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he Condition for Consistency of 3 Linear Equations

Linear and nonlinear equations are consistent in mathematics, particularly algebra, based on if at least one of the sets of unknown satisfies the equation. It means they certainly make each equation remain true as an identity when they are inserted into it and describe the condition for consistency of 3 linear equations. If no collection of unknown values can fulfil all of the equations, a linear or nonlinear equation system is said to be inconsistent and does not satisfy the equation at all. No wonder the linear equation is used a lot in mathematics and helps solve a lot of equations with suitable solutions, and is useful in daily problems.

What exactly are linear equations, and what do they imply?

A linear equation is one in which the variable’s maximum power is always 1. It’s also known as a one-degree equation. The traditional form of a one-variable linear equation is Ax + B = 0. x is a variable, A is a coefficient, and B is a constant in this equation.

Linear equations are equations that, when graphed, appear as straight lines. Linear equations are only found in the powers of one.

What do nonlinear equations imply?

Nonlinear equations are those that, when graphed, appear as curved lines. If the differences between the equation’s outputs are inconsistent when unknown variables are used, the equation is nonlinear. Nonlinear equations can take numerous forms, ranging from simple curves to complex pictures. Nonlinear equations aren’t found in the powers of one.

Mathematical Meaning of Consistent

In mathematics, an equation with at least one common solution has a consistent interpretation. Consider the following instances of equations that are consistent. Both x – y = 2 and x + y = 6 have the same solution. Similarly, we can call equations 3y = x and x + y = 12 consistent equations because they have the same solution.

A two-variable system of equations is called consistent if the lines created by the equation intersect at some point or are parallel. To be called true, a three-variable system of consistent linear equations must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. All three planes must be parallel to each other.
  2. Any two planes must be parallel to each other; the third should intersect one of the planes at some point, while the other should cross at a different point.

What does it mean when systems are inconsistent?

There are no common solutions to inconsistent linear equations. If the equations are graphed on a coordinate plane, the lines in this system will be parallel. Consider the following two contradictory equations: 5x – 5y = 25 and x – y = 8. They don’t share any solutions. 

An inconsistent system develops when the lines or planes created by the systems of equations do not intersect at any point or are not parallel.

Consistent vs Inconsistent Systems: What’s the Difference?

In mathematics, a linear or nonlinear system of equations is considered consistent if at least one set of values for the unknowns satisfies each equation in the system – when substituted into each equation, they render each equation true as an identity. If no single set of values for the unknown can satisfy all of the equations, a linear or nonlinear equation system is said to be “inconsistent.”

How do you know if a system of three linear equations is consistent?

To begin, use the coefficients to turn the system into a 3×3 matrix. Next, determine the determinant of the matrix. If the determinant is not equal to 0, the matrix is singular and has a unique solution. The mechanism is reliable, and the planes meet at a certain place.

If the determinant is 0, the matrix is non-singular, then solve the system using simultaneous equations:

If the system has three equations that are multiples of each other, it is consistent and represents a single plane.

It is consistent and represents a sheaf if the resolved system provides a redundant equation after elimination/substitution. The planes coincide at a point on a line.

When a system is consistent, it can be resolved to produce a collection of solutions, whether those solutions are in the form of a plane, a line, or a single point.

What is the best way to compare equations in linear systems?

The best technique to compare equations in linear systems is to count the number of solutions that both equations share. If there is nothing in common between the two equations, it is said to be inconsistent. However, it is said to be consistent if any ordered pair can solve both equations. If the equation has more than one point in common, it is said to be dependent.

But what exactly does ‘common solution’ mean? It means that even though there are many equations that do not have an ordered pair that can solve both of them, there is at least one ordered pair that can solve both of them, and hence the pair of linear equations is consistent.

A system of two linear equations can have a single solution, an unlimited number of solutions, or no solution. The number of solutions in an equation system can be used to distinguish it.

A system is said to be consistent if it only has one solution.

A consistent system is independent if it has only one solution. Consider the following equations: x – y = 2 and x + y = 6. Equation x + y = 6 has multiple solutions, but both equations have one solution. If x = 4 and y = 2, both equations have true answers.


A system of linear equations is a collection of two or more linear equations that have the same variables. If an equation system is inconsistent, it is possible to alter and mix the equations in such a way that contradicting information is gained, such as 3 = 2 or p5 + q5 = 7 and p5 + q5 = 8, which implies 7 = 8. The equations are part of mathematics and are used to solve problems. The linear equation can be solved using certain methods, which provide a certain kind of solution to the problem and makes the solution possible.


Frequently asked questions

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What is the condition for a consistent linear equation?

Ans: The equation is called a consistent equation if there is at least one set of values for unknow...Read full

What is the condition for an inconsistent solution?

Ans: If the system has no solution, it is said to be an inconsistent solution.



What is a consistent linear system?

Ans: A linear equation system with at least one set of values satisfying all equations. ...Read full

What is the consistent and inconsistent matrix?

Ans :A consistent equation system has one at least solution, and an inconsistent has no solution.