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Knowing all about analysis

Analytical chemistry studies and uses instruments and methods used for analysis. To understand chemical analysis and qualitative chemistry read this article.

The next stage in finding the formula of the compound is to combine the rate of creation of a percentage of the various elements present. The various methods for measuring the various elements are detailed in the following sections.

1. Carbon and hydrogen Measurements

In Liebig’s flammable form, these two elements are always measured combined. Excess copper oxide in the atmosphere or oxygen heats the weight of the compound. As a result, the Hydrogen and Carbon components are dissolved in water and CO2, which are collected and tested separately. The carbon and hydrogen percentages in the chemical can be determined using the formula below.

% C =1244×Mass of CO2 formation/Mass of object×100

% H =118×Mass of H2O formation/Mass of object×100

2. Nitrogen Estimation

The way of Dumas:

This approach can be used to determine the nitrogen content of any organic substance. The approach is based on the idea that when an organic compound containing nitrogen is burned with copper oxide, free nitrogen and nitrogen oxides, as well as other products, are generated (carbon dioxide, water vapour etc.). When nitrogen oxides travel over charred copper, they are converted to free nitrogen, and all of the nitrogen is collected in a KOH solution. The amount of nitrogen collected is estimated, and the percentage of nitrogen present in the chemical is computed using this information.

% N =2822400×Nitrogen volume in NTP/Bulk Compound×100

The way of Kjeldahl:

This approach is frequently used to determine the amount of nitrogen in foods and fertilisers. Although this process is less complicated than Dumas’, it does not work for all nitrogenous organic molecules.

3. Halogen Estimation

The way of Carius

In a confined tube, flammable nitric acid and a few crystals of silver nitrate are used to heat the known weight of an organism containing Halogen. The silver halide is composed of o = separated, rinsed, dried, and weighed silver halide. The proportion of Halogen is computed using the weight of the silver halide obtained.

% Halogen = Atomic weight of Halogen× Bulk halide of silver obtainedMolar mass of silver halide×Weight of composite mixture ×100

With iodine, the Carius method fails because silver iodide dissolves little in nitric acid and some iodine is created even when there is an excess of silver nitrate. Furthermore, the results for halogenated aromatics compounds are incorrect.

4. Sulfur Estimation

Sulfur is regarded as a dangerous substance. Only nitric acid warms up the organic molecule in this scenario. To absorb barium sulphate, the Sulfur in the chemical is released via oxide to Sulfuric acid treated with barium chloride. The barium sulphate precipitate is washed, dried, and weighed. The proportion of sulphur is computed using the heavyweight of the barium sulphate obtained.

5. Phosphorus Estimation

Phosphorus is a naturally occurring component of flammable nitric acid and is classed as sulphur. By adding a combination of magnesia, the phosphorus in the chemical is oxidised into phosphoric acid. Magnesium pyrophosphate is formed when the magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitate is burned.

2MgNH4PO4(Magnesium ammonium phosphate) → Mg2P2O7+2NH3+H2O

Magnesium pyrophosphate is measured simultaneously with the Phosphorus count %.

% P = 62222×Weight of Mg2P2O7 / Weight of combination×100

Classification of Analytical Methods

Analytical chemistry encompasses both traditional and modern wet chemical procedures as well as modern instrumental approaches. Classic qualitative procedures employ separations such as precipitation, extraction, and distillation. A substance’s colour, odour, melting point, boiling point, solubility, radioactivity, and reactivity can all be used to determine its identity. Traditional quantitative analysis is defined as quantitative analysis that uses mass or volume modifications to measure quantity. Instrumental methods such as chromatography, electrophoresis, and field-flow fractionation can be used to separate samples.

The majority of classical analytical procedures rely on chemical reactions to accomplish an analysis. Instrumental approaches, on the other hand, typically rely on calculating the analyte’s physical property.

Uses of Chemical Analysis:

  • As a result, analytical chemistry plays an important part in medicine since it can be used to determine the levels of components in the body such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and sugars. Analytical methods can help assess levels of harmful wastes in the body, such as uric acid, cholesterol, drugs, and certain salts, in addition to uric acid, cholesterol, drugs, and certain salts.
  • When forensic chemists examine abiotic samples obtained at crime scenes, they must identify unknown compounds and compare samples to known substances. In addition, we detect and, in some cases, quantify drug/regulated compounds discovered in human fields.


Chemical analysis is carried out by a group of professionals who have in-depth knowledge of specialised techniques such as infrared absorption, emission spectroscopy, electrochemistry, or gas chromatography, as well as a thorough understanding of the method’s capabilities. Other team members use it. As a result, an analytical chemist is not a scientist who measures a substance’s chemical makeup. To answer the problem, he now goes through two more steps in the analysis process. The first is at the start (issue definition), and the second is at the finish (troubleshooting). Analytical chemists can therefore measure anything other than a well-defined chemical makeup. For process control, you can determine that measuring pH is preferable to testing the finished product. The surface of the metal is more essential than the composition of the metal.


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