Law Of Mass Action

The rate of any chemical reaction is proportional to the product of the masses of the reacting substances, according to the rule of mass action.

Heat is the transfer of energy from a high to a low temperature item. There is no net transfer of energy or heat when the two things are at the same temperature. That is why, after a few hours in the refrigerator, a covered cup of coffee will not be colder or warmer than room temperature. Equilibrium is the term for this phenomenon. We’re dealing with energy flow in this scenario.

In phase transitions, equilibria occur. The net amount of ice formed and melted in a system containing a mixture of ice and water, for example, will be zero if the temperature in the system is uniformly 273.15 K. If no vapour escapes from the system, the volume of liquid water will also remain constant. In this example, three phases are in equilibrium: ice (solid), water (liquid), and vapour (gas). At a given temperature, equilibrium can also be established between the vapour phase and the liquid phase. There are also equilibrium conditions between the solid and vapour phases. Phase equilibria are what they’re called.

It’s possible that chemical reactions aren’t as complete as we thought in Stoichiometry calculations. The reactions below, for example, are far from complete.




In this example, we’ll just look at the initial reaction. It is impossible to have pure NO2 or N2O4 at normal temperature. In a sealed tube (closed system), however, the ratio is higher.

[N2O4]/[NO2] is a constant.

Chemical equilibrium is the term for this phenomenon.

The equilibrium of a mixture of NO2 and N2O4 is approaching. Brown NO2 is formed when colourless NO2 interacts. The colour of the liquid darkens as the reaction approaches equilibrium due to the increasing concentration of NO2

Of course, when conditions vary, such as pressure and temperature, it takes time for the system to find its equilibrium. It is critical that we identify a system or a closed system in our discussion before we present the mass action law. For all reversible reactions, the law provides an expression for a constant. The ratio obtained from the mass action law is called a reaction quotient Q for systems that are not yet at equilibrium. A closed system’s Q values have a tendency to approach a limiting value known as the equilibrium constant K over time. A system’s inclination is to reach a state of equilibrium.

Equilibrium State is a closed system

To discuss equilibrium, we need to define a system, which could be a cup of water, a balloon, a lab, a planet, or the entire cosmos. As a result, we refer to an isolated piece of the universe under examination as a system, while anything outside of the system is referred to as the environment. Isolated systems are those that are isolated from their surroundings in such a way that no energy or mass is transported into or out of them. Changes persist in an isolated system, but there is no  change over time; this is referred to as an equilibrium state.

A glass of water, for example, is an open system. By absorbing energy from the surroundings, evaporation allows water molecules to escape into the air until the glass is empty. It’s a closed system when it’s covered and insulated. The vapour pressure of water vapour in the space above water finally approaches equilibrium. In fact, temperature measurement necessitates that the thermometer be in the same state as the system being measured. When heat transfer between the thermometer and the system stops, we read the thermometer’s temperature (at equilibrium). Equilibrium states can be found in both physical and chemical reactions. In the sense that changes continue, but the net change is zero, equilibrium is dynamic.

The Law of Mass Action

The law of collective action is universal and can be used in any situation. However, for complete reactions, the outcome may not be particularly useful. The mass action law is introduced using a general chemical reaction equation in which reactants A and B react to produce products C and D.


 where the coefficients for a balanced chemical equation are a, b, c, and d. If the system is at equilibrium at a particular temperature, the mass action law asserts that the following ratio is constant:


The chemical species’ concentrations are indicated by the square brackets “[ ]” around them. This is the ideal chemical equilibrium law, often known as the law of mass action.


The law of mass action is a proposition in chemistry that states that the pace of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of the reactants’ activities or concentrations. It describes and predicts how solutions in dynamic equilibrium behave.


Frequently asked questions

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What is the best way to draft a law of mass action?

Ans. Using a general chemical reaction equation in which reactants A and B react to produce products C and D...Read full

Is the concept of the law of mass action an experimental one?

Ans. The correct answer to this question is that rate law expression is obtained experimentally, whereas law...Read full

What is the distinction between rate law and mass action law?

Ans. The primary distinction between rate law and the law of mass action is that rate law only considers the...Read full

What is active mass, and how does the law of mass action work in practice?

Ans. According to the law of mass action, the rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the product of ...Read full

Is it possible for a catalyst to disrupt the equilibrium state?

Ans. No, a catalyst is capable of catalysing both forward and reverse ...Read full