Inverse of Functions

With respect to the original function f, the inverse function is represented by f-1, and the domain of the original function becomes the range of the inverse function, while the range of the given function becomes the domain of the inverse function. Swapping (x, y) with (y, x) with reference to the line y = x yields the graph of the inverse function.

A function from a set X to a set Y allocates one element of Y to each element of X in mathematics. [1] The set X is referred to as the function’s domain, while the set Y is referred to as the function’s codomain.

The value of a function f at an element x in its domain is denoted by f. (x).

The set of all pairs (x, f (x)), known as the graph of the function, represents a function uniquely.

When the domain and codomain are both real values, each pair can be considered the Cartesian coordinates of a point in the plane. The graph of the function is a popular way of showing the function and is made up of these points.

An inverse function of a function f (also known as the inverse of f) is a function that reverses the operation of the function f. The inverse of f exists only if and only if f is bijective, and is denoted by f-1if it does.

The inverse of a function f: x-y is f-1: Each element y∊Y is sent to the unique element x∊X in such a way that f(x) = y.

One to One Functions :

One-to-one functions are those that have an inverse.

A function is said to be one-to-one if there is precisely one integer x in the domain of f such that f (x) = y for any number y in the range of f.

To put it another way, the domain and range of a one-to-one function are related as follows:

f-1 domain = f’s range

f-1 range = f’s domain

How to find the Inverse Of the Function ?

The procedure below will assist you in quickly determining the inverse of a function. In this example, we’ll look at the function f(x) = ax + b and try to discover its inverse using the techniques below.

  • Replace f(x) = y with y = ax + b for the given function f(x) = ax + b.
  • To get x = ay + b, replace the x with y and the y with x in the function y = ax + b.
  • For y, calculate the equation x = ay + b. As a result, we get y = (x – b/a).
  • Finally, we can substitute y = f-1(x) with f-1(x) = (x – b)/a.

Graphical Representation :

Inverse Trigonometric Functions :

Because the six fundamental trigonometric functions are periodic, they are not one-to-one. However, we may define the inverse of a trigonometric function if we limit its domain to a one-to-one interval. Take the sine function as an example. The sine function is one-to-one on an infinite number of intervals, but the domain is usually restricted to the range[2,2]. By doing so, we define the inverse sine function on the domain [-1,1], which tells us which angle θ in the interval [2,2] satisfies sinθ  = x for any x in the interval [-1,1].


  1. Given the function f (x) = 3x − 2, find its inverse.

f(x) = 3x-2

Replace f(x) with y

y = 3x-2

Swap x with y

x = 3y-2

Solve for y 

y = x/3 + 2/3

Finally replace y with f-1x

f-1x = x/3 + 2/3

  1. Find the inverse for the function f(x) = (3x+2)/(x-1)

Replace f(x) with y


Swapping x and y


Solving y in terms of x






Therefore y=f-1x=(x+2)/(x-3)

Conclusion :

An inverse function is denoted by the signf-1x. If f (x) and g (x) are inverses of each other, for example, we can represent this statement symbolically as:

f(x) = g-1(x) or g(x) = f-1(x)


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