Aromatic Compounds

ntroduction to Aromatic group, Aromatic compounds properties, Aromatic group examples, and FAQ.


A large class of unsaturated chemical compounds is Characterised by one or more planar rings of atoms joined by covalent bonds of two different types. This comparison is referred to as aromaticity. Within a molecule, aromaticity results to be strongly held from particular bonding arrangements that cause certain π electrons from particular bonding arrangements. Associated often reflected in smaller than expected heats of combustion and hydrogenation with low reactivity. The parent to which numerous other aromatic compounds examples are related and the best-known aromatic compound is Benzene (C6H6). The planar geometry of regular hexagon distances of all C—C bonds. 

In a region above and below the ring plane, the nuclei (positive) and the electrons (negative). By all six carbons, each electron is shared, which maximises the force of attraction. In 1825 illuminating gas simplest by Michael Faraday benzene was an isolated example of this class of compounds. According to molecular orbital theory, n = 1, 2, 3, etc., must be equal to 4n + 2, the number of π electrons.


Each electron is shared by all six carbons, which maximises the force of attraction between the nuclei (positive) and the electrons (negative)  in a region above and below the plane of the ring, the six π electrons. Aromatic compounds’ largest group is in which hydrogen atoms are replaced in toluene (C6H5CH3) and benzoic acid (C6H5CO2H).

Isomerism and Nomenclature

Aromatic hydrocarbons‘ nomenclature and isomerism have previously been explored in Unit 12. Because benzene’s six hydrogen atoms are all the same, it can only generate one sort of monosubstituted product. Three distinct position isomers are available when two hydrogen atoms in benzene are substituted with two monovalent atoms or groups that are similar or different. The ortho (o–) disubstituted compounds are 1, 2 or 1, 6, the meta (m–) disubstituted compounds are 1, 3 or 1, 5, and the para (p–) disubstituted compounds are 1, 4.


Benzene’s Chemical Structure

Michael Faraday discovered benzene in 1825. Benzene’s chemical formula, C6H6, reveals a high degree of unsaturation. The link between this chemical formula and the associated alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes that you examined in earlier sections of this unit was not considered. What are your thoughts on the probable structure? It took several years to assign its structure because of its unique features and exceptional stability. Benzene was discovered to be a stable chemical that forms a triozonide, which means it has three double bonds.

Benzene resonance and stability

According to Valence Bond Theory, the idea of oscillating double bonds in benzene is currently described by resonance. Benzene is a compound that combines many resonance structures. Kekulé’s two buildings, A and B, are the primary contributing structures. As illustrated in, inserting a circle or a dotted circle in the hexagon represents the hybrid construction (C). The circle depicts the six electrons delocalised between the benzene ring’s six carbon atoms. The orbital overlapping offers us a clearer idea of benzene’s structure. In benzene, all six carbon atoms are sp2 hybridised. Each carbon atom’s two sp2 hybrid orbitals overlap with the sp2 hybrid orbitals of nearby carbon atoms to produce six C—C sigma bonds in the hexagonal plane. Each carbon atom’s remaining sp2 hybrid orbital overlaps with a hydrogen atom’s s orbital to generate six C—H sigma bonds.

Aromatic compounds properties are:-

  1. Nonpolar and non-miscible in water.
  2. Solvents for various other nonpolar compounds are unreactive.
  3. The carbon to hydrogen ratio is increasing. 
  4. Characterised by sooty yellow flame.

Aromatic compounds classification:-

The position of the functional group they are discussed below:-

  1. Sidechain Substituted Compounds:-

if the functional group is available in the side chain of the ring in an aromatic compound.

Compounds are named as phenyl derivatives of the relative aliphatic compounds.

  1. Nuclear Substituted Compounds:- 

Any substituent or functional group is directly linked to the benzene ring in an aromatic compound.


Aromatic Compounds IUPAC Nomenclature:– 

The same structural formula was known by different names depending on the regions. Since it raised a lot of confusion, the naming system was very trivial. The naming of compounds was set up by IUPAC (International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry).

 IUPAC nomenclature and IUPAC naming method of meaning.

Aromatic hydrocarbons of IUPAC nomenclature:-

  1. According to IUPAC nomenclature, the substituent name is placed as a prefix to the name of aromatic compounds substituted aromatic compounds.
  2. The Greek numerical prefixes denote the number of similar substituent groups; they are labelled as one similar substituent group is present in the ring attached.
  3. The substituent of the base compound is assigned number one the direction of numbering and then is chosen such that the next substituent gets the lowest number.
  4. To indicate the relative positions 1,2-; 1,3- 1,4- respectively like ortho (o), meta (m) and para (p) are also used as prefixes.


carbon-bearing a cyano (CN) group and a benzene ring are attached to one of the oxygen atoms in glucose.  The amalgamation of a cyano group with an OH or OR group on a single carbon is called a cyanohydrin; cyanohydrins easily break down to release the cyanide ion.

Amygdalin occurs in almond cherries.


With nitrogen atoms, two of the OH groups were replaced.



Since naphthalene is frequently used in mothballs with a characteristic odour of mothballs — which is not a coincidence the and undergo molecule is still and under the reactions.


It stimulates the release of hydrogen sulphide, methane, and hydrogen from the stomach. It is a carminative.

With a very strong, unpleasant odour because not only is it good a dissolving organic compound.

Methyl 2-pyridyl ketone

A long time ago, one odour ironies of organic chemistry were that pyridine itself smells like something that died. One of the odour components in the odour of popcorn.


to that of pyridine, but substituted pyrazines contribute to many pleasant odours, such as the smell of bread crusts, rum, whisky.


From the carbon-carbon double bonds on the oxygen contributes a lone pair of electrons, two electrons in addition to the four electrons, making a total of six p electrons.


The ring system once again has six p electrons.  Molecules containing pyrrole occur in several important biological systems, ranging from photosynthesis to oxygen transport.


The molecule has 18 p electrons in the ring system and is therefore aromatic. This ring system is especially stable like other aromatic molecules.

Since all of the carbon and nitrogen atoms in the ring are sp2-hybridised, the ring system is flat and, therefore, trigonal planar in shape.


Aromatic hydrocarbons examples are pure carbon and hydrogen compounds. Coal and petroleum, which are the primary energy sources, are the primary hydrocarbons. Aromatic compounds examples of properties may be seen in benzene and benzenoid compounds. Aromaticity is a quality held by compounds with a certain electronic structure defined by the Hückel (4n+2) electron rule. The type of groups or substituents connected to the benzene ring determines whether the benzene ring is activated or deactivated for subsequent electrophilic substitution and the orientation of the entering group. Some polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons examples with a fused benzene ring structure are carcinogenic.