Definite Articles

Definite article is considered one of the most important topics in English grammar. The explanation of what it is and its examples will give you a comprehension of this topic.

The usage of the Definite Article is immense in the English language. As a matter of fact, we start our English learning with the most common word – ‘The’. This word is considered the only definite article in the English language. It works as a modifier in a sentence. We put the article before a noun to make it more specific. There are some rules regarding it. There are two types of articles: Definite Article and Indefinite Article. Let us start by discussing what is an article.

What is an Article?

Before delving into The Definite article,  We must know its roots. Articles are those words that act as a modifier. It sits before nouns or equivalent words. Therefore, the only task of the article is to make a noun more specific.

There are two types of articles –

  • Definite Article
  • Indefinite Article

What is a Definite Article?

‘The’ is the only definite article in English and it is used to denote a noun in particular. 

Let’s understand it with examples. Suppose you have watched a man returning from your school. Another day, you see this man again. If you have to explain to your friends about this man, how will you do that? What will you tell them? Your explanation should be like this-

‘Yesterday, I saw the man in the same place while I was returning from school.’

Putting the Definite Article, You denote a specific person. Your mates easily understand the person’s identity from a single sentence.

What are Indefinite Articles?

When we express singular countable nouns, we use indefinite articles. ‘A’ and ‘An’ work as Indefinite Articles. They specify any singular countable nouns. When the noun Sounds like a consonant, it takes ‘A’. On the other hand, ‘An’ is put before a vowel sound.

Let’s understand with examples.

  • I have seen a horse behind the Gate.
  • She always has an eye on the matter.

Look at the use of the words. First, we use the word horse. It starts with a consonant; that is why we put ‘a’ as the indefinite article.

Eye is used in the second sentence, it has a vowel sound, so we put ‘an’ here.

Rules of Definite Articles

‘The’ is the only word that represents the Definite Article. Though it sounds simple, it follows different rules. 

Definite Article before Proper Noun

A proper noun is a word that signifies some person, place, or thing. A proper noun takes a Definite article with some rules. 

Suppose there is a person who writes very well. Everyone admires his works and compares him with Shakespeare. Here the person can be called Shakespeare. For example, Biplab is the Shakespeare in our class. 

It means when we compare someone or something with a well-known person or any other object, we put a Definite Article before them. Like:

Gujarat is called the Manchester of India.

Some places take ‘the’ before the names. Places like Netherland, Eden Garden, etc. are known as The Netherlands, The Eden Gardens.

If countries start with unity or union, they take definite articles. Such as 

The United Kingdom, The U.S.A, and The UAE.

‘The’ should be put before any mountain ranges. Examples – The Himalayas, The Aravalli.

A Definite article should be put before any nationalities, like The Indian, The Russian, etc.

There are some proper nouns where ‘The’ should be put in the case of any River, Sea, Ocean, Island, planet, Epic, Book, etc. Understand them with a few examples.

  •  The Arabian Sea, The Bay of Bengal ( Seas)
  • The Ganges, The Nile, The Godavari ( rivers)
  • The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic ocean ( oceans)
  • The Andaman and Nicobar Islands ( islands)
  • The Ramayana, The mahabharata( Epics)

‘The’ should be put before any unique planetary objects like – The sun, The Moon, The venus, etc.

Definite Article before Common Noun 

When we talk about any qualities of a person, in some cases, we use ‘The’. 


The quality of being inquisitive is appreciated in Mohan.

Such words as Schools, Colleges, universities, hospitals, etc., are used as common nouns. When we use them to indicate some specific reason, Definite articles are out


I went to meet Rahul in the temple.

She came to the hospital for an interview.

Definite Articles Before an Adjective

So far, we have known when ‘the’ is used before nouns, but it also can be used before adjectives in some cases. Here are the rules.

‘The’ is used before a superlative degree of an Adjective.


She is the best among all her cousins.

Mumbai is the most crowded city in India.

Sometimes  Definite Article can be put before a comparative degree of an adjective if it shows proportionality.


The more you waste time, the more you are led into the path of failure.

Rules where Definite Article are not be used

  1. We can not use ‘the’ before any person’s name or place unless compared with others.
  2. ‘The’ is put before any mountain ranges, but it does not sit before any peak of mountains. Like we can not use The Mt. Everest.
  3. We don’t use ‘The’ before any disease’s name, like Measles, Plagues, etc.
  4. Such words like Heaven, Hell, and Parliament do not take the definite Articles.
  5. There are some proper nouns where we don’t put articles.
  • Sunday, Monday ( week)
  • December, October ( months name)
  • Any subjects like English, Mathematics, etc.


The definite article is one of the most common words used in English. This frequently used word looks simple at the outset but brings various rules with it. We should be cautious when using definite articles. With unnecessary use of definite articles, our standard of writing will be hampered.