Nuclear Force

We all have heard about Nuclear force. But how much do we practically know about it? Let us find out about it in this article.

The Coulomb force regulates the velocity of electrons inside an atom. We already know that the binding energy per nucleon is around 8 MeV for nuclei of typical mass and that this value holds for all nuclei. This is a considerable increase over the atoms’ binding energy. As a result, the nuclear force required to fuse two nuclei must be powerful and different. If the reaction is effective, protons with comparable charges should be attracted to one another, and protons and neutrons should be contained in a relatively small nuclear container. In this article, we shall analyze the features of this force, which is also known as the nuclear binding force.

The System of Nuclear force

Except for hydrogen, all atoms contain more than one proton in their nucleus. Protons, on the other hand, have a positive charge. Charges attract each other and vice versa. Then how or why these nucleons may stay together in a nucleus is beyond my comprehension. Isn’t it true that they should be antagonistic against one another? This is also where the great nuclear force comes into play.

Nuclear force Characteristics

Several experiments were conducted between 1930 and 1950 to understand the nuclear force better. Several of the most notable findings and qualities include the following:

Nuclear force is a gravitational force that acts on charged particles and masses. It operates between charges and masses. This is far stronger than the Coulomb force. This is because the nuclear force must be sufficient to overcome the repulsive Coulomb force between similarly charged protons within the nucleus. As a consequence, nuclear energy exceeds Coulomb energy. Additionally, the gravitational force is far smaller than the Coulomb force.

The distance between two nucleons is measured (one femtometer equals ten to fifteen millimeters). When the distance between two nucleons is smaller than 1fm, the nucleons find the nuclear force very attractive. When the distance between two locations reaches 2.5 fm, the attraction force rapidly decreases. Consequently, for nuclei of medium to large size, the forces become saturated, allowing the binding energy per nucleon to remain constant. Additionally, this force becomes repulsive when the distance between the two spots goes below 0.7 fm.

Physical Characteristics of the Nuclear Force

While it is attractive in its natural condition, it has an odious core. This is how the nucleus maintains its integrity without collapsing in on itself.

The nuclear force range is relatively restricted. At 1 Fermi, the distance between particles in a nucleus is tiny. The nuclear force is much stronger throughout this range than the repulsive Coulomb’s force, which pushes the particles apart. If the distance between the two locations exceeds 2.5 Fermi, nuclear force is effectively non-existent.

Regardless of mass, the nuclear force is the same for all nucleons. It makes no difference whether the particle is a neutron or a proton; when the Coulomb barrier is considered, the nuclear force has the same effect on everything regardless of its mass.

This force becomes repulsive when the distance between the two locations is less than 0.7 Fermi. Because the size of the nucleus is dictated by the repulsive component of the nuclear force, it is one of the most exciting aspects of the nuclear force to investigate. They approach each other closer and closer until they reach the maximum distance permitted by force. At this point, they cannot approach each other any closer due to the force’s repulsive nature and are forced to move away from each other.

Nuclear force Examples

As previously stated, the most obvious manifestation of Nuclear Force is the binding of protons, which are intrinsically repulsive owing to their positive charge.

This force gives Nuclear forces their enormous destructive capability on a larger scale. When a Nuclear force is exploded, strong nuclear forces are responsible for releasing energy. Nuclear power plants utilize it to generate heat, such as electricity.

A weak nuclear force may change neutrons into protons and protons into neutrons. These forces are at work in various phenomena, including radioactive decay, the sun’s combustion, and radiocarbon dating.

Finally, the nuclear force between two neutrons, two protons, or a neutron and a proton is nearly equal to that between two protons. Bear in mind that the nuclear force is completely independent of the neurons’ electrical charge, which is critical to remember. Additionally, unlike Coulomb’s Law or Newton’s Law of Gravitation, nuclear force does not have an easily quantifiable mathematical form.