CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Physics » Electrostatics of Conductor

Electrostatics of Conductor

The electric field inside a conductor is zero everywhere in the static state. This property distinguishes the conductor from other objects. We also know that conductors contain free electrons, which are in the presence of an electric field.

Inside a conductor, the electrostatic field is zero. The electric field inside a conductor, whether neutral or charged, is zero everywhere under the static situation. This is one of a conductor’s defining characteristics. We know that a conductor contains free electrons that experience a drift or force in the presence of an electric field. The electrons distribute themselves inside the wire so that the final electric field at all points within the conductor is zero.

The Surface of a Charged Conductor:

A non-zero electric charge on a two-dimensional surface is known as a surface charge. These electric charges are limited on this 2-D surface, and surface charge density, measured in coulombs per square metre (C/m2), describes the charge distribution on the surface. 

The electric potential is continuous throughout the surface charge unless it is a dipole layer, and the electric field is discontinuous but not infinite. The potential and electric field diverge at every charge or linear charge point.

At equilibrium, an ideal conductor has no charge on its inside; instead, the conductor’s full charge is focused on the surface. However, this is only true in the ideal case of infinite electrical conductivity.

Electrostatic Shielding:

The electric field is zero at every location inside a conductor cavity (if no charge is placed in the cavity). Consider a conductor with a cavity to comprehend this better. 

According to the Gauss rule, the electric field inside the cavity will be zero if the charge encompassed by the cavity is zero. We know that if a conductor is charged or an external field induces charges on a neutral conductor, all charges dwell only on the cavity’s exterior surface. 

The electric field inside the cavity will always be zero in the presence of an external electric field. It is independent of the cavity’s size and form and the charge on the conductor. A conductor’s cavity is insulated at all times.

Important Results Regarding Electrostatics of Conductors:

  • Inside a conductor, the electrostatic field is zero: The free charges have dispersed so evenly inside the static condition that the electric field is zero everywhere. Inside a conductor, the electrostatic field is zero.

  • Any point on the surface of a charged conductor must have a normal electrostatic field: As a result, E should have no tangential component in a static scenario. As a result, the electrostatic field at the surface of a charged conductor must always be normal to the surface.

  • The interior of a conductor can have no excess charge in the static situation: Inside the conductor, there is no net charge. Thus, any excess charge must be found on the surface.

  • The electrostatic potential is constant throughout the conductor’s volume. It has the same value (as inside) on its surface: 

Since E = 0 on the conductor’s surface and has no tangential component inside the conductor, moving a nominal test charge inside and on its surface will not require any work. That is, there is no potential difference between any two points within or on the conductor’s surface.

  • The electric field at the surface of a charged conductor: where n is a unit vector normal to the surface in the outward direction and is the surface charge density.


Conductors are materials that allow electricity to flow freely through them. They have comparatively free-moving electric charges inside the material (electrons). 

  • Conductors include metals, human and animal bodies, and even the ground itself.

  • Conductors contain mobile charge carriers in the form of electrons.

  • The valence electrons facilitate the flow of currents in a conductor.

  • Examples of conducting materials are the human body, metallic objects, water, etc.

Neutral Conductor:

A live portion is referred to as the neutral conductor. However, unlike phase conductors, it is generally under nominal voltage concerning earth under normal conditions. 

In an electrical circuit, network, or system, the neutral conductor is a current-carrying conductor counted among the total number of conductors. 

In low-voltage electrical systems, AC circuits, neutral conductors and phase conductors are utilised to give electrical power to the electrical equipment. 

The neutral conductor is electrically connected to the centre current-carrying component of a single-phase AC power supply or to the standard current-carrying part of an AC multi-phase power supply whose star-connected windings. Line conductors are exempt from this rule.


The net electric field inside a conductor is zero in a static environment. At all times, the electrostatic field at the surface of a charged conductor must be parallel to the surface. 

There is no net charge inside the conductor, and any surplus charge will always end up on the surface. There is no potential difference between any two sites within or on the conductor’s surface. 

The electric field at the surface of a charged conductor is given by E=nn, where n is a unit vector normal to the surface in the outward direction and n represents the surface charge density. 

Any conductor’s electric field will always be zero inside its hollow. Electrostatic shielding is the term for this occurrence.


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