CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Physics » The Theory of Newton’s Laws of Motion

The Theory of Newton’s Laws of Motion

The three laws of motion established by Sir Isaac Newton explain the motion of enormous masses and the interactions between them. While Newton's principles may seem clear to us now, they were deemed revolutionary more than three centuries ago when they were first published.

All objects in the universe, according to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, have a natural place. Heavy objects (such as rocks) prefer to be at rest on the Earth, while light objects like smoke prefer to sit up in the sky and the stars prefer to remain in the heavens.

It is 200 years since Isaac Newton first formulated the laws of motion, which are three statements that describe the relationships between forces acting on a body and the motion of the body. These statements are considered to be the foundation of classical mechanics – the study of how atoms and molecules interact.

In 1687, Isaac Newton articulated the three laws of motion. As a result, he was able to describe and explore the motion of a wide range of physical objects. This laid the groundwork for what would become known as Newtonian mechanics.

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

  • A force must be applied to an object for its motion to be changed, according to Newton’s First Law of Motion. Inertia is a notion that is often used to describe this. 
  • Newton’s Second Law of Motion describes the connection between acceleration, force, and mass in terms of angular momentum. 
  • Specifically, Newton’s Third Law of Motion says that whenever a force is applied from one object to another, there is an equal and opposite force applied to the originating item. The result of tugging on a rope is that you are being pulled back on the rope as well. 


Newton’s 1st Law of Motion

Unless it is driven to alter its condition by external forces, everybody remains in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line until such forces are applied to it. 

Everyone is aware that things do not continue to move indefinitely. It takes longer for a hockey puck to slow down and stop when it is slid down a table. Newton’s rules state that this is due to frictional contact between the table and the puck, which is correct.

The frictional force is the force that stops a hockey puck from moving at all on an ice rink. Because the frictional force is acting in the opposite direction of the puck’s movement, the puck will travel slower. It is this force that causes the thing to eventually come to a complete halt.

In the absence of any net force acting on the subject body, the body travels at a constant velocity (which may be zero) and with no acceleration. 

Imagine two persons striking the hockey puck from precisely the opposite sides with the same amount of power on the same side of the ice. In this very uncommon instance, the puck did not move; instead, it hit the ice directly in front of both players’ eyes.

If an object experiences a downward force (gravity) acting on it and there is no upward force acting on the object, the object will experience a downward vertical acceleration. The horizontal velocity, on the other hand, will remain constant as long as the downward force does not affect the object’s position.

A ball thrown from a balcony will hit the ground at a horizontal speed of 3 meters per second. This is because gravity exerts a force (and thus acceleration) in the vertical direction of the ball’s flight. If it hadn’t been for gravity, the ball would have continued in a straight line.

Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion 

Newton’s Second Law of Motion says that when a force acts on an item, the object accelerates as a result of the force acting on it. The bigger the mass of the item, the greater the force that will be required to accelerate it to its maximum speed.

F = ma

The Second Law of Motion states that it takes more force to move heavy things than it does to move lightweight things. Deceleration and slowing down are also explained by the law, as is the case when a ball rolls down a hill or accelerates up a slope.

Newton’s 3rd Law of motion

Newton’s third law says that when two bodies contact, their forces are equal in magnitude but the opposite direction from one another. This rule is useful for assessing issues of static equilibrium, but can also apply to bodies in accelerated or non-stoichiometric motion.

When a book rests on a table, the downward force applied by the book is equal to the weight of the book on the table. The third law of thermodynamics states that the table exerts an equal and opposite force on the book when it rests on it.

When a body is subjected to a net force, it experiences accelerated motion in line with Newton’s second law of motion. If there is no net force acting on a body, it does not accelerate and may be considered to be eliminatory.

Using Newton’s Laws of Motion to Your Advantage 

  • Free body diagrams are a tool that allows you to follow the many forces acting on an item and, as a result, establish the ultimate acceleration of the object in question. 
  • Vector mathematics is used to keep track of the directions and magnitudes of the forces and accelerations that are involved in a given situation. 
  • In difficult physics problems, variable equations are employed to solve the issues. 


Newton was the first person to conduct a thorough investigation into the fundamentals of motion. Some of Galileo’s theories were explored and refined by him, and he came up with three laws of motion that dealt with the relationship between force and motion. While Newton’s laws of motion may seem simple to us now, they were deemed revolutionary when they were first discovered hundreds of years ago. 

Newton’s three laws of motion describe how objects behave at rest, when they are moving, and when forces are acting on them. There are major mathematical and physical meanings for every rule of motion, and these interpretations are required to comprehend motion in our universe.


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