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Ammeter and Galvanometer

In this article, we will learn about ammeter and galvanometer, ammeter galvanometer uses, galvanometer and ammeter current, difference between ammeter and galvanometer and more.

Measurements of parameters such as current flow are critical for electrical devices. An ammeter or a galvanometer can both be used to measure current. However, there are numerous differences between these two. The galvanometer represents both the direction and magnitude of current, which is the fundamental distinction between the two. However, the ammeter merely displays the current’s magnitude.

Ammeter and Galvanometer


An ammeter is a device that measures the current flowing through a circuit. The unit of measurement for electrical current is Amperes, which is named after the eminent scientist Sir Ampere. This instrument calculates currents which are smaller in the range, such as microampere or milliampere.

Hans Christian Oersted was the first to discover the relationship between electric current and magnetic fields in 1820. The needle of the compass was diverted towards the north if the flowing current in wire was adjacent, he observed. With this result, the galvanometer was used to determine the same currents. The restoration of the pointer to zero position can be attributed to the earth’s magnetic fields. As a result, these sensors could only be used when they were in sync with the earth’s magnetic field.


A Galvanometer is an electromechanical instrument that detects and indicates an electrical current. A galvanometer is a type of actuator that generates a rotating deflection of a pointer. In reaction, an electric current which flows through a coil in a magnetic field that remains constant. These determine the amount of electricity flowing via a circuit.

Galvanometers function by deflecting the needle of a magnetic compass near a wire which is carrying an electric current. Hans Christian Oersted was the first to discover it in the year 1820.

The galvanometer has always been critical to the advancement of technology and science in a variety of sectors. They facilitated long-range communication via submarines and cables as early as transatlantic telegraph wire, for example.

All of these breakthroughs paved the way for the development of a variety of advanced medical technologies, like the measurement of electrical activity within the heart and brain, which could only be detected with fine measurement instruments.

Ammeter Galvanometer Uses

Uses of Galvanometer

There are many uses of galvanometers, some of which are given here.

Galvanometers are used in the laboratories of school and college to determine the current and learn about measuring equipment’s basic principles. A galvanometer can also be used to determine the flow direction of current.

Galvanometers are used to position and regulate systems in modern automobiles and heavy mechanical engineering.

Galvanometers are required for laser beam welding, laser televisions, and laser displays. 

A permanent magnet with a moving coil is known as a galvanometer. Galvanometer is found in a wide range of applications, such as hard disc drives and actuators.

Uses of Ammeter

There are many uses of Ammeter, some of which are given here.

An ammeter is a device which determines the current in a circuit. The word ammeter comes from the unit of electric currents as current is measured in amperes (A).  The first ammeters were laboratory gadgets that operated by using the Earth’s magnetic field.

A digital ammeter is an instrument which measures electrical current in amperes and is put into a circuit (A). Some types are powered by electricity, but the majority are battery-powered and are used outside for measurements.

Difference between Ammeter and Galvanometer

The moving coil of a galvanometer is free to revolve between the permanent magnets. The needle inside the coil is deflected when the current flows across it. The current flowing through the coil determines the deflection of needle in the coil. By connecting the resistance in parallel with the circuit, a galvanometer can be transformed to an ammeter; but, if the resistance is linked in series with the galvanometer, it becomes a voltmeter.

Because ampere is the unit of electric current, the ammeter is also known as an ampere metre. An ammeter is a metre that measures the amount of electricity flowing through a wire. It’s wired in series with the circuit to figure out how much electricity is flowing.

  • An ammeter is a device that is used to measure the magnitude of an electric current which flows through a circuit. 

Whereas, a galvanometer is a device that detects the direction and strength of a modest current that is flowing across a circuit.

  • Ammeter is used to detect the current in an electric circuit.

Whereas, galvanometer is used to detect the current in bridges and potentiometer.

  • The accuracy of the ammeter is high.

Whereas, the accuracy of the galvanometer is low.


An ammeter is a device that measures the current flowing through a circuit. 

The unit of measurement for electrical current is Amperes.

A Galvanometer is an electromechanical instrument that detects and indicates an electrical current.

Galvanometers are employed in modern autos and heavy mechanical engineering for positioning and controlling systems.

A digital ammeter is a device which measures electrical current in amperes and is put into a circuit.

An ammeter is a device that is used to measure the magnitude of an electric current which flows through a circuit. 

Whereas, a galvanometer is a device that detects the direction and strength of a modest current that is flowing across a circuit.


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Q1. What is an ammeter?

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