The Bar Magnet

In this article, we will discuss the bar magnet, properties of bar magnet, outside the bar magnet magnetic field lines move from, inside the bar magnet magnetic field lines and more.

Magnets play a key role in our day to day lives through many useful devices. Magnets are used in a variety of electrical gadgets in our daily lives, including televisions, radios, microwaves, and other appliances. Magnets which are used for these applications are either natural magnets or electromagnets. An electromagnet is a temporary magnet which only works when an electric current is provided. Electromagnets come in a variety of sizes, from very small to massive buildings.

The Bar Magnet

When we sprinkle iron filings on a sheet of glass put over a short bar magnet, the filings form a pattern which demonstrates that the magnet has two poles, comparable to the positive and negative charge of an electric dipole. One pole is called the North pole, while the other is called the South pole. These poles point nearly towards the geographic north and south poles when a bar magnet is suspended freely. A similar pattern of iron filings can be seen around a current-carrying solenoid.

The bar magnet is a rectangular piece of a body. The bar magnet consists of permanent magnetic materials like iron, steel, or any other ferromagnetic substance or ferromagnetic composite. The magnet includes two poles in which one in the north and other in the south. When you hang it from the ceiling, the magnet aligns itself such that the north pole points to the earth’s magnetic north pole.

Properties of the Bar Magnet

The properties of the bar magnet are comparable to those of permanent magnets.  At each end of the bar magnet is a north pole and a south pole. Even if we split a bar magnet in half, both parts will have a north pole as well as a south pole, regardless of how many pieces we break it into.

It has the strongest magnetic force at the pole. The magnet will not come to rest until the poles are aligned in a north-south position when held freely in the air with a thread. This property is used by a mariner’s compass to determine the direction.

When two bar magnets are placed near together, their unlike poles attract and their like poles repel each other. All ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, are attracted by a bar magnet.

Inside the bar magnet, the magnetic field lines are in the direction from south pole to north pole. It is because as we know that outside the bar magnet magnetic field lines move from north – pole to south – pole and that magnetic field lines are closed lines. As a result, the magnetic field lines inside the bar magnet run from north to south poles.

Magnetic Lines of Force

Magnetic lines of force are curving lines which are used to determine a magnetic field. In fact, the number of lines corresponds to the strength of the magnetic field at a specific position. In addition, the tangent of any curve at a given position is parallel to the magnetic force at that location.

Properties of Magnetic Lines of Force

  1. Magnetic lines of force started from the North Pole and will terminate at the South Pole.
  2. Magnetic lines of force are continuous throughout the body of the magnet.
  3. Magnetic lines of force travels more easily through iron as compared to the air. 
  4. Two magnetic lines of force never intersect one another.
  5. Magnetic lines of force will contract longitudinally.
  6. Magnetic lines of force will expand laterally.


Uses of the Bar magnet

There are many uses of the bar magnet, some of which are given here.

Bar magnets are commonly used in school classrooms to study theories like the law of magnetism, studying magnetic and non-magnetic metals, and numerous practical magnetism experiments, owing to their low cost and ease of usage.

By rubbing the magnet against the object, such as metal pins and paper clips, they can be magnetised.

Whenever a bar magnet is suspended from a string, it aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic north pole automatically. As a result, it can be used as a makeshift compass.

These are employed in a variety of sectors for machine automation, collecting loose metals, and assisting other magnets in maintaining their magnetism.


Magnets play a key role in our day to day lives through many useful devices.

An electromagnet is a temporary magnet which only works when an electric current is provided.

The bar magnet is a rectangular piece of a body. The bar magnet consists of permanent magnetic materials like iron, steel, or any other ferromagnetic substance or ferromagnetic composite.

The bar magnet has the strongest magnetic force at the pole.

Inside the bar magnet, the magnetic field lines are in the direction from south pole to north pole.

Outside the bar magnet magnetic field lines move from north – pole to south – pole.

Magnetic lines of force are curving lines which are used to determine a magnetic field.

Whenever a bar magnet is suspended from a string, it aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic north pole automatically.

Magnetic lines of force started from the North Pole and will terminate at the South Pole.

Magnetic lines of force are continuous throughout the body of the magnet.


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What is the bar magnet?

Ans. The bar magnet is a rectangular piece of a body. It is made of permanent ...Read full

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Ans. Magnetic lines of force are curving lines which are used to determine a m...Read full

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