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Programming Tools and Language Translators

Language translators like interpreters, compilers, and assemblers convert high-level language into machine code that a computer can understand.

You need to speak a language to have a conversation. Programming language is that which people use to write code. It is used to tell a computer what to do. As long as the instruction is written in machine language, computers can read and follow it. Language translators are used to make programs easier to understand when they are being translated. 

What are language translators?

These can translate a program written in one programming language into another. Language translators are also called language processors.

Code written in any high-level programming language is called “source code”. When you change the source code into machine code, it is called “object code”. A translator turns the source code into object code, which the computer can understand and run.

There are three types of language translators:

  • Compilers
  • Interpreters
  • Assemblers


Compilers turn high-level language code into machine code. Many things must be done at once when compiling. First, the compiler must turn all high-level language code into lower-level machine language, and save the object code to the memory.

A compiler makes machine code that runs on a processor. It is different for each processor. Compilers are also different for each platform.


Another way to get your computer to run a code is by using an interpreter. An interpreter is like a compiler, but it takes the code and runs it right away, so it is faster than a compiler. They are used as debugging tools because interpreters can only run one piece of code at a time. Translating all the code into machine language at once is done by compilers.

The processor runs the machine language that the compiler made. Some changes may be made to the code after it has been compiled. The changed code will need to be compiled and added to the compiled code.

But an interpreter, even though it doesn’t have to compile the whole program to start, is slower to run than the same program that has been fully compiled.

Differences between Compiler and Interpreter



A compiler takes the entire program and compiles it all at once.

Each line is translated by the interpreter and then executed.

It keeps an object file.

It does not save an object file.

Takes more memory space

Takes less memory space

Fast program execution

Slow program execution

Tough debugging

Easy debugging

Beneficial for commercial purpose

Beneficial for learning purpose


Assemblers translate a program written in assembly language into machine language. It’s like a compiler for assembly language. Still, it can also be used as an interpreter to help you write a program. Assembly language is a low-level programming language.

At first glance, low-level programming languages are more difficult to understand. You have to study assembly code carefully to understand it.

Machine code (also called object code) is a lower-level language that the processor can directly understand. An assembler turns assembly language code into machine code, which is easier for the processor to read. Usually, assembly code has many more lines of code than a higher-level language.

What Is the Difference Between a Compiler, Interpreter and an Assembler?


The compiler turns the entire high-level language program to machine code at a time. The interpreter translates the high-level language program into machine language line by line. On the other hand, Assembler translates assembly language programs to machine language. 


Compilers use it to convert code in languages like C and C++. An interpreter is used in languages like Ruby, Perl, Python, and PHP, while an assembler uses assembly languages.


The compiler translates the entire high-level language program to machine language at one moment. The interpreter translates the high-level language program to machine language by line. On the other hand, Assembler translates assembly language programs to machine language.


Language translators include compilers, interpreters, and assemblers. Compiler, interpreter, and assembler are different in that the compiler converts entire high-level language programs to machine language at once. In contrast, an interpreter converts high-level language to machine language line by line. The assembler translates assembly language programs to machine language.


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