CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Physics » Measurement of Temperature

Measurement of Temperature

Temperature is the measurement of hotness or coldness expressed in terms of several scales. Temperature is one of the most important thermodynamic parameters. It's a dimension of the average kinetic energy of moles in a substance.


Temperature can be estimated and addressed in various ways. The essential necessities of the training include exactness, a norm, linearity, and reproducibility. The SI unit, picked for its straightforwardness and relationship to thermodynamics, is the kelvin, named to pay tribute to Master Kelvin. While gradually equivalent to the Celsius scale, the temperature in kelvins is a genuine portrayal of the active energy from a thermodynamic perspective. Science and physical science require numerous computations including temperature. Those estimations are constantly made in kelvins.

There are four most famous temperature scales utilised on the planet now:

  •  Celsius scale: One of the most famous (especially in Europe) relative scales, first proposed by Swedish cosmetologist Anders Celcius. First and foremost characterised so that 0 °C ( degrees Celsius) matched the water edge of freezing over and 100 °C – water edge of boiling over, both at a tension of a standard climate. The authentic logical portrayal is unique, relating the scale to indisputably the zero and triadic point of Vienna standard mean seawater, however for reasonable purposes the first depiction might be utilised.
  •  Kelvin scale: A flat out scale named after William Thomson, the first Aristocrat Kelvin. This scale has a zero at outright zero and the unit size is the same as that of the Celsius scale. The temperature of 0 °C is known as 273.15 K, in this way temperature communicated in kelvins can be fluidly changed over to degrees Celsius by subtracting 273.15 from it. Kelvin is one of the seven base units of the Global Arrangement of Units (SI).
  •  Fahrenheit scale: It’s proposed by Dutch-German-Clean physicist Daniel Fahrenheit. Its portrayal depends on the edge of freezing over of a specific Neptune admixture (0 °F) and ice dissolving temperature (32 °F). A well known legend says still that unique scale was grounded on the coldest vacation sen in Gdansk in 1708/1709  (0 °F = – 17.8 °C) and an internal heat level (for reasons unknown, with a slight fever -> 100 °F = 37.8 °C) – this yarn plainly assists with recollecting significant places of that scale! It’s still authoritatively used in the USA.
  •  Rankine scale: By its inclination, the temperature may just be estimated by implication – by estimating a few different properties or boundaries, which have known temperature reliance. Temperature estimation instruments can be isolated by various models:


 As indicated by estimation strategy :

  • Reaching: where the estimation gadget comes into direct contact with the body or liquid whose temperature is estimated.
  • Non-reaching: where the temperature is estimated by properties of warm radiation discharged by the article’s surface.


Working Standard:

  • Glass thermometers, in view of the warm extension of fluids (normally mercury or some other liquid).
  •  Bi-metal mechanical thermometers – using different warm development of two metal components bound together.
  • Thermistors – in light of exceptional resistors whose electric obstruction shifts with temperature.
  •  Obstruction temperature locators – utilising reliance between guide’s temperature and opposition.
  •  Pyrometers – using warm radiation discharged by the article’s surface.

A Glass thermometer is one of the easiest, least expensive and most famous sorts. It is a very exact gadget, but it has a scope of restrictions:

  •  Temperature range restricted by bubbling and edge of freezing over used fluid.
  •  High latency (long estimation time).
  •  Absence of probability to take care of results straightforwardly into any information obtaining framework.

Thermal Equilibrium Role In Temperature Measurements:

Thermometers work in the way that any two frameworks set in warm contact (which means heat can move between them) will arrive at a similar temperature. The hotness will move from the more sizzling item to the cooler article until they arrive at a similar temperature. The articles are likewise supposed to be in warm harmony, and no further changes will be made. Frameworks collaborate and change due to temperature contrasts, and these progressions stop just as their temperatures are something very similar. Warm balance is set up when two bodies are in touch with one another and can openly change energy.


Impacts of Temperature:

An expansion or decline in temperature causes different changes in the physical and synthetic cycles of life. A portion of those are given underneath-

  • It influences the dissolvability, thickness, fume pressure, actual properties of different materials alongside the electrical conductivity. 
  • The pace of a substance response is additionally impacted by the temperature.
  • The warm radiations from the outer layer of items are additionally impacted by temperature.


Three temperature scales are in normal use: 

  • The Fahrenheit (°F) temperature scale is used in the United States and many different English- speaking countries. 


  • The Celsius (°C) temperature scale is fashionable in almost all international locations that have taken up the metric machine of dimension, and it is notably used in the laboratories. 
  • The Kelvin (K) scale, an absolute temperature scale received by means of moving the Celsius scale by means of +273.15 ° so that absolute zero coincides with zero (K), is honoured as the transnational general for scientific temperature dimension.