CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Physics » Relation Between Av and Al

Relation Between Av and Al

Every material has an expansion coefficient that is inherent to its structure. As a result, it differs from one substance to another. The rate at which a material expands is solely determined by the cohesive force that exists between the atoms in the material.

Thermal stress is a type of mechanical stress that occurs when the temperature of a material changes. In mechanics and thermodynamics, thermal stress is mechanical tension that occurs when the temperature of a material changes. These stresses can result in fracturing or plastic deformation depending on the other variables of heating, which include the type of material used and the limits placed on the material. Thermal stress can be caused by a variety of factors, including temperature gradients, thermal expansion or contraction, and thermal shocks. This form of stress is strongly dependent on the thermal expansion coefficient of the material under consideration, which differs from one material to another. As a general rule, the greater the degree of temperature change, the greater the potential for stress to occur. Thermal shock can occur as a result of a sudden shift in temperature, resulting in cracking or shattering of the material being stressed.


Temperature gradients

When a material is rapidly heated or cooled, there will be a temperature difference between the surface temperature and the inside temperature. Thermal expansion or contraction occurs when a material is heated or cooled rapidly; this localised movement of the material causes thermal strains to develop. Consider heating a cylinder: first, the temperature of the surface rises, but the temperature of the centre remains at its initial value. After a period of time, the centre of the cylinder will achieve the same temperature as the surface of the cylinder. As a result of the higher temperature at the surface, the surface will expand more than the centre throughout the heat up process. For example, dental fillings might induce heat stress in a person’s mouth when they are placed there. The use of dental fillings with thermal expansion coefficients that differ from the thermal expansion coefficients of tooth enamel might cause pain in a person’s mouth if they expand more quickly than the tooth enamel.


What is the Linear Expansion Coefficient (or the coefficient of linear expansion)?

The term “expansion” refers to a change or increase in length. It is referred to as linear expansion when the change in length occurs along only one dimension (length) over the entire volume. The shift in temperature is the driving force behind the expansion in this case. The assumption is that a change in temperature will have an effect on the rate of expansion of a fluid. A well-defined idea for explaining how much material can maintain its original shape and size under the impact of heat radiation is provided by this concept.

Assuming that the effect of pressure is insignificant, consider the following:

In linear expansion, the rate of change in unit length per unit degree change in temperature is known as the coefficient of linear expansion.

It is possible to express the coefficient of linear expansion numerically as follows:

L = dLdT


L is the coefficient of linear expansion. 

dL is the unit change in length. 

dT is the unit change in temperature. 

How does it work?

Every material has a linear expansion coefficient that is inherent to its structure. As a result, it differs from one substance to another. The rate at which a material expands is solely determined by the cohesive force that exists between the atoms in the material. The force that holds two or more atoms together is known as the cohesive force.

In other words, the cohesive force prevents the separation of the atoms from one another. The expansion, on the other hand, will be small for a given increase in temperature because the cohesive force will be greater. Lead, for example, is a soft metal with a low melting point that can be crushed easily and quickly. When heated, the lead will expand at a quicker rate per unit increase in temperature than it would otherwise.


The Coefficient of Linear Expansion is used in a variety of applications.

The ramifications of scientific and technological progress are immeasurable. To keep up with the rapid expansion in industrialisation and construction, one must be certain about the way in which the material palette is being utilised. Starting with the construction of a building and progressing to the construction of a satellite, the material utilised serves as a backbone.

A wide range of materials are easily available in our immediate surroundings. Each of them has a unique set of thermal characteristics. In order to employ different materials in the most appropriate setting, it is necessary to compare their expanding abilities as a function of temperature increase. Generally speaking, the material with a larger linear expansion coefficient is more durable in nature and can be employed in the construction of solid foundations. By combining different materials, this feature can be tailored to meet specific requirements. As a result, metal alloys are becoming increasingly common.

Volume Expansion and Coefficient of Volume Expansion

When the temperature of a solid substance is raised, the volume of the solid substance increases. It is referred to as volume expansion. It is the tendency of matter to change in volume in reaction to a change in temperature that is referred to as thermal expansion. The coefficient of thermal expansion of a material is defined as the degree of expansion divided by the change in temperature over time; it is often dependent on the temperature.

Given a substance with a volume V1, we can say that the starting temperature is θ1. When the temperature is raised to θ2, the volume of the substance increases to V2 as the temperature is raised.

The increase in volume is equal to V2 – V1, while the rise in temperature is equal to θ21.

So let us suppose that the coefficient of volume expansion is denoted by

γ = [ ( V2 – V1 )/V1( θ21 )]

[Increase in surface area / (Initial area x increase of temperature)]


Consequently, when the temperature of a solid with volume 1 m3 increases by one degree Celsius, the increase in volume of the solid is referred to as the coefficient of volume expansion of the solid’s material. Copper has a coefficient of volume expansion of 50.1 x 10-4 m3, which indicates that if the temperature of a copper body with a volume of 1 m3 increases by 1K, the volume of the copper body will expand by 50.1 x 10-4 m3, and vice versa.

The relations among α, β, and γ are as follow: γ = 3α and β = 2α



Thermal Stress is defined as the restoring force acting on the surface area of a distorted body per unit time. At the equilibrium stage, the internal forces that are linked to distorted bodies are equal to and opposing to the deforming forces that are acting on them. Upon the removal of the deforming force, the internal force of restitution restores the deformed body to its original shape.


Frequently asked questions

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Thermal stress is a type of mechanical stress that occurs when the temperature of a material changes. 

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