CBSE Class 12 » CBSE Class 12 Study Materials » Business Studies » Understand the limitations of planning.

Understand the limitations of planning.

Both for-profit and non-profit enterprises require planning. Some people believe that there are certain limitations of planning that you must know.

When it comes to planning for the future and establishing several potential courses of action, management’s planning role is the most important. It is a preliminary step in the operation of a business. It is a planned action that specifies when, how, and who will carry out a specific task. Management’s planning function is often known as a thorough plan for future courses of action. It is much easier for a company to examine all of its available and potential human and physical resources with the help of planning. These individuals emphasise the limitations of planning. Managers must be aware of the obstacles and constraints of planning if it is to be successful and purposeful.

Limitations of Planning

Here are the important limitations of planning.

(1) Planning Creates Rigidity in Process:

Although planning has the quality of flexibility built in, indicating that modifications can be made as needed, it must be admitted that only minor alterations are possible. Big changes are not practicable nor in the organisation’s best interests.

Because it is unable to make the needed changes in response to changing circumstances, the company misses out on many opportunities to profit. Internal as well as external variables are to blame for the lack of rigidity in the planning process. Internal and exterior inflexibility are terms used to describe these issues.

They are the following:

(i) Internal Inflexibility:

The organisation’s objectives, policies, processes, rules, and programs, among other things, are determined during planning. Bringing in modifications regularly is tough. Internal inflexibility is the term for it.

(ii) External Inflexibility:

External inflexibility refers to a variety of external circumstances that impede planning flexibility. These variables are beyond the planners’ control. The political climate, economic changes, technological developments, natural tragedies, rival policies, and so on are the most important.

(2) Planning Does Not Work in a Dynamic Environment:

This is the prime limitation of planning that you should know about. The foundation of planning is the foresight of future events. Because the future is unknown and dynamic, future predictions are not always accurate. As a result, considering planning as the foundation of success is akin to taking a risk.

In general, a lengthier planning period makes it less successful. As a result, it is possible to conclude that planning does not work in a dynamic context.

For example, a corporation would expect the government to consider allowing the export of a specific product. With this expectation in mind, the same company began producing the product. However, the government has prohibited the export of this commodity. As a result, the inaccurate anticipation demonstrated all planning to be improper or inappropriate. It resulted in a loss rather than a profit.

(3) Planning Suffocates Originality:

All activities related to the achievement of the organisation’s objectives are pre-determined during planning. As a result, everyone does what they’ve been told to do and what’s been specified in the plans.

As a result, it verifies their sharpness. It suggests they aren’t thinking about the best approaches to come up with new ideas. Planning strangles the initiative of employees and forces them to operate inflexibly.

4) Planning Involves Huge Costs:

Although planning is a minor task, the process it entails is enormous. Only after a long journey does planning become meaningful. This path takes a long time to complete.

Throughout this time, the managers are busy collecting and analysing a large amount of data. When a large number of employees are engaged in the same activity, the company is certain to incur huge costs.

5) Time-consuming Process:

While planning is beneficial in dealing with a specific circumstance, it cannot deal with unexpected situations due to its lengthy procedure. Sudden emergencies might take the shape of an unforeseen difficulty or a lucrative opportunity, and there has been no planning for all of these scenarios in advance, necessitating an immediate choice.

In such a case, if the management waits to complete the planning process before making a decision, the situation may deteriorate or the opportunity to gain profit may be lost. As a result, planning takes time and causes the action to be delayed.

6) Planning Does Not Guarantee Success:

Managers sometimes believe that planning will fix all of their difficulties. Such thinking causes individuals to neglect their actual tasks, and the organisation must deal with the negative consequences of such a mindset.

Planning gives managers a false sense of security and makes them careless in this way. As a result, we can conclude that mere planning does not guarantee success; rather, the effort is required.


Planning is an essential part of doing business and a major managerial activity. Employees labour in diverse directions when there are no plans in place, making it impossible to fulfil company goals.

Unexpected occurrences and changes in the corporate environment can, however, derail even the best-laid plans. Despite the numerous benefits of planning, there may be certain challenges and limitations in the planning process.


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