields.

Ampere’s Circuital Law: Mathematical Expression

Let’s take a look at the ampere circuital law’s mathematical formulation.

In a magnetic field, the strength of the magnetic field is represented by B, while the current flowing through a loop is represented by I.


Magnetic fields are created around conductors as a result of the constant flow of electricity. It’s important to realise that in order to understand Ampere’s circuital rule on the flow of a current, a conductor must really be carrying current.


A rudimentary grasp of magnetic flux is also required before you start. Gauss’s law, which is one of the first things taught in mathematics classrooms, is necessary to grasp before moving on to other concepts. To understand Ampere’s law in its fullness, one must first understand this principle.

Applications Of Ampere’s Circuital Law 

Since it was first proposed, Ampere’s law has grown in popularity due to its usefulness. In addition, it has been put to use in the real world. In the manufacturing of machines, Ampere’s law is frequently applied, and it is one of the most widely used.

All these devices fall into this category: Motors and transformers, generators as well as similar machines. All of these applications rely on the principles of Ampere’s circuital law. Because of this, understanding these principles is essential, especially when it comes to higher standards of performance. Some of the most important derivations and principles in physics and other fields can be traced back to these ideas.

Listed below is a list of applications in which Ampere’s circuital law can be found to be put into practice.

  • Solenoid
  • Straight wire 
  • The thick wire
  • Conductor in the shape of a cylinder
  • Solenoid with a toroidal shape

Note that the working idea of this law keeps the same throughout every procedure, even though how it is implemented differs widely from one place to another. Many machinery and gadgets operate on this principle, and it is frequently applied as a component of larger machines and devices.

Ampere’s Circuital Law: Determining Magnetic Field

Consider this scenario: you have a long enough wire to carry a continuous current in amps. How would you go about calculating the magnetic field that surrounds a wire at any given r distance from it?

A long wire which is carrying current in Amps. We must determine the magnitude of the magnetic field at a distance of r from the wire. 

The magnetic field is circularly around the wire and, and directly proportional to the current enclosed.

The magnetic field does not vary across a distance r due to symmetry. The graphic depicts a path length equal to a circle’s circumference, 2r, where r is the circle’s radius.

Using the field H, we were able to determine its magnitude. Because r is arbitrary, we may determine the value of the field H.

According to the ampere’s circuital law, the magnitude of the magnetic field decreases as we go further away. As a result, Ampere’s law can be used to calculate the size of the magnetic field surrounding the wire. When the field H is represented as a vector field, it turns out that each region has both a direction and a magnitude. 


Ampere’s Law is a fundamental law of electromagnetic and one of the world’s most important laws. It’s the process of figuring out the expression for every closed-loop path. It claims that the sum of the length elements multiplied by the magnetic field in the length element’s directions equals the permeability multiplied by the electric current. We can use this law to keep a good bridge in place to bridge the gap between electricity and magnetism. This chapter also discusses the link between magnetic fields and electric currents. Using Amperes’ law, it is feasible to calculate the magnetic field created by an electric current travelling through a wire of any shape.

Students may also go over the Ampere circuital law derivation to better understand the subject matter. Not only is this derivation essential to Ampere’s law, but it is also one of the most fundamental principles in physics and electricity, making it a must-know.


Frequently asked questions

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Q1: State ampere's circuital law?

Ans: According to Ampere’s law, “the magnetic field formed by an electric current is proportional to its...Read full

Q2: Who was the scientist who conducted experiments with forces acting on current-carrying wires?

Ans: André-Marie Ampère

Q3: Ampere's law is used to calculate the magnetic field within a toroid: True or false

Ans: True.

Q4: When the direction of the current changes, so does the direction of the magnetic field: True or false.

Ans: True.

Q5: Ampere's law formula should be stated.

Ans: According to Ampere’s circuital law, “the line integral of the magnetic field around a closed-loop ...Read full