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Introduction of Correlation

In this article we are going to discuss Correlation. Here we also discuss its types and Correlation Coefficient.

The degree of correspondence or relationship between two variables is referred to as correlation. Correlated variables have a tendency to change at the same time. When one variable grows, the other one grows or shrinks in a predictable pattern. We might expect to find such a correlation between scores on an arithmetic test taken three months apart, for example. High scores on the first test are likely to predict high scores on the second test, while low scores on the first test are likely to predict low scores on the second test.

When high measures of X correspond to high measures of Y and low measures of X correspond to low measures of Y, the relationship between the two variables is a positive relationship or positive correlation. It’s also possible that the relationship between variables X and Y is inverse or negative. This happens when high levels of variable X are linked to low levels of variable Y, and low levels of variable X are linked to high levels of variable Y.

The correlation coefficient is a number that indicates how strong a relationship exists between two variables. The coefficient can be any number between -1 and 1. The following are the values’ interpretations:

  • -1: The best possible negative correlation. Variables have a tendency to move in opposing directions (i.e., when one variable increases, the other variable decreases).

  • 0: There is no connection. The variables don’t have any sort of relationship.

  • 1: There is a perfect positive correlation here. The variables have a tendency to follow the same path (i.e., when one variable increases, the other variable also increases).

Correlation Types


Correlation - Introduction, Types

                                 Figure 1: Types of correlation

What’s the Best Way to Find a Correlation?

The following formula can be used to calculate the correlation coefficient, which indicates the strength of the relationship between two variables:

The following steps must be followed in order to calculate the correlation coefficient using the formula above:

  • Obtain a data sample containing the x- and y-variable values.

  • Calculate the means (averages) and ȳ  for the x- and y-variables, respectively.

  • Subtract the mean from each value of the x-variable (let’s call this new variable “a”) for the x-variable. Do the same thing with the y-variable (let’s call it “b” for now).

  • Find the sum of these multiplications by multiplying each a-value by the corresponding b-value (the final value is the numerator in the formula).

  • Calculate the sum of each a-value by squaring it.

  • Find the square root of the value you got in step one (this is the denominator in the formula).

Correlation coefficient

Correlation coefficients are used to measure the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. A positive relationship is indicated by a linear correlation coefficient greater than zero. A negative relationship is indicated by a value less than zero. Finally, a value of zero indicates that the two variables x and y have no relationship.

  • Positive Correlation

When the correlation coefficient is greater than zero, it means that both variables are moving in the same direction. When is +1, it means that the two variables being compared have a perfect positive relationship; when one variable rises or falls, the other rises or falls in the same magnitude.

  • Negative Correlation 

When the correlation coefficient is less than 0, it is called a negative (inverse) correlation. This indicates that both variables are moving in the same direction. In other words, any value between 0 and -1 indicates that the two securities are moving in opposite directions. The relationship is said to be perfectly negatively correlated when  is -1.

 Zero Correlation 

When there is no relationship between the two variables then correlation statistic is zero. It’s important to note that this does not imply that there is no relationship at all; rather, it implies that the relationship is not linear.

Correlation in statistics

In statistics, correlation refers to a linear relationship between two variables when plotted in a scatter plot. The two variables have a negative correlation if the slope of the line is negative. It’s a positive correlation if the slope is positive. Finally, there is no correlation if a line cannot be drawn. Or Correlation is a statistical method for determining whether two continuous variables have a linear relationship. Calculating and interpreting it is simple.

Analytical introduction of correlation

In research, correlation analysis is a statistical method for determining the strength of a linear relationship between two variables and calculating their association. A high correlation indicates a strong relationship between the two variables, whereas a low correlation indicates a weak relationship between the variables.


The linear relationship between two continuous variables is described by correlation (e.g., height and weight). When there is no identified response variable, correlation is commonly used. It assesses the strength (both qualitatively and quantitatively) and direction of a linear relationship between two or more variables.


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