
An interview is an organised conversation between an interviewer and one or more interviewees. It is a discussion where participants exchange information and data.

Interview: Introduction

The word interview means a one-to-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee. An interviewer is the one who asks questions, while the interviewee is the one who responds by giving answers. 

These interview questions and answers are in the form of information and data that one can use immediately or later. The conversation has a structured format. An interview can transfer data in both ways.

Interviews can also be free and unorganised. Doctor’s appointments and psychological counselings are two examples. These unstructured interviews are helpful when asking personal questions; the answers hold the solution to the problem. 

Interview skills are actions or measures that let a person be more productive in an interview

Types of Interview

There are three types of interviews.

  • The structured or focused interview

These interviews have specific questions decided beforehand. It is a traditional form used in selecting people for jobs. In this case, the interview questions test your capabilities and competence.

  • Open or unstructured interview

These are useful to solve personal problems. Open interviews are not strict because they want people to give a free and honest answers. Psychologists use this method to treat their patients. 

  • Video interview

Due to the pandemic, this format has become the most common interview type. The main distinction from the other styles is the presentation format. As you are not sitting in front of each other, you should be more active and fresh to showcase your interest in the interview.  

Type of Interview Questions 

Let us look at the different questions that an interviewer can pose.

  • Forward questions

Questions about education and qualifications should be straightforward. Questions about salary and work experience also lie in this category. One can include Yes/No questions in this type. 

  • Open-ended questions

These questions start a conversation. Problem-solving questions are the most common open-ended questions. This type includes any question that begins a discussion. 

  • Follow up questions

These are a series of questions asked one after the other. These questions are good to test the skills of the interviewee. Follow up questions are a great way to test memory and honesty.     

Type of Answers to Interview Questions

  • By telling a story

Whenever someone asks the question of describing yourself, tell a story. Do not tell a long-winded story; keep it short. 

  • By using facts and numbers

While describing your skills, use data. Numbers and facts will support your answer. Moreover, this approach is a good indication of mathematical reasoning. 

  • By making comparisons

Whenever the interviewer asks the question of how you are different, make comparisons. Tell them how you are unique and have your own method to tackle things. 

  • Being precise

Be specific in answering questions. Do not stray from the topic unless it is an open-ended question.

  • Having a good conversation

Sometimes, the whole idea is to have a productive interaction where all participants are at ease.

Factors for Good Presence in an Interview

When going for an interview, think of ways to create a positive impact.

  • Be punctual

Be on time; being late will make a bad impression on the interviewer. If possible, arrive early at the given location to get familiar with the atmosphere. It will make you less anxious.  

  • Be positive

You must be polite and professional with everyone at the place. Keep taking deep breaths if you feel nervous. Have positive energy around you. 

  • Be enthusiastic

Your energy matters the most. If you act dull, you are not getting shortlisted. Displaying enthusiasm will make you ace your interview.

  • Have good body language

Good body language is the foundation of a good presence. Don’t act still. Your actions will speak louder than your words.

  • Have a clear view

Be clear with your answers and actions, as they will be proof of your skills. Don’t speak too fast; pause before you answer any questions.

How to Practise for Job Interviews?

Mock interviews are the best method of practice to crack job interviews. This tests your comprehension skills and employability.

Mock tests give you a chance to record yourself and review your performance. It will help you find mistakes and make sure you don’t repeat them. 

You can answer the most common job interview questions by brainstorming and practise them by writing on paper. This process will ensure that you will be confident during the actual interview. 

If you are preparing for an online interview, ensure that your devices are in good working conditions. Check your internet connection and the software that you are using. These factors should not negatively impact your interview.


An interview is an organised conversation where one asks questions, and the other gives answers. It is a discussion where the participants exchange information and data. 

The word interview means a one-to-one conversation between an interviewer (the questioner) and an interviewee (the responder). Structured interviews, open interviews, and video interviews are the three interview types.