
This article will detail the concept of Oscillations along with their types and examples.

An oscillator is an instrument that displays motion about an equilibrium level. In a pendulum clock, there is a transition between potential energy and kinetic energy each time the clock swings. The top end of each swing is where the potential energy is at its peak and it is transformed into kinetic energy and then is redirected to the other side. 

At the top, kinetic energy is decreased to zero and the potential energy is at its highest and is generating backswings. Its frequency is retransmitted by gears that mark time. Pendulums will lose energy with time because of friction if the clock isn’t adjusted by springs. Modern timepieces rely on the vibrations of quartz or electronic oscillators, not the movements of pendulums.


Oscillations can be defined as the process concerning the repetition of variations of any quantity from its equilibrium over a definite period. In other words, oscillation can be described as the periodic variation in a matter between two predetermined values or from its centralised equilibrium value. The objects that depict the motion of the object around its equilibrium point are termed oscillators. It is to be noted that the term vibration is used for describing the mechanical oscillations in an object. Oscillations also tend to occur in dynamic systems and varied other aspects of scientific practices. For example, the heart beating in the human body is also an example of oscillations.

Examples of Oscillations

Tides in the sea, heart beating, and movement of a pendulum are the most common examples of oscillations. The pendulum is a commonly used example of oscillation as it moves back and forth from its equilibrium due to the application of external force. The movement of spring is also a great example of oscillation as it creates energy after moving from its equilibrium and always attempts to return to its equilibrium. An oscillation concerning the movement of spring occurs when the spring moves downward or upward repeatedly to generate energy; thus, it produces oscillating movements. Strings of musical instruments like guitar are also examples of oscillations as the strings make a sound when they are moved from their equilibrium position and they always go back to the position of their equilibrium.

As stated above, vibrations cause mechanical oscillations in objects. In this regard, particles vibrating in an object mean that those particles are oscillating between two points from their central position. Furthermore, the sine wave is coined as the perfect example of oscillations as this wave moves between two points from the central value. The height or the maximum distance covered by the sine wave is known as its oscillation amplitude and the time taken for completing one cycle is called the period of oscillation. In addition to this, frequency is the number of complete cycles that are completed in a second; thus, frequency is the reciprocal of the time period.

Types of Oscillation:

Damped Oscillations:

Damping can be defined as the process of controlling or restraining oscillatory motion. For instance, mechanical vibrations cause dissipation of energy. It is to be noted that oscillation tends to remain undamped when induced force is equal to the restoring force for restraining external constraints and ensuring the object oscillates on the same energy. Additionally, if the restoring force is halted, the oscillations will suddenly stop; however, when the restraining force is greater than the applied restoring force, damping is introduced.

Damped oscillations are classified in accordance with the difference noted between energy-related to acting restraining force and applied to restore forces. Damped oscillation tends to fade over time; thus, its magnitude reduces with time. An ideal oscillating system is not classified under the damped oscillations as the ideal case of oscillation is when its magnitude does not reduce with time and the amplitude stays the same throughout the oscillation process. Swinging on swings can be used as an example of damped oscillation. Swing does not move unless it is pumped by any external force and the motion of swing tends to fade away slowly, which means the swing will stop over time if an external force is not applied again.

Undamped Oscillations:

Undamped oscillations can be defined as the process in which an object displaces from its equilibrium along with experiencing restoring force in proportionality to the displacement. Thus, the magnitude of the oscillations never fades in such types of oscillations or the magnitude of the oscillation tends to remain the same. An alternating current wave is one of the best examples of undamped oscillation. The magnitude of the alternating current tends to oscillate between two values across the equilibrium points in a repetitive manner. In alternating currents, there is no restraining force that acts on the oscillations, and the signal’s magnitude also does not fade over time; thus, it maintains the amplitude.

Unamplified Oscillations

Undamped oscillations move away from their equilibrium, experiencing the restoring force, which corresponds to displacement. Therefore, in an undamped oscillation, the intensity of the oscillations doesn’t diminish and the strength of the oscillation is the same. One example of an undamped oscillation is the alternating current (AC Wave).


Oscillation is the repeated back and forth motion of something in between two places or states. It can be an ongoing pattern of motion that repeats on regular cycles, for example, a sine wave, a continuous movement, like the side-to-side swing of a pendulum. There are different types of oscillation such as damped oscillation, undamped oscillation, unamplified oscillation, etc.


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