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Mineral and energy resources

All types of fuel present in our modern world are together called energy resources. Mineral resources are non-renewable energy resources that we extract from our planet.

Energy resources are all forms of fuel available on our planet to generate different forms of energy. We use energy and mineral resources in our daily life like petroleum in vehicles, coal energy generating electricity, solar panels for electricity generation, etc. Without energy resources, our lives will be complex. Different forms of energy resources are available. Some are renewable, while others are non-renewable. The mineral resources are non-renewable energy resources extracted from the crust of the earth; they can either be fuel or non-fuel in nature. Some minerals are precious, like gold and diamond, while others are inexpensive, like coal.  

Types of energy resources

Energy resources can be of two types: renewable and non-renewable. Renewable energy or clean energy refers to those energies that can be renewed, and it comes from a natural source. Solar energy and wind energy are perfect examples of renewable sources of energy. These energies can be used in various ways, like wind-powered boats or windmills. The renewable energy source is also called the non-conventional source of energy; they do not cause pollution and are environmentally friendly.  

The other energy source is non-renewable; they are limited and cannot be renewed. Thus it should be used cautiously. Non-renewable sources are also known as conventional energy sources, as they have been used year after year. The traditional or non-renewable sources are used for commercial use and cause pollution.

The modern world prefers non-conventional energy as it is eco-friendly and cost-efficient. In the long run, non-conventional energy will provide a clean environment and be cheaper. Solar panels use sunlight as solar energy; solar panels are a one-time investment but last fifteen years. This can save a lot of electricity bills and coal energy used for electricity generation. New innovative ideas and inventions use renewable energy sources other than non-renewable or mineral resources. Solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy and nuclear energy are examples of renewable sources of energy that are being used worldwide.

Classification of mineral resources

Mineral resources belong to conventional energy resources or non-renewable sources of energy. Mineral resources are inorganic substances that are limited in nature, and excessive use can lead to scarcity of minerals. Mineral resources can be fuel and non-fuel minerals, which we use as fuel in vehicles and energy generation. Coal and petroleum are examples of fossil fuels used. They are extracted from the crust as coal or oil wells as petroleum. The non-fuel mineral is used in different ways like metallurgy and construction, such as limestone, copper, and gold.

The non-fuel mineral can be of three types: metallic, non-metallic, and metalloids. 

The metallic minerals are those that show the property of the metal. Some properties of metals are lustrous, ductile, malleable, ability to create sound, a good conductor of heat and electricity, etc.; the metallic mineral can be ferrous, that can attract magnets or non-ferrous. The ferrous metallic compounds are manganese and iron ore. An example of non-ferrous metal is bauxite or aluminium. Some metals like gold and silver are precious metals used to make jewellery. 

The non-metallic compounds or non-metals are non-lustrous, brittle, cannot make sound and are bad conductors of heat and electricity. The non-metals are limestone, mica and potassium. The third type of metallic mineral resource is metalloids. They have properties of both metals and nonmetals and are said to be their intermediate. Examples of metalloids are boron and silicon. 

Metallic mineral resources are found in an impure form called ore. The pure mineral is to be extracted from this ore which is costly. Thus more metal is pure, the cost increases. Some examples of ore are bauxite and cinnabar. Mineral resources have been a part of our life since the dawn of civilization. Early humans used flint stones for their tools and other things; this era came to be known as the stone age. 

Extraction processes are used to extract the mineral resources, traditionally known as mining. There are three significant types of mining known, open-cast mining, shaft mining and alluvial mining. With the help of mining, minerals are extracted, then purified and marketed. 

Impact of exploitation of energy and mineral resources

The use of renewable energy sources cannot be exploited as it is unlimited. Still, the endless extraction of limited conventional energy sources is exploiting nature. Once a mineral source ends, it cannot be renewed, and we have to survive without that same mineral. The future will become problematic if we consume all of the petroleum. Thus the exploitation should be stopped. Minerals should be used but in a sustainable and limited manner. 

Mining causes lots of air pollution, the acid drainage from mines pollutes the nearby water bodies. The oil leak in the petroleum tanks causes significant environmental hazards. Thus the use of conventional energy resources should be limited, and we should promote the use of non-conventional sources of energy. Prioritising the non-conventional source of energy can also contribute to the improvement of national security by reducing the country’s reliance on fossil fuels like petroleum and coal. The government will become more independent financially by not spending on fossil fuel imports. 


Energy and mineral resources are essential for our survival. If these energies were not discovered, we would have continued to live the stone age life. The mineral and energy resources fulfil our daily needs, but we tend to overuse and misuse them in some sense or the other. Some renewable energy can be renewed, but the non-renewable sources are decreasing day by day. The more we use conventional fuel, the more we increase different types of pollution on our planet. During the extraction process of minerals, it can endanger the environment, too, like earthquakes while oil drilling or strip mining.