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Rate of Change of Quantities

Learn Rate of Change of Quantities, formula for calculating the rate of change, examples on it.


Derivatives can be used to express the rate of change of quantities. One of the most common uses of derivatives is calculating the rate of change of one quantity about another. The chain rule can also be used to calculate the rate of change of a function with respect to another quantity.

The change in quantity with respect to time is commonly used to determine the rate of change. The derivative of speed, for example, reflects velocity, while ds/dt is the rate of change of speed with respect to time. Another example is the pace at which distance changes over time.

Similarly, if a quantity, say y, changes about another quantity, x, such that y = f(x), then dy/dx of f'(x) is the rate of change of y about x. 

As a result, ddxf(x)reflects the rate of change of y with respect to x for the function y = f(x). Alternatively, the derivative of y with respect to x is dy/dx.

Chain Rule For Rate of Change of Quantities

If two variables, say x and y, change in relation to another variable, t, i.e. if x = f(t) and y = f(t), then the Chain Rule applies:

dy/dx = (dy/dt)/(dx/dt)

Where, dx/dt ≠ 0

As a result, we can find the rate of change of both y and x with regard to t and calculate the rate of change of variable y with respect to x.

What is the formula for calculating the rate of change?

The rate of change from y to x coordinates can be calculated using the formula y/ x = (y2 – y1)/ (x2 – x1 ). The rate of change m for a linear function is expressed in the slope-intercept form for a line: y=mx+b, whereas the rate of change of functions is expressed as (f(b)-f(a))/ b-a.

Rate of Change Formulas

  • formula 1: The rate of change is calculated using the following formula:

Rate of change = ( change in quantity 1)/(change in quantity 2)

  • Formula 2: Algebraic rate-of-change formulas

Δy/ Δx = y2−y1 / x2−x1

  • Formula 3: Change in function rate

(f(b)-f(a))/ b-a

Uses of the Rate of Change Formula

  • The rate of change is a measurement of how quickly something changes over time.
  • In a given amount of time, the distance traveled by car.
  • For every volt of higher voltage, the current across an electrical circuit increases by a few amperes.
  • It is also regarded as a crucial financial idea. It enables investors to detect security momentum as well as other patterns.
  • Work completed per unit of time.
  • Work completed and the number of people needed to complete it

Quantity Meaning

The property of magnitude allows it to be compared to other magnitudes.

Magnitude refers to the size, scope, or amount of anything.

Magnitude, size, volume, area, or length are all terms used to describe the size, volume, area, or length.

Scalar Quantity

Volume, density, speed, energy, mass, & time are examples of scalars, which are physical quantities that are completely characterized by their magnitude. Other values with both direction and magnitude are called vectors, such as force and velocity.

Real numbers, generally but not always positive, are used to characterize scalars. When a force acts on a particle, the work done by the force is a negative quantity when the particle moves in the opposite direction. Ordinary algebraic laws can be used to manipulate scalars.

Pick two scalar quantities from the list, for example.

Force, Work, Angular Momentum, Current, Linear Momentum, Electric Field, Average Velocity, Relative Velocity, Magnetic Moment, Average Velocity, Relative Velocity, Magnetic Moment


 Work and Current are the scalar quantities from the above.

Work done is the dot product of force & displacement. Work is a scalar physical quantity since the dot product of two quantities is always a scalar.

The term “current” refers to a flow described solely by its magnitude rather than its direction. It will now be a scalar quantity.

Understanding Application of Derivatives of Rate of Change of Quantities

Calculus is an important topic in mathematics that is used in practically every field related to mathematics in some way. This encompasses physics and other engineering disciplines. Furthermore, apart from the analytical use of derivatives, differential calculus has a plethora of other real-world applications, without which many scientific proofs would not have been possible.

Rate of Change of Quantities

Estimating the rate of change of quantities is the essential sub-topic of partial derivative applications. When we calculate velocity in physics, we define it as the rate of change of speed with respect to time, or ds/dt, where s denotes speed and t denotes time. As a result, the rate of change of quantities is an important use of derivatives in physics and engineering.

Similarly, when a value y varies with x so that y=f(x) is satisfied, the rate of change of y with regard to x is denoted by f'(x) = dy/dx. Also, the rate of change of y with regard to x=x0 is    f'(x0) = dy/dx at x=x0.

If two variables x and y vary in relation to another variable t, such that x = f(t) and y = g(t), we can define dy/dx using the Chain Rule.

dy/dx=dy /dt / dx/ dt, if dx/ dt ≠ 0

Example on Rate of Change of Quantities

  1. Calculate the rate at which the area of a circle changes in relation to its radius r when

(a) r = 3 cm                                      (b) r = 4 cm


The area of a circle (A) with radius (r) is calculated as follows:

A = πr2

The area’s rate of change with regard to its radius is now provided by

dA/dr = d(πr2 )/dr = 2πr

(a) if r = 3 cm,

dA/dr = 2π * 3 = 6π

When the radius of the circle is 3 cm, the area of the circle changes at a rate of 6π cm2/s.

(b) When r = 4 cm,

dA/dr = 2π * 4 = 8π

When the radius of the circle is 4 cm, the area of the circle changes at a rate of 8π cm2/s.


When discussing momentum, the rate of change is a word that is frequently employed. It can be described as a ratio between a change in one variable and a corresponding change in another; graphically, the rate of change is represented by the slope of a line utilized to solve issues. As a result, the rate of change is the pace at which a variable varies over time.

The concept of rate of change is crucial in finance since it allows investors to detect security momentum and other trends. In the short term, security with high momentum or a positive ROC, for example, usually beats the market. An investment with a ROC that goes below its moving average, or one with a low or negative ROC, on the other hand, is likely to lose value and might be viewed as a sell signal by investors.