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Learning on Motional Electromotive Force

In the presence of a magnetic field, a moving electric conductor induces motional electromotive force or motional EMF.

A motional electromotive force is an EMF created by the movement of a conductor across a magnetic field. E = -BLV is the formula for the equation. This equation holds as long as the velocity, field, and length are all perpendicular. The negative sign is connected to Lenz’s law. Let us create a specific arrangement to comprehend the motional electromotive force better. Consider a rectangular coil, a metal rod with a length L and a velocity V travelling through a magnetic field B. A magnetic field exists at some point.


When an electrical conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it generates EMF due to its dynamic interaction with the field. Induced EMF is the name for this type of EMF. Any change in magnetic flux causes an EMF to oppose it. Induction is the term for this procedure. One of the most common causes of induction is motion. A magnet moving toward a coil, for example, generates an EMF, and a coil moving away from a magnet causes an EMF.


What is Electromotive force?


Electromotive force is the terminal potential difference of a battery (or another energy source) when there is no electrical current flow. The electric potential generated by either changing the magnetic field or an electrochemical cell is called electromotive force. ε is the symbol that experts have accepted for the electromotive force. The use of a generator or battery takes place to convert energy from one form to another.


Electromotive force represents the electrical action whose output takes place by a non-electrical origin. Transducers are tools that deliver an electromotive force by stimulating the conversion of other forms of energy into electrical energy like batteries or generators.


Electromotive Force is the force that maintains a constant potential difference. Electromotive Force can also be specified as the full potential difference between the negative electrode and the positive electrode of a cell in an open circuit and can be generated by an electrochemical cell or by shifting the magnetic field.


Motional EMF


The phenomena of induced EMF may also be described by the idea of the generated area if the conducting rod moves on two parallel conducting rails.


The distance travelled by the conductor equals vt in time t.


So the area, A = lvt


This area has a flux, Φ = BA = Blvt


As a result, the induced EMF |e|= dΦ/dt = Blv and the induced current i = eR


i = BlvR


Fleming’s right-hand rule can determine the direction of induced current.


Electricity and Magnetism


Electromagnetic forces are made up of two different but related phenomena: electricity and magnetism. Together, they constitute the foundation for electromagnetism, a crucial branch of physics. Except for behaviour caused by gravity, practically every event in everyday life is caused by electromagnetic force. It is in charge of interactions between atoms and the flow of energy and matter. The other fundamental forces are the weak and strong nuclear forces that govern decay and the production of atomic nuclei.


Given the importance of magnetism and electricity, it’s good to start with a rudimentary understanding of what they are and how they work.


  • The electromagnetic force produces both electricity and magnetism, two related phenomena. They combine to generate electromagnetism.
  • An electric charge travelling produces a magnetic field.
  • Electric charge movement is induced by a magnetic field, resulting in an electric current.
  • The electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to one other in an electromagnetic wave.


Induced EMF


Electromagnetic induction, electromotive force induction and induced electromotive force are all terms that describe induced EMF.


Electromotive forces are generated in one of two ways:


  • The first method involves placing an electric conductor in a moving magnetic field.
  • The second method entails inserting a constantly moving electrical wire into the magnetic field, which is static in nature.


The following are some of the applications of induced EMF:


  • Generators
  • Galvanometers
  • Transformers


Principles of Magnetism


The physical phenomena caused by a moving charge is understood as magnetism. A field of force also can cause charged particles to flow, leading to the generation of an electrical current. Both the electrical and magnetic components of nonparticulate radiation (such as light) are present. The wave’s two components travel within the same direction but at a right angle to at least one another (90 degrees).




Electromotive force or EMF of a cell is virtually an aspect of the cell (or energy source) eligible for running an electric charge around the circuit. Volts are the unit of the Electromotive force. Certain factors affect induced EMF. Because there is no vertical component of Earth’s magnetic field, no EMF is generated when a conducting rod moves horizontally on the equator. However, it is at its highest at poles, resulting in the greatest flux cutting.


Frequently asked questions

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What is motional EMF?

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Michael Faraday discovered the electromotive force. He published electromagnetic induction in 1831.

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Alessandro Volta was the one who originated the term electromotive force. He stated that there was a force segregati...Read full