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Know the Various Types Of Forces

Force and motion force items to move, but they may also cause them to remain stationary. There are two types of forces Contact force and non-contact force.

Contact forces and non-contact forces are the two most common forms of force. Some examples are gravitational forces, electric force, magnetic force, nuclear force, and frictional force. The act of pushing or pulling on an item as a consequence of its contact with another object is called a force.

Real forces in classical physics are defined by a series of axioms, known as Newton’s law of motion, that are applied to an inertial reference frame to be valid. Newton’s second law of motion states that the resultant force F acting on a body of constant mass m is equal to ma, where ma is the acceleration of a body of constant mass m. Force is measured as a vector quantity.

What is Force?

A force is a quantity that moves or has the tendency to move an object. The direction of an object’s motion may also be altered by the application of force. It also can alter the form and size of the body on which it affects.

Physicists are studying how forces such as gravity and the Coulomb force interact with each other. Forces may be classified as either long-range or short-range in nature. Long-range forces decay at a slower rate than the inverse fourth power of the distance between two objects.

In a condensed body, short-range forces are modest for distances that are not much bigger than the distances between neighbors. Dynamic is a field of mechanics that deals with the study of the motion of an object as well as the causes of that motion. It is also known as kinematics.

Different Types of Forces

Forces are of two types:

  1. Contact forces
  2. Non-contact forces

Contact forces

There are several forms of contact forces, including normal force, spring force, applied force, and tension force. The normal force is the most common type of contact force. When nothing is occurring, such as when a book is sitting on a table, this is known as normal force.

Contact force is a force that can push or pull objects in either direction. When someone applies force to an item, such as a horse pulling a rope, this is called applied force. When a tension force is imparted to a cable or wire, it is referred to as tension.

All of these forces are created when two items come into physical contact with one another and one of the objects applies a force to the other object. 

Types of Contact force 

Normal force

It is a force that interacts with surfaces when they come into touch. It always behaves in a perpendicular manner to the surfaces and out of the surfaces they interact with. It is produced by the tiny deformation of molecules, which is modeled after a system of springs. 

Tension force

A force that is exerted by the use of a string, cable, rope, or other similar device. 

It is important to note that a tension force can only pull, not push. Most of the time, we presume that the tension in a cable is the same across the cable. 

Frictional force

Interactions with a surface occur when an item moves or attempts to move relative to a surface. The frictional force is a result of these interactions. 

Spring force

The displacement of molecules is responsible for the spring force. It always moves in the opposite direction of the displacement of spring. 

Air resistance force

The air resistance force is defined as the force that operates in the direction opposed to the passage of a gas through it. It is produced as a result of repeated interactions with air molecules. It rises in proportion to the increase in velocity through the gas. It likewise grows in proportion to the increase in the area normal to the direction of motion.

Noncontact forces

Scientists have discovered that magnetism is a non-contact, invisible force. It may be created with the help of helpful instruments and devices. Silver, gold, platinum, and other metals are not magnetically attracted by magnetism as they are not electrically charged.

Gravity is the force that pulls you down to the ground and keeps you on the ground rather than drifting out into space. The moon is impacted by the gravitational pull of the earth and the sun, which maintains its orbit around the earth. Gravity dictates that whatever goes up must fall.

The moon’s gravitational pull is what causes our tides to rise and fall. Acorns fall more slowly than pianos because the piano is heavier than the acorn. If you drop an acorn, it will fall faster than a piano due to its heavier weight.

Types of Non-contact forces

Gravitational force

Gravitational force is the attracting force that exists between two objects and is exerted between them. Its genesis may be traced back to the existence of matter. 

Strong nuclear force

When the fundamental particles interact, the strong force acts to hold them together, which is what holds the nucleus together. 

Electromagnetic force

This force is composed of fundamental electric and magnetic interactions that are important for the bonding of atoms as well as the structure of solids and other objects. 

Weak nuclear force

When some radioactive decay processes and reactions occur among the most basic particles, the weak nuclear force is a contributing factor. 


Forces and motion are a part of your everyday life, for example pushing a trolley, a horse pulling a rope, speed, and acceleration. Force and motion force items to move, but they may also cause them to remain stationary. Motion is just a movement, yet it needs the application of force to move. Forces may be classified into two types: contact forces and act at a distance forces. Force is defined as the application of strength or energy to an object to cause physical action or movement. Generally speaking, a force is a push or pull that results from the interaction of two things. Force is an external phenomenon that arises only when two things come into contact with one another.


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