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Important procedures for concentration of ore

This article shares information about ores and what is concentrating of ore and how we can concentrate them.

Minerals are present as ore in the form of compounds with other elements. Ore contains a variety of impurities, including sand, rocks, and grit, which have been referred to collectively as “Gangue.” Concentration is a technique of cleansing ore by discarding gangue particles and other impurities. The procedures that will be used will differ depending on the metal. Ore concentration, also known as ore enrichment, is one of the most key steps in the extraction of metal from its ore, and is discussed further below.

What is an ore?

Ore is a mineral that is deposited in the Earth’s crust and consists of one or more valuable minerals. Ore is a solid material that contains minerals or a mixture of minerals out of which metal can be extracted through ore concentration and metal refining. Ores are used to extract metals efficiently and profitably. Ore may contain impurities such as sand, rock, and grit, which are known as “gangue.”

What is Concentration of Ore?

Ore concentration is the chemical process of removing impurities from ore such as sand, rocks, silt, and grit in order to extract the metals in their pure form. As we all know, minerals can be found in ores. We must first mine the mineral’s ore in order to extract it. Impurities in the ore must be removed before the metal can be extracted. Impurities, or unwanted elements, are found in minerals.

The ores are concentrated depending on the nature of impurity and the percentage proportion of that impurity to extract these foreign materials. By removing these impurities, we can produce a concentrated ore with a high percentage of metal.

Different Procedures For Concentration of Ore

  • Magnetic Separation: This means separating the ore and gangue using magnetic properties of either the ore or the gangue. Before being imparted on a conveyor belt which goes over a magnetic roller, the ore is finely processed. The magnetic ore remains on the belt, while the gangue falls away. Magnetic separation is used to concentrate magnetic iron ores such as magnetite, chromite, and manganese by removing non-magnetic impurities.

In this procedure, a magnetic separator is used. Two rollers and a leather belt make up a magnetic separator. A magnet is embedded in one of the two rollers.

  • Hydraulic Washing:The lighter gangue particles are separated from the heavier metal ore by passing the ore through an upward stream of water. Gravity is used to separate the particles. This technique is used to improve ores that are heavier than the gangue particles present in them. In this method, a stream of water is passed through crushed and finely powdered ore. Tin and lead oxide ores are concentrated by hydraulic washing.
  • Froth Floatation Method: This technique is primarily used to eliminate gangue from sulphide ores and is founded on the fact that gangue and ore particles have varying degrees of wet ability with water and pine oil. Crushed ore is combined with water to form a suspension. This is combined with Collectors and Froth Stabilizers. Collectors such as fatty acids, pine oils and others increase the metal portion of the ore’s non-wettability, allowing it to form a froth. The froth is produced by continuously stirring the suspension with paddles and air. The frothy metal is taken off the top and dried to extract the metal. Froth floatation method is used to concentrate sulphide ores of copper, lead, and zinc.
  • Leaching: If the ore is soluble in a suitable solvent, leaching is a common process. The powdered ore is dissolved in a chemical solution, typically a strong NaOH solution. The chemical solution dissolves the metal in the ore, which can then be extracted and separated from the gangue. Leaching can be used to extract aluminium metal from bauxite ore.
  • Traditional Hand Picking: This was the traditional way of concentrating ore directly with the hands. In this procedure, the gangue is removed from the ore using a hammer. Gangue is separated and identified based on differences in colour or lump form.


Chemical elements make up all of the materials found on Earth. Metals and nonmetals make up the vast majority of elements found on Earth. Ore is a mineral which is deposited in the Earth’s crust that contains one or more precious minerals. Ore is a solid substance that contains minerals or a combination of minerals from which we can extract metal through a number of methods such as ore concentration. Ore concentration is the chemical process of removing impurities from ore such as sand, rocks and silt. The correct method is chosen based on the metal’s physical and chemical properties. This article discussed important procedures for ore concentration such as hydraulic washing, hand-picking, magnetic separation, leaching processes and the froth floatation method.


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What is the importance of ore concentration ?

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