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Oxidation States of d Block elements

This article contains the study notes on the oxidation states of d block elements. In this article, we are going to discuss what the oxidation state is, how this can be calculated and how the oxidation states of d block elements vary in the periodic table.

Oxidation state demonstrates the level of oxidation for a molecule in a substance compound. Oxidation states are normally addressed by numbers, which can be positive, negative, or zero. An atom’s expansion in the oxidation state through a compound response is called oxidation, and it includes a deficiency of electrons; a decline in a particle’s oxidation state is called reduction, and it includes the increase of electrons.

M. Latimer established the idea of oxidation state in its present use in 1938. Antoine Lavoisier was the first to study oxidation, believing that it was the consequence of elemental interactions with oxygen and that the common link in each salt was based on oxygen.

The phrases oxidation number and oxidation state are sometimes used interchangeably. However, in coordination chemistry, the oxidation number is employed with a somewhat different connotation. The rules for counting electrons in coordination chemistry are different: Regardless of electronegativity, every electron belongs to the ligand. Furthermore, oxidation numbers are traditionally expressed with Roman numerals, whereas oxidation states are written with Arabic numerals.

Definition of Oxidation state

The amount of oxidation for a molecule in a chemical compound is demonstrated by the oxidation state; it is the hypothetical charge that an atom would have if all of its bonds to different atoms are fully ionic.

Determination of oxidation states

  1. An uncombined element has no oxidation state. This is true regardless of the element’s structure: Xe, Cl2, S8, and massive carbon or silicon structures all have an oxidation state of zero.
  2. The oxidation states of all the atoms or ions in a neutral substance add up to zero.
  3. The total oxidation states of all the atoms in an ion equal the ion’s charge.
  4. A substance’s more electronegative element is ascribed to a negative oxidation state.
  5. The element with the lowest electronegative charge is given a positive oxidation state. Remember that electronegativity is strongest in the top-right quadrant of the periodic table and falls in the bottom-left quadrant.
  6. The oxidation state of an element’s atoms is 0.
  7. The total of atoms’ oxidation states in a compound is 0.
  8. The oxidation state of fluorine in compounds is -1.
  9. Alkaline metals in compounds have an oxidation state of +1, while alkaline-earth metals have an oxidation state of +2.
  10. The oxidation state of hydrogen in compounds is +1.
  11. The oxidation state of oxygen in compounds is -2.

Trends in the Oxidation States of d-block elements

Except for the first and last individuals in the series, all of the transition elements exhibit different oxidation states. They use variable valency to signify varied valency in their compounds. The tables below provide some of the basic oxidation conditions of the elements in the first, second, and third transition series.

The s-block, d-block, and f-block elements have positive oxidation states (except for H, which has a –1 oxidation state as well), but the majority of the p-block elements have both positive and negative oxidation states. The number of electrons used by an electropositive element for bonding is equal to its positive oxidation state. The capacity of d-block elements to display a range of oxidation states in their compounds is a distinguishing feature. This is owing to the fact that, due to the very tiny difference in their energies, these elements can utilise inner (n-1)d electrons for bonding in addition to ns electrons.

As a result, multiple oxidation states emerge depending on the number of d electrons participating in bonding. The amount of s-electrons present is generally equal to the lowest oxidation state (except Sc). Copper, for example, has an electronic configuration of 3d104s1and an oxidation state of + 1 in addition to the conventional oxidation state of +2. Compounds containing fluorine and oxygen, the two most electronegative elements, have the greatest oxidation states. With the exception of scandium, the most frequent oxidation state of 3d elements is +2, which is caused by the loss of two 4s electrons. This suggests that d orbitals become more stable than s orbitals after scandium. Compounds with oxidation states +2 and +3 of these elements contain ionic bonds, but those in higher oxidation states are mainly covalent. 

In the case of the permanganate ion, MnO4-, the bonds produced between manganese and oxygen are covalent. Given the acid-base nature of the oxides, it can be deduced that a rise in oxidation state leads to a decrease in basic character and vice versa. Because transition metals have several oxidation states, their compounds in the higher oxidation levels are potent oxidising agents because they take electrons and transition to stable lower oxidation states.

Variable Oxidation States and Their Causes

The transition elements’ valence electrons are in (n-1) d and ns orbitals, which have minimal energy difference. Both energy levels can be used in the formation of bonds. They exhibit the +2 oxidation state due to the two electrons in ns orbitals while the electrons of (n-1) d remain unaffected. The increased oxidation state from +3 to +7 is due to the transition sequence of elements using both 4s and 3d electrons. In the excited state, the (n-1) d electrons link and provide the atoms with various states. As a result of the support of both ns and (n-1) d orbitals in bonding, the variable oxidation state occurs.

Transition metal oxidation state characteristics that are important

With the exception of scandium, the most basic oxidation state of the 3d series is +2, due to the loss of two ns electrons. This illustrates that after scandium, d orbitals are more stable than s orbitals. Ionic bonds are generally framed in +2 and +3 states, whereas covalent bonds are framed in higher oxidation states. The sharing of d- electrons forms the framework for covalent bonding. For example, in the permanganate particleMnO4-, all connections formed between manganese and oxygen are covalent. As seen in the table, the most significant oxidation state increases with the increasing nuclear number of elements, reaches its peak in the centre, and then begins to decrease. Iron, for example, exhibits the typical oxidation states of + 2 and + 3, but ruthenium and osmium in a comparable group form compounds in the +4, + 6, and + 8 oxidation states. Because there are fewer electrons to lose or donate, the elements at the beginning of the series have a lower oxidation state. The elements in the series have the highest number of oxidations. For example, Mn exhibits all oxidation states ranging from +2 to +7. Ru and Os have the greatest elevated oxidation state of any transition metal, which is eight.


All transition-metal cations have dn electron configurations, with the ns electrons always losing out to the (n -1) d electrons. The occurrence of distinct oxidation states characterises transition metals. The majority of transition-metal compounds are paramagnetic. The most amazing possible oxidation state, corresponding to the formal loss of all valence electrons, becomes increasingly less stable as we advance from group 3 to group 8, and it is never encountered in subsequent groups.


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