
The article can be described as a word used to indicate that the noun is a noun without even describing it. The article is the part of determiners. Articles can be classified into two types: definite articles and indefinite articles.

The term determiner can be defined as a word placed in front of the noun to specify the quantity or clarify what the noun means. Articles are one type of determiner. The three types of articles are a, an and the.

The definite article

  • The word ‘the’ is a definite article. The meaning of a noun to a particular thing can be restricted by using definite articles. Definite articles can be used with single, multiple or uncountable nouns. 
  • A definite article is used when the reader already knows the person or the thing being referred to in the sentence. 
  • The use of definite articles can sometimes become confusing. But if somebody knows the basics of usage, then a person may have an idea regarding how to use the article and where not to use it. 

Rules of using definite articles are given as under: 

  1. Definite articles can be used for common nouns.
  2. Definite articles can be used to refer to specified person things
  3. definite articles can be used to refer to the things that are rare in the world
  4. The definite article can be used when the particular building is referred to.
  5. Definite article can be used with countable nouns
  6. Indefinite articles can be used to refer to the parts of the body
  7. The definite articles can be used with the expressions of time
  8. Definite articles refer to the family of things we regularly use.
  9. Definite articles can also be used before nationals of some country or continent

Where to use the definite article

  1. Before a noun

While talking regarding something that is already referred to prior, in that case, the article is used after that.

Example: I purchased another car. The car is over the top expensive.

  1. When the user is already known to the noun

When the person is already aware of the things being discussed, the article is used instead of describing things.

Example: Sara is beautiful, or The woman is beautiful

  1. Use unique nouns

A definite article is to be considered the universal thing. It is to be used with universal things like The moon, The Burj Khalifa etc.

The universal things are specific, and they will not change. Definite articles are used to refer to such things.

  1. Use superlative adjectives

Superlative adjectives are used for definite nouns as they can describe something unique.

Example: My mother is the best dancer on the earth.

  1. Used before adjectives as the nouns

When the person talks about some advice or duty. In such a situation, The definite article is to be used.

Example: Success favours courage

Here courage is both a noun and adjective

  1. Use the Proper nouns

Along with the proper nouns like name of the monument, name of the nation, masterpieces, mountains, The definite article is to be used.


  • India
  • The times daily
  1. Along with the nationalities

The definite article is to be used with the nationalities


The British ruled India for a long time

General rules to use the definite articles

  • Use the article for the things that are mentioned earlier.
  • Use the article something unique
  • By stating the statement of a particular person, a definite article is used.

Indefinite articles

Definite articles play an essential role in the English language. There are two indefinite articles: a and an. 

Use of indefinite article ‘an’ 

Indefinite article and is used at the beginning of every vowel. It is used when the word beginning with a vowel is used. There are five vowels in English: a,e, i,o,u.

For example: 

I would like to have an apple

In the above-given sentence, the word apple begins with a. As we know, a is a vowel, so UN is to be used before it.

Use of indefinite article ‘an’ 

The article ‘an’ is used with the words that begin with consonant sounds. 

For example, A girl was being chased by a fat guy

  • In the above-given sentence, there are nouns: girl and fat guy. Both of them are not vowels, and there is nothing special with these words. The indefinite article ‘a’ is to be used before them.

Role of pronunciation in case of indefinite articles.

Sometimes pronunciation plays a central role in the case of indefinite articles.

Example: He is an honest guy

Here ‘H’ of the honest is not a vowel. But we use the indefinite article ‘an’ before it because the pronunciation of ‘h’ is usually ignored while pronouncing honest.

Use of indefinite articles in case of singular and plural noun


I have an apple

I have a plate of apples. 

According to the above example indefinite article ‘an’ cannot be used with the plural form of words beginning with vowels. 


The term article can be defined with the word used to indicate that a noun is a noun even without describing it. There are three articles: a, an and the. These three articles can be classified into two categories: definite articles and indefinite articles. 


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Give some of the rules regarding the use of definite articles.

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Define the term articles.

Ans. The article can be described as a word used to indicate that the noun is a noun without even describing ...Read full