CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Physics » Introduction to Measurement

Introduction to Measurement

In this article we are going to study about measurement and its importance. Here we also study the SI unit and unit of measurement. At last we are going to discuss some important questions related to this topic.

The process of determining the magnitude of a quantity in relation to a predetermined standard is known as measurement. Metrology is the science of weights and measurements. New Zealand’s national metrology institute is the Measurement Standards Laboratory (MSL). MSL guarantees that New Zealand’s measurement units are in accordance with the International System of Units also known as SI.

SI unit

Any quantity measurement involves a comparison to a precisely specified unit value of the quantity. The most accurate identification and definition of standard units of measure is required. Only seven fundamental standards known as base units can be utilized to determine all of the SI units used in scientific measurements.

Each of these units has a definition based on a physical constant, such as the speed of light, which is an unchangeable property of nature. SI derived units are created by multiplying, dividing, or powering the base units in various ways. A large number of SI-derived units have been named for scientists and peoples who have made significant contributions to the field.


Measurement is the quantification of an object’s or event’s attributes so that they can be compared to other objects or events. Measurements scope and application are defined on context and discipline. Measurements do not apply to nominal properties of objects or events in natural sciences and engineering, which is in keeping with the principles of the International vocabulary of metrology established by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.

Measurements can have numerous levels in other domains, such as statistics and the social and behavioral sciences, and include nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales.

In many areas, measurement is a cornerstone of trade, science, technology, and quantitative research. Many measurement methods existed in the past for various areas of human existence in order to allow comparisons. Local agreements between trading partners or collaborators were frequently used to attain these goals. 

Since the 18th century, progress has been made toward unified, widely accepted standards, resulting in the modern International System of Units (SI). All physical measures are reduced to a mathematical combination of seven base units in this system. The field of metrology is dedicated to the science of measurement.

The practice of comparing an unknown quantity to a known or standard quantity is known as measurement.

“This rod is longer than that rod,” for example. This statement has a very limited comparison purpose because we don’t know anything about the unique characteristics of the given rods. However, if the length of the first rod is 20 inches and the length of the second rod is 15 inches, the first rod is 5 inches longer than the second. This statement makes greater mathematical sense and provides a basis for our deduction.

Importance of Measurement

There are following importance of Measurement:

  • It is required for the purchase, sale, and exchange of things.

  • It is required for scientific experimentation.

  • It is required for the preparation of medicines and the treatment of patients.

  • It is required for food preparation.

  • It is required for a worldwide knowledge of a substance’s amount.

Unit of Measurement

Depending on the type of measurement, there are several units of measurement. The measurement units for length, for example, are meters, centimeters, inches, feet, and so on. We have kilograms, grams, pounds, tones, as well as other units of mass. The Metric System and the US Standard System are two ways to classify distinct measuring units (Imperial System of Measurement). 

We use different units for each form of measurement in each of these systems. When it comes to measuring length, the metric system uses millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers, while the US standard system uses inches, feet, yards, and miles.

A unit of measurement is a fixed magnitude of a quantity that is used as a standard for measuring the same kind of quantity. It is established and adopted by agreement or by law. A multiple of the unit of measurement can be used to express any other quantity of that type.

A length, for example, is a physical quantity. The meter is a unit of measurement that represents a specific length. For example, when someone says “10 meters” (or 10 m), what they really mean is 10 times the predetermined length known as “meter.”

The process of establishing how large or small a physical quantity is in comparison to a basic reference quantity of the same kind is known as measurement.


In this article we have studied about Measurement units, measurement SI units. At last we discussed the Importance of measurement. A comparison of an unknown amount to a known quantity is referred to as measurement. The measurement yields a numerical value in a specific unit. Any object’s length, mass, volume (capacity), and temperature can all be measured.


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