CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Geography » Elements of Weather and Climate

Elements of Weather and Climate

In this article, we will learn about elements of weather and climate. Here, you will also get to know about the different concepts which are related to weather and climate.

Weather and climate are the major atmospheric elements on the Earth. In easy words, weather can be the temporary atmosphere of any place which merely lasts up to 2-3 months. But, if we talk about climate, it is the permanent atmospheric condition of any place. It is permanent, which remains 2-3 years constant. Weather and climate play a significant role in the agriculture conditions, living style and industrial production of any place. They also affect the type of species inherited in that area. However, the herbs, shrubs, trees, and plants that grow in any area also depend on that area’s weather and climate conditions. 

Let’s understand more deeply about elements of weather and climate. 

Definition of Weather

Weather can be described as the temporary atmospheric conditions of any place, which last only for 2-3 months. It changes periodically by the effect of the sun’s radiation in any particular area. The differences in the distribution of the sun’s radiation lead to different weather at any place. For instance, in India, all types like summer, winter, rainy, monsoon and autumn fall in different months. 

Definition of Climate

Climate can be described as the permanent atmospheric condition of any place. It remains constant for 2-3 years at any particular place. The interchange of humidity and heat between the Earth and its atmosphere results in the climate of a region. For instance, the hot climate of the Sahara desert. 

Component of Weather and Climate

The components of weather and climate are those phenomena that impact both weather and climatic conditions of any particular area. 

  • Atmospheric temperature 

Atmospheric temperature can be described as the difference in the air temperature at different parts of the Earth. If the temperature of the Earth is high, it leads to hot climatic conditions in that area, and vice versa. 

  •  Humidity

Humidity can be described as a water vapour concentration present in the atmosphere. High humidity leads to the rainy season, and low humidity results in fewer rains. 

  • Amount of precipitation

The precipitation is rain, snow, or hail falling in a particular area. Higher precipitation of snow leads to a cold climate, and very little precipitation of rain can lead to a hot climate like in the desert. 

  • Air pressure 

Air pressure can be described as the pressure generated within the Earth’s atmosphere. This air pressure is also called barometric pressure. It also plays a significant role in the climate of any area. 

  • Wind speed and direction

Wind speed depicts the rate at which the air is flowing in a particular area. High wind speeds lead to a hot climate and autumn season. Along with this, the direction in which the air flows also plays an important role in the weather and climate of any area. 

Furthermore, other geographical factors which impact weather and climate are- 

  • Latitude
  • Altitude
  • Land and water bodies
  • Mountains
  • Geomorphology

The distance of the South and North poles from the equator generates variations in the climate of the Earth. Due to this, it is further diversified into sub-brackets. The list includes tropical regions, subtropical regions, and also temperate & polar zones. All of these places have unique weather conditions. What’s more? The actual height in terms of distance from the sea level, referred to as “mean sea level,” causes this diverse scenario of multiple weather conditions across the nations.

Variation in weather and climate:

Let’s understand some factors which lead to variations in weather and climate:

  • High and low temperature 

Disturbance in the temperature is the most important reason behind the variations in the weather and climate. As per the reports, from the 1970s, the summer or hot days become very high compared to winter or cold days. Due to this, the Earth is heating, and its climate changes to hot. 

  • Global warming 

Global warming is the heating phenomenon of Earth due to the consumption of harmful gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Global warming is the major reason behind Earth’s weather and climate change. However, researchers depicted that high consumption of harmful gases results in the melting of glaciers. The melting glacier also increases the danger of natural disasters like floods. 

  • Heat waves 

Heat waves occur due to the heavy consumption of harmful chemicals or gases in industries and factories. From 1960, the consumption of these waves increased three times every year. 

  • Depletion of the ozone layer 

The depletion of ozone also plays a significant role in the warming of Earth. Its depletion allows the entry of ultraviolet rays into the Earth. Due to this, the temperature of the Earth rises day by day. 

  • Deforestation 

The cutting of trees at a very high rate is called deforestation. The excessive cutting of trees reduces the level of oxygen in the air, due to which the level of harmful gases increases. It increases the overall temperature of Earth and changes the weather and climate.


After reading all this, we can conclude that weather and climate are different. Still, both are related concepts. One talks about the atmospheric condition and current zone. The other one talks about the atmospheric condition of a larger area and for a more extended time. Weather and climate are essential aspects of our environment, and a little volatility in it can cause an adverse change and affect that area’s lifestyle. There is a need for more inventions to counter the effects or to be able to avoid the negative impact of harsh weather and climate change.