CBSE Class 12 » CBSE Class 12 Study Materials » Commerce » Steps in the Process of Controlling

Steps in the Process of Controlling

Controlling is an essential part of management. There are various steps in the controlling process that need to be followed to determine if the process is working.

The process of controlling is one of the most crucial processes of management functions. The major objective of the controlling process is to ensure that all activities progress according to the predetermined plans. There are several steps the managers must follow for the controlling process. This process assists the managers in determining the performance of the company. Every step has a crucial role in the development and success of the management. The management controlling process ensures that every business activity contributes to achieving the company’s objectives. Go thoroughly through the below notes to understand the topic better.

What is controlling?

Controlling is the procedure of evaluating and altering the performance to make sure whether the company has achieved their goals with the right strategies or not. The final responsibility of management is control. The process of controlling functions will be absolute if the other management functions are carried out properly. Control will be required if there are any issues with the actual performance or planning.

Process of controlling makes sure that the right steps are picked at the correct time. Control could be defined as the procedure by which management ensures that actual operations adhere to the planned. Through management, its managers monitor progress & compare to the anticipated system. If planned & real/actual processes did not follow the same way, remedial action must be taken.

Management must follow procedures to make sure that plans are carried out correctly company’s managers put up the control systems for practically any situation, including improving product quality, reducing waste and increasing sales.

What are the steps involved in the Controlling process?

  • Setting the standard
  • Measuring performance
  • Understanding the reasons for any such variances
  • Comparing the results to the progress
  • Corrective actions as per requirement

What are the different steps and elements of the controlling process?

Developing performance measuring methods and standards

By definition, standards are the performance criteria that a company must follow. They are specified points in a planning programme where production is measured. The managers may get feedback on how things are doing & avoid overseeing the plan’s execution at every stage. Simply said, this entails establishing the target that must be met to accomplish the organisation’s objectives. These standards establish the parameters for evaluating performance. In this instance, the control criteria are required. The Standard element is particularly beneficial for control since they aid in developing clearly defined, measurable goals.

Determining whether or not the performance meets the standard

Determining if performance satisfies the criteria is a basic but critical stage in controlling systems in management. It requires comparing the calculated data to norms that have already been established. If performance reaches the benchmark, managers may believe that “all situations are under control.” 

The discrepancy between the set standard and actual performance is measured.

Creating and carrying out an Action Plan

This phase becomes essential if performance is below expectations or the identification that corrective action is required. So, one of the remedial methods could be a change in one or more of the organisation’s activities. The manager initiates this process, as they are responsible for addressing any defects in the real performance.

Controlling Characteristics

The controlling characteristics are examined point by point to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. The following are the characteristics:

  • Controlling aids in the achievement of corporate objectives
  • The procedure allows for the most efficient utilisation of resources
  • The precision of the standard, as well as the control of judges
  • The procedure also establishes a sense of discipline and order
  • Employees are motivated, and the controlling process boosts morale, and as a result, they strive and work hard in the firm
  • By updating the specified standards, controlling secures future planning
  • This boosts an organisation’s overall performance
  • Controlling reduces the number of errors made

Advantages of Controlling

Because of its valuable benefits, the organisation instils the controlling process. The following are some of the benefits of control:

  • Time and energy are saved by using the Controlling Process
  • This allows managers to focus on more critical duties while also using managerial resources
  • Assures that the manager will take corrective action on time


In the above article, we have read about the process of controlling. According to the definition, the “Controlling Process” is a way of ensuring that an organisation’s standards are being met. It entails gathering detailed data on a system, process, person, or group of people to make informed judgments about each. We are also familiar with the various steps the controlling process involves.


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