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Past Tense: Types and Examples

The past tense refers to events that have already occurred. In this article, you will understand everything about past tense, its types, its formulae, examples to understand the topic, and much more.

Tenses are a part of English grammar that helps you understand time and events. These are the basic foundations of your English, and it is essential to excel in them if you want to excel in the language. It is classified into three types: present, past, and future. In the present tense, you deal with current events; in the future, you deal with future events; and in the past tense, you deal with past events. But in this article, we will go over the past tense and its different types in-depth.

Past Tense: Definition

The past tense refers to events that have already occurred and have a beginning and an ending point. For example, you use the past tense while telling a story because the event described has already happened. 

Types of Past Tense 

Past tense comprises four types with respect to the timing and duration of the events. These types are: 

  • Simple past tense 
  • Past continuous tense 
  • Past perfect tense
  • Past perfect continuous tense 

Simple Past Tense 

Simple past tense indicates events that describe something that happened or existed but no longer occur in the present.

It is used

  • When the major emphasis occurs on the actions that have already finished
  • Whenever we talk about any specific event that has occurred in the past, then this tense is used
  • While describing any specific feeling that was felt in the past, we go with a simple past tense
  • Someone’s death is also included in the simple past tense

Types of Sentences 

Affirmative: the past form of the verb 

                    For example, The baby slept. 

Negative: ‘did not’ is added along with the base form of the verb. 

For example: The boy did not play. 

Interrogative: ‘Did’ is used before the subject and is a base form of the verb. 

For example: Did they come home last night? 

Simple Past Tense: Examples 

Some examples of past tense to help you understand are discussed below: 

  • I played football. 

In this example, a person is stating about the work he has already performed. 

  • Last year, we travelled to Switzerland. 

In this example, we are talking about a specific event that occurred in the past. 

Past Continuous Tense 

Another type of past tense is past continuous tense; we use it to talk about an action that went on for some time in the past. 

It is used

  • To talk about an action that started and continued for some time in the past
  • To talk about the earlier action when two past actions are described

Types of sentences

Affirmative: ‘was/were’ is used along with the verb. ‘Was’ is used for singular subjects, whereas ‘were’ is used for plural ones. 

For example: Mike was riding a horse.

Negative: ‘not’ is used along with was/were, and ‘ing’ is used in the first verb. 

For example: They were not enjoying the show. 

Interrogative: ‘was/were’ is used before the subject, and then ‘ing’ is used with the first form of the verb. 

For example: Was he waiting for me? 

Past Continuous Tense: Examples 

  • They were discussing the plans all through the day. 
  • She was getting ready when the guest arrived. 

Past Perfect Tense 

Another type of past tense example is the past perfect tense. We use it to talk about a past action that was completed before another action began in the past.

It is used 

  • To describe past action in reported speech
  • When we talk about past hope, desire or intention that has not been realised in the past

Types of Sentences


We use the ‘had’ and past participle form of the verb with the subject. 

For example: The dog had dug a hole. 


Along with subject, had, and past participle of the verb, the ‘not’ is also used. 

For example: The mansion had not finished the work on time. 


‘Had’ is used before the subject, and then the past participle form of the verb is used in interrogative past perfect tense. 

For example: Had they slept in the guest bedroom last night? 

Past Perfect Tense: Examples

  • She had just got the ingredients for dinner together when the oven broke down. 
  • We had expected that she would stay with us for a few days. 

Past Perfect Continuous Tense 

It is a type of past tense in which we talk about an action that took place in the past and continued for some time before it was completed. 

Types of Sentences


The subject ‘had been’ being used with the first form of the verb within. 

For example: The bird had been building the best for two days. 


The subject ‘had not been’ within, and the first form of the verb with ‘ing’ is used. 

For example: The baby had not been sleeping all evening. 


The subject ‘had been’, and ‘ing’ with verbs is used. 

For example: Had the workers been digging the well? 

Past Perfect Continuous Tense: Examples

  • Surya had been writing the exam for three hours. When he came home, he felt exhausted. 
  • My sister had tried to repair the cooler all day. 


The past tense is one of the most important concepts in English. Past tense indicates an action in the past. It is used to narrate past events or stories. It has four subcategories- simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, and past perfect continuous tense. One should keep in mind their use and formula. Furthermore, understanding the situation in which you should use them is crucial in applying proper tenses.