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Security Council of UNO and the Need for Its Expansion

The United Nations is one of the most important and powerful multilateral organisations in the world. Founded on October 24, 1945, it is the largest multilateral intergovernmental organisation seeing the participation of all countries of the world. Currently, the UN has 193 member states making it the most influential intergovernmental organisation having operations all across the globe. The UN has six different principal organs working in different areas and sectors to serve humanity in different parts of the world. Among the six principal organs, the security council of UNO, also known as the United Nations Security Council, is one of the most powerful, strongest, important and influential organs.

What is the United Nations Security Council?

United Nations Security Council or UNSC or simply security council is one among the six principal organs of the United Nations. It is the most powerful and influential UN Body and deals with International Peace. Founded on 24 October 1945, the first session of UNSC was held in New York on January 17, 1946.

After World War II, maintaining peace and friendship among the countries was a major challenge. So, to maintain world peace by addressing the fall of the League of Nations, the first session was held.

The main objective of the security council of the UN is to bring all countries of the world on one platform and recommend the admission of a new member to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The founders of the UNSC are the International Court of Justice and 51 countries. A total of 15 members are part of the security council, of which five members are permanent. The five permanent members are the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Russia, France and China.

Out of 15 members, ten members are non-permanent, so they keep changing from time to time. After a specific tenure, different countries get the status of a non-permanent member. The non-permanent members are selected among the member states of the United Nations General Assembly. A country is selected from every part of the world, but the main condition is that the country has to be a regional superpower and have great influence in that particular region. For example, India is a superpower in the South Asia Region and has great influence in the region. That is why India has been selected as a non-permanent member several times.

Functions of Security Council of UNO

As UNSC is a powerful and decision-making body, it has several functions. Here are the functions of the security council of UNO.

  • Maintaining international peace. 
  • Monitoring security conditions in various parts of the world.
  • Solving conflicts and disputes between countries in a structured manner and without military action.
  • Monitoring member states and use of their military power.
  • Restricting countries or any other power indulging in an unnecessary show of power or aggression.
  • Prevent threat of aggression through sanctions and various other ways.
  • Be involved in solving disputes that can lead to international conflicts.
  • To take action against any illegal organisations or aggressors.
  • Controlling and fighting terrorism.

Powers of Security Council

  • Sanctions Power – Using this power, UNSC can put economic and other sanctions breaking the backbone of the country’s economy. Also, sanctions on individuals make the individual helpless and under the radar of all member states.
  • VETO Power – Though this power is given only to permanent members, a single VETO can affect the whole world. If any permanent member country uses VETO, the bill, draft or any type of document can’t be passed, and a decision can’t be made.

Security Council Expansion

Nothing is permanent in this world, and everyone has to change according to the modern requirements, but UNSC, since its foundation, has not changed. However, global requirements, geopolitics, allies, countries have changed a lot since the foundation of the security council, and UNSC is not capable of addressing modern problems and conflict. The UNSC is losing its influence every year, and we have seen the failure of the UNSC in various global conflicts and issues.

Countries are demanding reforms in the UNSC, and some strong points justify this need in the security council of UNO. These strong points are the question of the veto held by the five permanent members, the size of an enlarged Council and its working methods, regional representation, categories of membership and the Security Council-General Assembly relationship.

Among these vital points, one issue has been in the news for decades and is the base of all the voices demanding reforms. This issue or point is VETO. Today, many regional superpowers represent millions and billions of people. However, these countries don’t have VETO, making the UNSC VETO power biased. Also, sometimes VETO has become a hurdle in passing various important bills, sanctions and drafts due to geopolitics and allies. India, representing a significant chunk of the world population and being the largest democracy, is the strongest voice demanding security council expansion.


UN and its principal organs are meant to serve humanity, but by not accepting change and using old tactics, rules, structures and charter, the UN and its bodies are losing their influence. The world has witnessed many failures on global issues due to the UN’s decreasing influence over the years. Even weak or less powerful countries are dismissive of the UN and its bodies. So the demand for security council expansion is to gain its power and influence back. The UN needs to undergo reforms and make a new charter, rules and structure.