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Solving Problems in Mechanics

The magnitude and direction of these forces should be included in the data. Anything unknown should be left alone and determined using the laws of motion.

What is mechanics?

Mechanics is concerned with the motion of particles, rigid and deformable bodies, and generic systems of particles based on Newton’s principles of movement and the law of gravitation. Mechanical issues include the propulsion of a rocket by a jet of ejecting gasses, the propagation of water or sound waves in the air, the equilibrium of a bent rod under a load, and so on.

Solving Problems in Mechanics

The systematic steps involved in solving a mechanical problem are as follows:

  1. Make a free-body diagram.
  2. Select an appropriate coordinate system.
  3. Consider all of the forces acting on the body. 4. Resolve the forces in the coordinate system of choice.
  4. Make use of Newton’s Laws of Motion.

To make a free-body diagram, first draw a schematic design that shows all of the bodies in an environment, as well as their links and supports. Then, as a system, we consider a useful section of this diagram that is relevant to the current situation. Then, including the external forces at action, we build a thorough picture of this system.

A free-body diagram is what this is called. In a free-body diagram, the system’s forces on the environment are not taken into account.

We then choose a handy coordinate system to resolve the forces involved. The coordinates should be chosen keeping in mind the body’s expected motion direction. This makes the problem easier to solve.

Then we add information about all of the system’s known and given forces, including their magnitude and direction.

We next resolve all of these forces using the selected coordinate system.

Finally, the magnitude and direction of unknown forces can be determined using Newton’s Laws of Motion.

We employ the same method for each design if the challenge needs an analysis of several systems in a given context.

Laws Of Mechanics

By this point, Newton’s Laws of Motion are undoubtedly well-known. These rules will assist you in dealing with mechanical problems. Multiple forces acting on a single item are uncommon in mechanical problems. It is, on the other hand, concerned with a collection of many bodies exerting forces on one another and experiencing gravitational pull. When working on a mechanics problem, keep in mind that you can apply the laws of motion to any portion of the assembly. The only thing left is to account for all forces operating on the selectedthe’selected portion asportion’ as a result of the assembly’s remaining pieces. We refer to the chosen component of a community as the’system,’ and the remaining component as the ‘environment,’ to keep things simple.

Newton’s First Law of Motion

It is also called the law of inertia. If a body’s net external force is zero, its acceleration is zero. Only when there is a net external force on the body can acceleration be non-zero.

Σ F = 0

  • dv/dt = 0, where F is the force (total of F means net force applied) and v is the object’s velocity.

Newton’s First Law of Motion’s Applications:

  • If an object is hurled into space, it will continue to move in the same direction with zero acceleration until it is struck by something external with significant force.
  • A book on the table remains at rest as long as no net force applies on it.
  • A marathon runner runs several metres beyond the finish line due to inertia.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The momentum law is another name for this law. The rate of change in a body’s momentum is proportional to the applied force and occurs in the direction of the force’s action.

F = dp/dt, where dp is the change in momentum wrt a shift in time.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion’s Applications:

  • In a supermarket, pushing an empty cart is more accessible than pushing a loaded cart. More mass necessitates more acceleration power.
  • Because of the gravitational force, an object falling from a certain height experiences an increase in acceleration.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion

It is also called the action-reaction law. When one object applies a force to another, the second object applies an equal and opposite force to the first.


F12 = F21

Newton’s Third Law of Motion’s Applications:

  • An elastic band returns to its original position when we tug on it. The applied force (action) is stored as energy and released as an equal and opposite force reaction.
  • When a rocket is fired, the ejected burning gases exert an equal and opposite force on the rocket (reaction), causing it to rise.


In actuality, the particle does not change its condition of rest or uniform motion along a straight path unless it is compelled to. Inertia is the tendency of a particle to remain at rest or in steady motion along a straight path unless acted upon by an external force.

The quantity that is solely determined by an object’s inertia is known as mass. The mass of an object is proportional to its inertia. The lower the acceleration, and thus the greater the inertia, the bigger the mass of the particle.


Friction is the property that opposes the relative motion of one body over the surface of another.

F = μ N, where μ is the friction coefficient, and N is the normal force.

Example – 

  • Walking prevents us from slipping because friction between the ground and our shoes keeps us stumbling.
  • Motion cannot be covered by belts from the motor to the machine without friction.

You must have a thorough knowledge of all of the principles involved before digging into any subject involving Newton’s law of motion. Physics is a discipline that aids in our comprehension of our surroundings. Learning physics will be beneficial since it will help you comprehend how diverse phenomena in the world operate. The Free Body Diagram (FBD) is Newton’s law of motion’s inner core secret, and it can help you solve problems fast and effectively. 

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies how matter and light behave at the atomic and subatomic levels. It attempts to explain and describe the properties of molecules and atoms, as well as their constituents—electrons, protons, neutrons, and even more exotic particles like quarkslike as quarks and gluons.

Quantum Mechanics’ Importance

Quantum mechanics is a crucial theoretical tool for comprehending chemical compounds’ electronic structure, as well as the mechanism, thermodynamics, and kinetics of chemical reactions.

Quantum Numbers

The main quantum number (n), the orbital angular momentum quantum number (l), the magnetic quantum number (ml), and the electron spin quantum number (s) are the four quantum numbers found in atoms (ms).

Properties of Quantum Mechanics

The four main aspects of quantum mechanics are energy quantification (quanta), wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle. The following is a link to the Energy Big Idea: The electronic transition in atoms relates to quantized energy.


Motion is a fundamental idea in the sciences, so mechanics will be important for everyone, regardless of their interest in science or engineering. The two mechanics components are kinematics, which deals with describing motions, and dynamics, which deals with the causes of motion.