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Clarity On The Nature Of Light

Light is an electromagnetic wave that is transverse & visible to the eyes. The wave nature of light was initially demonstrated through diffraction and interference techniques.

Visible electromagnetic energy is referred to as light. The human eye is only sensitive to a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the part known as light. The wavelengths of visible light range from 350-400 nanometers (nm) to 750-800 nanometers (nm). The term light is frequently used to refer to nearby wavelength ranges that the human eye cannot perceive, such as infrared radiation, which has a frequency lower than visible light, and ultraviolet and black lights, which have a frequency higher than visible light.

When white light, which comprises all visible wavelengths, is split into a spectrum, each wavelength corresponds to a different colour. 

Nature of light :

The light behaviour’s scientific study is done wherein the reflection & refraction are being used. This includes light reflection by a mirror or other object, light refraction by a lens, and light polarisation. These and other optical phenomena must be explained by any viable hypothesis of the nature of light.

Around the end of the 17th century, the first scientific hypotheses on the nature of light were proposed. Christian Huygens suggested a hypothesis of light as a wave phenomena in 1690. Sir Isaac Newton, on the other hand, proposed a competing theory in 1704. Light is made up of microscopic particles, or corpuscles, released by luminous substances, according to Newton, who discovered the visible spectrum in 1666. He was able to explain numerous optical phenomena by combining this corpuscular theory with his principles of mechanics.

Particle nature of light :

Physicists used to believe that light travelled in waves until 1900. The photoelectric effect experiment, on the other hand, suggested that it may also contain energy packets. Quanta of energy exist in all kinds of electromagnetic radiation.

What we now refer to as photons are actually energy elements. Photons are tiny packets of energy.

Photons can be found in a variety of forms.

Photons are electromagnetic field carriers that are assumed to be field particles.


Wave nature of light :

Light, according to Newton, is made up of a stream of particles known as corpuscles of light. This could not explain interference and deflection (as Rutherford’s model did).

Huygen stated that lights travel in the form of waves in his wave theory, and subsequently, James Maxwell proposed that lights and other radiation travel in the form of waves and that these waves are related to oscillating electric and magnetic fields.

A wave could be a periodic oscillation that transmits energy through space. The light could be a type of electromagnetic radiation, in keeping with its wave nature. This wave is visible to the human eye. Experiments on diffraction and interference capabilities of electric waves were primarily used to demonstrate the character of waves in relation to light in the initial stages. These experiments were referred to as the wave nature of light.

Difference Between Wave and Particle Nature of Light :

Light has both a wave and a particle nature, according to the wave-particle duality theory. The main distinction between the wave and the particle nature of light is that the wave nature of light explains how light can act as an electromagnetic wave, whereas the particle nature of light explains how light is made up of photons.

According to scientists, Francesco Maria Grimaldi and Sir Isaac Newton were the ones to initially note the nature of light capabilities & properties.  Francesco Maria Grimaldi observed the diffraction of light and stated that light exhibits wave behaviour. While Sir Isaac Newton discovered that when a prism splits light into different colours, the periphery/ boundaries /limits of the corresponding shadows created was extremely sharp and clear. These findings lead him to state that light has the capability of splitting behaviour.

Wave-Particle Duality :

Light, as you may know, contains photons, or quanta of energy, which give it a particle nature. However, as the English scientist Thomas Young discovered through his Interference experiment, it can also take the form of waves.

The Speed of Light :

An important question within the history of the study of light has been the determination of its speed and of the connection of this speed to other physical phenomena. Once, it was presumed that light travels with infinite speed—i.e., it propagates instantaneously from its source to an observer. Olaus Rømer estimated that light would require approximately 22 minutes to cover the distance corresponding to the diameter of Earth’s orbit around the Sun by monitoring the eclipse of certain of Jupiter’s satellites & moon. The speed of light was also calculated by A. H. L. Fizeau (1849), employing a roulette to interrupt the light, and by J. B. L. Foucault (1850), employing a rotating mirror.

Conclusion :

  • We can see the items around us when the light from those things enters our eyes. The light entering our eyes is also reflected from the article’s surface or emitted from within the object itself.
  • The reflection of light from a surface follows two laws of reflection: The incident ray, reflected ray and also the normal all dwell the identical plane, and also the angle of incidence is capable of the angle of reflection.
  • Reflection, depending upon the character of the reflecting surface, will be either regular or diffused.
  • Our eye consists of several parts just like the cornea, iris, pupil, retina and second cranial nerve that function together & facilitate seeing the things around us. Eyes may suffer from defects because of which our vision may get compromised.

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