Rural Development

Rural development is believed to be of greater relevance in the country today than it was in the past in the process of the nation's progress.

Rural development is critical in the context of the Indian economy’s overall growth and development for the following reasons.

  1. A large proportion of the population lives in rural areas, and their development and contributions are extremely beneficial to nation-building efforts. Rural India cannot be developed if it remains backward.
  2. The rural economy provides drinking water, milk, food, and raw materials to the urban sectors. As a result, the rural sector’s backwardness would be a major impediment to the economy’s overall progress.
  3. Improvements in education, health, and sanitation in villages can aid in the prevention of many urban problems, such as begging, rack picking, and roadside slumming.
  4. Agriculture and related activities must be developed in order to provide gainful employment in rural areas and improve overall food production.
  5. The negative effects of brain drain and rural-urban migration can be mitigated by developing rural areas.
  6. The rural economy must be developed in order to better utilise unused and underutilised resources.

What is Rural Development?

Food security and rural development are ongoing challenges in many developing countries. The majority of the world’s poor live in rural areas. GIZ offers regionally tailored strategies to secure the right to food and make rural development a driver of economic growth based on years of experience and comprehensive know-how.

We provide policy advice to our partners on agricultural and rural development issues. Decisions are made with farmers and associations in mind, and organisational flaws are addressed. This is the only way to provide poor rural residents with access to land, water, loans, and training. In collaboration with academic institutions and the private sector, we develop strategies for increasing production and income in agriculture and fishing while minimising environmental impact and biodiversity loss. Simultaneously, it is critical to develop rural infrastructure and create market access.

Ministry of rural development

Rural development entails both economic advancement and greater social transformation. Increased participation in rural development programmes, decentralisation of planning, better enforcement of land reforms, and increased access to credit are all planned to improve the prospects of rural people.

Initially, agriculture, industry, communication, education, health, and allied sectors were prioritised for development. Later, realising that accelerated development can only be achieved if government efforts are adequately supplemented by direct and indirect involvement of people at the grassroots level, the emphasis shifted.

Definition of national bank for agriculture and rural development

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is a national financial institution in India with a balance sheet worth more than US$ 40 billion. Its mission is to promote sustainable agriculture and rural development through financial and technical assistance by promoting innovative, sustainable, and equitable agriculture and rural prosperity. It has formed alliances with other national entities, financial institutions, and non-governmental organisations to implement innovative ideas in agriculture, natural resource management, fisheries, rural livelihood improvement, renewable energy, and microfinance, among other fields.

Climate change adaptation and mitigation activities account for nearly one-third of its total disbursements. NABARD sought GCF accreditation in order to continue implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and programmes that are well aligned with GCF results areas, particularly food and water security, forestry and landscape management, enhancing livelihoods, and ecosystem services. NABARD intends to pursue low-emissions and climate-resilient sustainable development that mitigates the effects of climate change by leveraging its long-standing partnerships and experience.

Importance of rural development

Rural development is critical not only for the majority of the population who live in rural areas, but also for the nation’s overall economic growth.

Rural development is considered to be of greater importance in the country today than it was in the past in the process of the nation’s evolution. It is a strategy aimed at achieving increased productivity, greater socioeconomic equality and ambition, and stability in social and economic development.

The primary goal is to alleviate the famine that affects roughly 70% of the rural population and to provide adequate and nutritious food.

The secondary task is to ensure that clothing and footwear are available, that the environment and house are clean, that medical attention is available, and that recreational opportunities are available.

Objective of rural development

The primary goal of Rural Development is to improve rural people’s living standards by utilising readily available natural and human resources. The following are the other goals of rural development programmers:

  1. Agriculture and related activities development
  2. Growth of village and cottage industries, as well as handicrafts.
  3. Development of socio economic infrastructure, including the establishment of rural banks, co-operatives, and schools, among other things.
  4. Improvement of community services and facilities, such as drinking water, electricity, rural roads, and health care.
  5. Human resource mobilisation development.


A large proportion of the population lives in rural areas, and their development and contributions are extremely beneficial to nation-building efforts. Agriculture and related activities must be developed in order to provide gainful employment in rural areas and improve overall food production. GIZ offers regionally tailored strategies to secure the right to food and make rural development a driver of economic growth based on years of experience and comprehensive know-how. Rural development entails both economic advancement and greater social transformation. Increased participation in rural development programmes, decentralisation of planning, better enforcement of land reforms, and increased access to credit are all planned to improve the prospects of rural people.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CBSE Class 11 Examination Preparation.

What does rural development involve?

Ans-These include agricultural development, the construction of economic and s...Read full

What are rural development's goals and objectives?

Ans-(a) Promoting rural poverty eradication; (b) Promoting pro-poor planning a...Read full

What are the fundamental demands in rural areas?

Ans-Their fundamental requirements do not stop with food. They want roads, power, a well-functioning public transpor...Read full

What are the three most fundamental needs?

Ans-To survive, we need food, drink, air, and shelter. Humans can’t even survive without any of these essentia...Read full