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Learning on Inertial & Non-Inertial Frames

Frames of reference are used to describe the relationship between an abstract coordinate system and a collection of physical reference locations, which are used to define the coordinate system and standardize measurements inside the frame of reference.

A frame of reference is a set of coordinates whose axes may be customized to meet the needs of the situation. We need three coordinates (x, y, and z) to locate a point ‘P’. It is necessary to know the time of the occurrence of an event for it to be a particular one. In Newton’s first law, he established the absolute equivalence between a state of rest and a uniform motion. He separated this state from that of rapid motion clearly and unambiguously. A space time frame is a reference frame that describes an event that takes place inside these four coordinates.

What are inertial and non inertial frames of reference? 

Velocity, acceleration, and displacement have all been examined in this section of the book. While all of these figures are important, to accurately assess all of the above-mentioned metrics in a real use case scenario, it is necessary to have a frame of reference against which to compare them. 

Physicists use frames of reference to describe the relationship between an abstract coordinate system and a collection of physical reference locations, which are used to define the coordinate system and standardize measurements inside the frame of reference. 

Inertial Frame of Reference

If we suppose that a body has been kept on the surface of the planet, it is at rest for a person on the earth, but it is in motion for someone on the moon. Is there going to be an inertial frame of reference from the earth?

An inertial frame is a reference frame that is considered to reflect the inertial frame of reference, as defined by the term inertial frame. According to a more general definition, an inertial frame is either at rest or travels with constant velocity about our imagined inertial reference frame, depending on the context. 

A frame of reference is essentially a part of the environment around us that we use to measure the motion of moving bodies. It looks like the world around us is at rest, and since any motion we measure relative to our surroundings is properly observed, it must be uniform.

Due to the travel of the railway car down its tracks, the motion of whatever item we are seeing will not be accurately measured, but will instead have an inaccuracy equal to that of the railway car’s motion. As a result, wouldn’t our observations of the moving item be influenced by this factor? 

If the moving item moves nonuniformly in the real world because of a force acting on it, it will likewise move nonuniformly in the frame of reference of a moving railway vehicle by an exact amount equal to that force operating on it in the real world.      

A consistently moving frame of reference, such as a train, does not affect the laws of motion. This was first proposed by Galileo Galilei, decades before Newton published his Laws of Motion. Galileo’s statement incorporates not just Newton’s Rules, but also all of nature’s laws.

If Newton’s Laws of Motion are valid in the real world, then the Law of Inertia is correct in any frame of reference that moves exactly evenly about the common world. It is referred to as an inertial frame whenever it holds in such a frame.


Non-Inertial Frame of Reference

A non-inertial frame of reference travels at a quicker rate than the expected inertial reference frame. Newton’s law will not be applicable in such circumstances. However, we’ll have to employ some weird forces known as pseudo forces to do this.

According to the definition, an inertial frame of reference is a frame of reference that is neither moving nor moving at a constant speed. It is possible to travel in a non-inertial frame of reference at a constant speed while accelerating or going on a circular path at a constant speed. 

A non-inertial reference frame is a frame of reference that accelerates when compared to an inertial frame, which is the default. In general, an accelerometer at rest in such a frame will detect a non-zero acceleration if the frame is not in equilibrium.

According to Newton’s second law of motion, it is often feasible to include extra fake forces (also known as inertial forces or pseudo-forces) in the equations describing the motion of things. The Coriolis and centrifugal forces are two non inertial frame of reference examples.

In general relativity, there are no global inertial reference frames because of the non-Euclidean geometry of curved space-time, which is due to the curvature of spacetime. The imaginary force that arises in general relativity is the force of gravity, to be more explicit.


It is something that the inertial frame of reference takes into account when it inspects people, objects, and objects.

Inertial frames of reference refer to objects that are not moving at the speed of light. For an inertial frame of reference example, an inertial frame of reference may be a car that has come to a complete stop or a bus that is driving at a steady speed. A non-inertial frame of reference is moving at a faster rate than light.

A non-inertial frame of reference is one in which a body does not seem to be subject to the rules of inertia. It is no longer necessary to use Newton’s first law of motion in this situation, so acceleration can be measured in terms of an inertial reference frame.


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