CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Physics » Nature of Physical Laws

Nature of Physical Laws

The nature of Physical laws are conclusions based on many years of repeated scientific tests and observations that have become universally recognized throughout the scientific community.

Physics is one of many areas in science. The term physics derives from a Greek word that means “nature.” Physicists seek the ultimate truth about the physical world. The primary purpose of physics is to discover and comprehend the fundamental rules of nature upon which all physical events are based.

Any physical law that is developed should explain the present facts and predict future findings, withstand experimental verification, and stand the test of time. In addition, as new ideas and principles emerge, more light is shed on the nature of the environment and the different events that occur.

Conserved quantities are physical quantities that remain unaltered during a procedure. The rules of conservation of mass, energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, charge, parity, and so on are examples of general conservation laws in nature. Some conservation laws apply to one fundamental force but not the other.

Conservation regulations are inextricably linked to natural symmetry. Symmetries of space and time and other types of symmetries are essential in contemporary theories of fundamental forces in nature.

When we try to observe and classify a natural occurrence, we must be aware of several measurements and details about the items involved in a physical process. In a physical process, two sorts of quantities are involved. They are as follows:

  • Variable Quantities 
  • Constant Quantities

Quantities that Remain Constant / Constant Quantities

Constant amounts are the quantities that remain constant during a natural process. Because they are conserved in nature, these values are also known as conserved quantities. Understanding conserved quantities aids in studying physical phenomena and their quantitative summarization. The following are some examples of how conservation principles might aid in the study of physics:

When a body falls freely under gravity, its mechanical energy (the sum of its kinetic and potential energy) is preserved.

Although kinetic energy (energy related to an object’s motion) and potential energy (energy due to an object’s relative position) vary every second during an object’s free fall, the total mechanical energy is constant.

Quantities that Vary / Variable Quantities 

Variable quantities are those that change as a result of a natural process. These quantities make physics more fascinating and perplexing. For example, you may have noticed the rapid shift in weather and wind direction when it started raining. This is how physics influences everyday lives and routines. Because variable quantities complicate natural processes, scientists prefer to conduct experiments under constant conditions to obtain the desired findings.

The variable quantity involved in dropping a stone and a feather from a height is acceleration. Therefore, both the rock and the feather are intended to be dropped in an environment with negligible air resistance.

Law of Conservation in Physics 

The concept of energy is essential to physics. Every physical phenomenon requires the transfer of energy to occur. Energy can be seen or felt in various forms, such as heat energy used in motors, electrical energy, which is responsible for supplying electricity to the country, and so on. Every energy transmission is governed by laws governing energy conservation. According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, the total energy of a closed system is conserved, which means that additional energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only be transferred from one form to another.


  1. When a moving car collides with a parked vehicle, the parked car moves, transferring the energy from the moving vehicle to the parked car.
  2. When we kick a football on the ground, our muscular energy transforms into the ball’s kinetic energy.

Conservation laws, like other rules, are only valid under certain experimental conditions. For example, analyzing the mechanical energy of a freely falling body under gravity in an open environment reveals that the law is not working. This is due to air resistance, which impedes some of the energy flow of a falling body. However, if the same experiment is repeated in a closed environment, the law of energy conservation holds.

The law of energy conservation applies to both the microscopic and macroscopic worlds of physics—this aids in comprehending microscopic and macroscopic phenomena.

Application of conservation of laws

The application of conservation laws is used to study nuclear, atomic, and elementary particle phenomena. The universe’s total energy is constant and operates according to this law. It quantitatively measures a chemical reaction, i.e., the number of reactants and products involved.

Chemical Reaction and Conservation of Laws

A chemical reaction is merely the rearrangement of atoms in the presence of other molecules. The conservation law of mass applies in a chemical reaction. It signifies that a group cannot be generated or destroyed but can be conserved in a chemical reaction. When energy is released in a chemical process, the chemical reaction is called an exothermic reaction. When power is involved or delivered in a chemical process, the chemical reaction is endothermic.

Relation of Mass and Energy

The fundamental existence of physics and its application is energy. Therefore, scientists have long assumed that there must be a connection between energy and mass. Albert Einstein later confirmed this relationship with his famous energy equation.

mc2 = E

Where E denotes energy, m denotes particle mass, and c represents the speed of light (3 x 108 m/s).

The Einstein energy equation established that mass and energy are interchangeable. This equation encapsulates the fundamentals of nuclear physics and aids in releasing energy in nuclear power generation and atomic explosions through the fission and fusion of radioactive materials.


Aside from being universal and straightforward, conservation principles are extremely useful in real-world physics applications. The following are some examples of conservation laws in action: charge conservation, energy conservation, momentum conservation etc. 

We apply conservation rules to achieve the desired outcomes when solving a complex dynamics problem involving many particles and forces.

Wolfgang Pauli discovered neutrinos in 1931 using conservation laws and the momentum principle.

The nature of physical laws does not change over time. If you conduct an experiment today and repeat it in 10 years (under the same experimental conditions), you will receive the same result. Adding more natural laws is the same in any region; it doesn’t matter if you execute the experiment in India or France; the results are likely to be the same. However, some conditions vary depending on location; for example, the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is six times that of the moon, although the law of gravitation applies to both celestial bodies. It concludes that natural physical rules are symmetrical and conservative.