State of the system

Thermodynamics state gives us the understanding of the variable pressure, temperature volume and entropy values of a system

State of The System

In thermodynamics, the system’s state consists of a state of a variable that identifies the variable set of values at a particular interval of time. The thermodynamic state has variable pressure, temperature volume, and entropy values. The determination of the values of these factors defines all the thermodynamic properties going on in the system. The prime motto for defining these values is to reach the state of thermodynamics equilibrium state.

The total specification of the system to state the laws of thermodynamics in terms of thermodynamic values is the state of the system. The remaining part of the system is the surrounding which is responsible for the exchange of the energies, which eventually change the properties of the element. The complete balance in the thermodynamic state leads the system to the thermodynamic equilibrium. 


The definite value of the parameters responsible for the thermodynamic state is variable values. These values keep changing with the change in any of the properties of the system. These properties are the state functions and completely depend on the state variables of thermodynamics. To understand easily the factors which create an atmosphere are the properties and the variable changes are the principle of states. 

All these factors are interdependent and continue changing to each other. To reach thermal equilibrium, the system undergoes an internal change at a point where each set of variables is in an equal manner. The system can change completely to a new state by exposing it to external surroundings. 

The process follows the change in the values of temperature, pressure, volume, and entropy of the elements. Some processes are reversible and can attain the previous state. But some process of the system is irreversible, and in a thermodynamic state, they are unable to reverse themselves to their previous forms. Some of the special processes attain both reversible and irreversible forms. Many of the thermodynamics properties have the involvement of reversible procedures in the thermodynamic state.

Properties of the system

There are certain properties of the system which are responsible for certain variations. Here are the mentions:

Macroscopic properties

The properties which have an association with the macroscopic system involving the variable values of different components are macroscopic. These values are pressure, volume, temperature, composition, viscosity, color, etc. These properties are the macroscopic properties present in a large number of particles present in the system’s state. The thermodynamic state and the equilibrium state has the involvement of these properties in a part of equal manner.

Extensive properties

This type of property in the system is where the values depend upon the size of the system. Here the values of all aspects depend upon the mass of the parts which are present in the system. An example of such properties is the volume, mass, energy, internal energy, etc. the value of these extensive properties depends upon the sum of all distinctive parts present in the system. The values of the extensive properties match to reach steady-state thermodynamics. 

Intensive properties

The intensive properties have a dependence on the quantity of matter present in the system. The intensive properties are the prime characteristics of the particles of the system. The intensive properties of the system present in each part of the system are equal. The thermodynamic state is the best example of the type of properties. This means each particle of the system has an equal number of intensive properties. Temperature, viscosity, and density are examples of the system’s intensive properties.

Concepts of the state

Some concepts of thermodynamics have an impact on the system directly and indirectly. These are:

Thermodynamic states

 There are various portions to state the laws of thermodynamics concerning various sets of variables according to the system. Many principles have the involvement of the system and its dynamics.

Thermodynamic equilibrium 

This deals with all the factors that state variables of thermodynamics with its complete balance. The system gains this by matching all the variable properties by time.


This is the most fundamental factor that affects the system’s state in many ways. The thermodynamic state and many other procedures change their values according to the change in the value of temperature. The reacting property of the elements also depends on the capability of the element at variable temperatures.

Work and energy

This is the final output for the work done in any system. The complete function is any state such as the thermodynamic state, and the other is to attain a final position which is its work done. Energy is the mechanical motion and the reaction of elements that undergo during the system’s complete procedure.

Total internal energy

The thermodynamic state deals with all the macroscopic properties, and the addition of heat is the total internal energy of the system. Due to this heat, the movement in the gaseous particles occurs, which are responsible for attaining the different states.


These are some basic factors of discussion about the state of the system and its variable aspects like thermodynamic state, equilibrium state, etc.  This information will help you to understand the topic in detail. 


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CBSE 11th Examination Preparation.

What is the basic factor responsible for the thermodynamic state?

Ans. The occurrence of a variable set of values in a particular interval time is the basic factor of the thermodynamic state....Read full

In thermodynamics, what variable set of values makes the difference in the state?

Ans. The values of temperature, pressure, volume, and entropy of any element affect in prime place in the thermodynamic.

What leads the system to the state of thermodynamic equilibrium?

Ans. The complete balance in entire parameters of thermodynamics with the average time intervals makes the system in the state of...Read full

What is steady-state thermodynamics?

Ans. The steady-state thermodynamics is when there is no change in the energy and mass of the system to the time.

What are the properties of the state of the system?

Ans. The state consists of three types of properties i.e., macroscopic properties, intensive properties, and extensive properties,...Read full