Common Postural Deformities

Malformation of any component or part of the body which results in postural difficulties, i.e., while standing, walking, sleeping, etc., are termed as common postural deformities.

Posture refers to an individual’s physical position while standing, resting, moving, or sleeping. Good posture is a position held without any sense of effort that brings about a sense of comfort to the person. The body’s efficiency is directly related to an individual’s health status. By maintaining good posture, the body’s various organs receive rest, and the body does not become quickly tired, resulting in the person maintaining good health. Various minor aspects such as correct sitting posture also contribute to increasing the efficiency of a person. There is no universally accepted hard norm for body postures. 

Most Frequently Occurring Postural Deformities

Knock knees – Knock knees, also known as Genu Valgum, is a postural deformity in which the legs are curved inward, and the knees collide while walking or sprinting. From birth to 18 months, it is common for the hip, knee, and ankle to rotate outward. This alignment often turns neutral between the ages of 18 and 24 months. Between the ages of two and five, an inward-turning alignment as usual. As the infant grows, the alignment returns to neutral.

Causes of Knock Knees

  • Rickets
  • Childhood obesity
  • Early-onset of muscular or ligament weakening
  • Knee injuries and fractures
  • Inadequately balanced diet
  • Flat foot

Precautions while Dealing with Knock Knees

  • A well-balanced diet should be followed
  • Infants should not be compelled to walk at a very young age
  • Carry out appropriate workouts

Knock Knees Remedial Measures

  • For a few minutes, place a cushion between your legs and stand straight
  • Make use of cod liver oil
  • Equestrian sports
  • Utilize callipers for walking

Lordosis Definition – Lordosis is a posture deformity wherein the lumbar spine is bent forward beyond its normal level. As a result, the abdomen is in front of the body, and the shoulders extend forth and sideways. Lower back pain and a stomach that bulges out more than normal are indications of lordosis.

 Factors causing Lordosis

  • An unbalanced diet
  • Improper muscular growth
  • Consuming more food than is necessary
  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Spinal muscle diseases

Lordosis Precautions

  • A well-balanced diet should be followed
  • Maintain a straight posture while carrying a load
  • Never consume an excessive amount of food
  • Maintain a healthy weight

Treatment of Lordosis and Lordosis Exercise

  • At least ten times, touch your toes
  • Conduct sit-ups regularly
  • Stand straight and place your hands on your feet
  • Regularly practise Hal asana, Paschimottanasana, and Viparita Karani asana

Rounded shoulders – Round shoulder’s Postural deformity characterized by round shoulders and, at times, the appearance of being bent forward is known as shoulder around shoulder or arm around the shoulder. Your search for repairing rounded shoulders has ended at the correct location. Without undergoing surgery, you may correct your rounded shoulders. For the therapy of rounded shoulders, see the round shoulder exercise provided below.

Causes of Rounded Shoulder

  • As a result of genetics
  • By dressing in clothing that is too tight
  • By putting one’s feet on the wrong furniture
  • By walking and sitting in a bowed posture
  • A lack of regular physical activity

Precautions for Rounded Shoulder

  • Never sit, stand, or walk in a bent posture
  • Dress in garments that are not too tight
  • When you’re sitting, always choose the appropriate furniture

Treatment for Rounded Shoulders and Workouts for Rounded Shoulders include

  • Keep the tips of your fingers on your shoulders and surround your elbows in a clockwise and anticlockwise movement for an equal number of repetitions on either side
  • Continue holding the horizontal bar for some time
  • Yoga for rounded shoulders – Practice Chakra asana and Dhanur asana daily to alleviate the condition

Scoliosis – Scoliosis is a kind of postural deformity related to the spine. It is the sideways curvature of the spine that mostly happens just before puberty. When the spine curves more than once at different parts, it is termed multiple scoliosis. When a person is affected by scoliosis, one-shoulder rises while the other gets down. Bodyweight gets shifted to one side, creating more pressure on one side.

Causes of Scoliosis

  • Defects from birth
  • Issues in the spine
  • The difference in the size of legs
  • Lifting weight from just one side of the body daily
  • Improper furniture

Precautions for Scoliosis

  • Don’t lift the weight from one shoulder for a longer time
  • Intake proper diet and use proper furniture
  • Keep on standing in the correct posture
  • Avoid studying in such a position

Treatment for Scoliosis

  • Hang on the horizontal bar from both hands for a few minutes
  • Try swimming by using the breaststroke technique
  • Do TrikonAsana and ardh chakra asana in the other directions
  • Perform bending exercises

Importance of Posture

The importance of posture in a child’s life cannot be overstated. A proper body posture gives a youngster more energy confidence and protects them from injury. Because children’s bones and muscles are still developing, it’s critical to focus on their posture while they’re growing.

Bad posture can cause improper spine and other body part development, increasing the risk of arthritis later in life. On the other hand, a proper posture will maintain their bodies aligned and lower the chance of degeneration. There are also additional advantages that will pay out throughout their lives.

 Most Common Causes of Malformations in Children

Injury – Injuries are responsible for the majority of postural deformities. Children might get serious injuries when participating in sports or other physical activities. Injuries like this might lead to poor posture in the future.

Disease–If a kid has had any muscle or bone illnesses, they are at risk of developing postural abnormalities later in life. To correct their posture, they must seek the advice of an experienced physiotherapist.

Habits – Poor sitting habits in youngsters can lead to major postural problems. They may have picked up these behaviours from their peers or at school.


The term “deformity” refers to the abnormality of any biological component, a body portion, or joint. There are numerous postural variations. Bowlegs, knock knees, flat feet, scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis are all examples of deformities. Common postural deformities such as stated above can prove to hinder daily chores; however, with proper exercises and consultation from a doctor, such postural deformities can be resolved. A proper posture will maintain their bodies aligned and lower the chance of degeneration. Postural deformities can be caused by factors other than birth, such as injury, habits or a disease.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Describe one of the most frequently occurring postural abnormalities.

Answer: Knock knees – Knock knees, also known as Genu Valgum, is a postural deformity...Read full

What should be the Precautions while dealing with knock knees?

Answer: A well-balanced diet should be followed. Infants should ...Read full

What are the exercises for knock knees and knock knees remedial measures?

Answer: Place a cushion between your legs and stand straight for a few minutes. ...Read full

Define Rounded shoulders?

Answer: Round shoulders a Postural deformity characterized by round sho...Read full